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Parish News Jul 5, 2024

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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How are God’s Grace and Sacrificial Giving related?

There is something highly enigmatic about God’s Grace. It is difficult to put one’s finger on what Grace exactly is, or how to even recognise Grace in our lives. Perhaps the easiest way to understand Grace is through the metaphor of the dewfall. You may recall that in the second Eucharist Prayer, the priest calls down the Holy Spirit upon the gifts of bread and wine “like the dewfall.”


Like the over-night dewfall, Grace is often only perceptible after it has happened. Grace is discernible when we look back and prayerfully/deliberately reflect upon our lives. We are able to recognise the moments when God has gently and lovingly invited us in a particular direction or placed a particular decision before us. Grace is that ‘thing’ (for absolute want of a better word), which nudges/invites us in a way which respects our freedom to choose how we respond.


In this vein, Grace is constantly at work in our lives, and never ceases to invite our freely chosen response. This    invited ‘response’ is always a ‘yes’ to God’s desire for our love and freedom – our love for others and God, as well as our freedom from sin and attachment to the things of this world such as money, power, and ego.

What is God’s Grace doing in you right now? In my experience, Grace often pushes up against things which I find challenging, such as particular relationships, my attachment to things, and my need to be in the right. I am also convinced that while I have my perceived needs – which often inform what I pray for – God knows me better than I do, and actively works in my life (through Grace) by placing decisions before me which invite my ‘yes’.

One of those Grace-inspired invitations/decisions we all have before is at this time is how we approach Sacrificial Giving. While Covid has somewhat disrupted our two-week preaching on Giving – with Fathers Joseph, Gerard and Francis   isolating – the opportunity remains: to be deliberate about how and why we give – not to the Church, but to God. At this time, I would like to invite your consideration on two different aspects of Sacrificial Giving: rate and volume.

When we talk about rate, we are addressing how much each person gives. Now while one’s rate of giving is highly personal, I posit an important question: does your rate of giving reflect an offering to God of your first fruits? In other words, are you giving God an amount that means something to you? Notwithstanding the beauty of the widow’s mite (Mk 12:41-44), and the danger of suggesting a specific amount, most (not all) people in our lucky country could afford a weekly gift of $20 or more.


When, on the other hand, we talk about volume, we’re addressing the amount of givers in our parish. Friends, the average age of worshipping parishioners is not yet going down. Our senior parishioners form the majority of our volume of givers, and so while we (the parish finance council and I), are deliberately looking at alternative sources of income for our parish that will assist in funding our Mission, it is vital that we grow our volume of regular (weekly) dedicated givers.

Today, I am inviting you to prayerfully consider a response to one or both aspects of Sacrificial Giving: rate and/or volume. This might mean a percentage increase in your weekly rate, or it might mean becoming an electronic giver (volume). By becoming an electronic giver through either a weekly direct debit or the Parish Giving App, you are greatly assisting the parish in its ability to plan and budget for our Mission. In making your decision, I gently invite you to resist the natural inclination of thinking, ‘What will I get out of it?’, but to asking the question, ‘What will my giving allow us to achieve as a parish’, and ‘Who will it allow us to reach?’


Friends, if you missed out on receiving a copy of our Annual Performance Report – which also contains a blank direct debit request form – last weekend, there are more copies available this weekend. I sincerely thank you for prayerfully approaching this important topic with an open heart, and I look forward to sharing the good news of our parish’s response to this year’s annual Parish Appeal.


Peace and blessings,

Fr Josh



St Vincent De Paul

St Vincent de Paul, Caloundra are very grateful for your generous and ongoing support.  There will be a winter appeal in the OLR Church on the weekend of the  27th and 28th July. Your assistance makes a real difference in this community and is greatly appreciated.


Annual Performance Report

In an effort to demonstrate stewardship of the parish’s financial resources, Fr Josh and the Parish Finance Council have put together an annual performance report. Please click here to download a digital copy of the report.



Looking to Explore God’s Word? Consider Bible Study Groups

There are multiple Bible Study opportunities on offer across the parish. The groups are guided by work booklets that offer questions and reflections.
• The new study for the Caloundra groups is called “Growing Older & Wiser” and begins in July after the school Holidays. To register interest contact: Caroline Kettle 0435 828 092.
• For the Hinterland – watch this space!!! Exciting things to come.
• Upcoming – At Kawana Good Shepherd Centre. For those looking for more, a course on the Acts of the Apostles will be offered over 10 sessions from 22nd August. This rich course is written by renowned Catholic biblical scholar Dr Mary Healy and is entitled “Evangelism/Acts of the Apostle”. A small donation of $15 is appreciated to cover resources. Sessions
8am-9:30am. You can register interest with John Manion at [email protected]


Position Vacant

A new paid secretarial position has opened in the parish office. If you would love to work as part of a dynamic team, have a welcoming personality, and have experience with computer skills and can work 16hr p/w, we invite you to submit your resume to [email protected]



Ladies Morning Tea

The next Parish ladies lunch is at 12 noon on 19th July at Golden Beach Tavern, 32 Bowman Road, Caloundra. All ladies welcome. Please RSVP by Monday 15th July to Linda 0429380979.


Save the Date! Bake Sale!

There will be a bake sale after the 9:30am Mass at OLR on Sunday 14th July to raise funds to help send the youth and young adults in the parish to Ignite Conference in September this year.


Term 3 First Holy Communion – Starts 16th July

All children from grade 4 or older and who have been confirmed are welcome to make their First Holy Communion in Term 3. The program starts on Tuesday 16th July, 5-6pm in the OLR Church.  The program concludes with the First Holy Communion ceremony on the weekend of 24th /25th August 2024. To register please click here to complete the registration form. Please note the form cannot be completed on your mobile devices. Any questions don’t hesitate to contact the Parish office – [email protected]

Registrations close Friday 12th July 2024



Kawana Faith & Formation Bible Study – “Lectio: Evangelisation/Acts of the Apostles” – John Manion

I’m so grateful that at an early age, I came to personally know and love Jesus, and had an appreciation for His Holy Church. I experienced Jesus’s presence and faithful companionship as my dearest friend. In my early twenties I invited the Holy Spirit of my baptism, to come alive within me, the same Spirit that rose Jesus from the dead. I was empowered by His love and gifts, and simultaneously encountered the love and forgiving mercy of my Heavenly Father. The distinctive persons of the Blessed Trinity became personal and real. In our bible study of the Acts of the Apostles, we see the disciples of Jesus, who also knew Him personally, but now experienced at Pentecost a radical change in their lives resulting in boldly proclaiming the ‘Good News’ and establishing Jesus’s Church on earth.

Come and join us in our 10 Thursday morning video & discussion sessions of “Lectio: Evangelisation/The Acts of the Apostles” presented by the Augustine Institute, Colorado, and Vatican respected theologian, Dr Mary Healy, who will endorse the teachings of the Catholic Church on this authentic Pentecost experience through references to the early Church Fathers, Our Mother Mary, various Church Councils, the live of the saints, current Papal declarations, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Come and rediscover your Church’s foundations and early history which confirms our primary call is to evangelise.

Venue: Kawana Good Shepherd Centre, Nanyima St Buddina, (opp. Kawana Library).

Dates & Time: Every Thursday 8:00-9:30am from 22 Aug-24 Oct ’24

Costs: $15 donation to partly cover bible study guide (only those that can afford)

Enquires & Registrations: [email protected] (Registrations limited to 15).



Volunteer Enquiry

We have a new online enquiry form for all volunteers in the Parish. The link is available here, or via our Linktree QR code under the ‘What’s On’ tab on our website. If you don’t have a computer, just call the Parish Office and we will complete the form for you. It is that simple. The form caters for new and existing volunteer, wishing to modify their volunteering.



Currimundi Community

Please note that the Thursday Currimundi Mass will now be at 9.15am. This is the same time the Currimundi Sunday Mass is on.



SYNOD24: I Am Making All Things New

In three months, the Archdiocese of Brisbane will hold SYNOD24: I Am Making All Things New.  This significant gathering of 150 people from across the Archdiocese will take place at the Holy Spirit Seminary’s Xavier Centre on September 6 and 7 and October 11 and 12. The SYNOD24: I Am Making All Things New Opening Mass and Closing Mass will be open to public with more information to be made available in the coming weeks.  Listed below are some answers to frequently asked questions:


Q:Who will be attending SYNOD24: I Am Making All Things New?

A: This gathering of the faithful will represent the full diversity of our Archdiocese and will include young people, members of multicultural communities, representatives from Archdiocesan agencies and organisations, representatives from social justice organisations and health care, lay representatives from each deanery, religious men and women from a range of orders, Clergy representatives and our Vicars and Bishops. The synod will be overseen by Archbishop Mark Coleridge with Bishop Tim Norton SVD as Chair. A full list of all those attending will be published in the lead up to the first session in September.


Q: Why did the Archbishop choose “I Am Making All Things New” as the scripture?

A: “I am making all things new” comes from Revelations 21:5 and is a reminder to us all to allow the Holy Spirit to make all things new within us. Synodality is about listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit in the stories, experiences and challenges of all those in our community so we can discern the right path to travel together. It is about listening with open minds, hearts, and ears so that we truly respond to what the bold creativity of the Holy Spirit is asking of us. To truly listen to others then means that we need to let go of our own agendas and even our hurts, so we are made new, walking together in the hope, joy and mission of the Risen Christ.


Visit for more information.


SYNOD24 Reflection On A Consultation:

Synod Engagement Team member Elizabeth Fort has been facilitating consultations around focus area (Decree) 8: Integral Ecology For The Sake Of Our Common Home.  Head here to read her thoughtful reflection on the power of spiritual conversations, even with little people.



Parish Car Park 

Please be aware that the Caloundra church carpark requires REVERSE parking. This is to ensure the safety of our children and parishioners. Thank you.

Wednesday Art Group

Jude’s Art Class is back on every Wednesday 10am-12noon in the Parish Centre (Egan Room). Call Jude for further details on 0421 777 508.



Know Your Faith

Don’t forget we have ‘Know Your Faith’ sessions, and Fr Francis has taken them on the road! With Landsborough enjoying the first session on the 1st Friday of the month. These are small group faith formation opportunities on a variety of interesting topics on a monthly cycle. Just a reminder where they are each week.
Wk 1 Landsborough Friday 9.30am
Wk 2 OLR Thursday 5pm
Wk 3 Maleny Tuesday 9.30 am
Wk 4 OLR Thursday 5pm
Put the dates in your diaries now and join us as we Journey in Faith together! RSVP is required for OLR sessions by the Tuesday before via the link below:

@olrcatholicparish | Linktree



A Year of Invitation

My Lord and my God, you never cease to invite me to know, love and follow your Son, Jesus.

Give me the grace and courage to be a channel of your love so that my “yes” to you becomes an invitation to others.

  I offer up my entire self – heart, mind and will – to your purpose for me. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Safeguarding News

The Safeguarding Commitment for the Archdiocese of Brisbane and Caloundra Catholic Parish is: Zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and strives to safeguard all who interact with its ministries & services. Special priority is given to the safety & wellbeing of children & adults at risk. In an emergency, please call the Police on 000 or information can be provided to STOPline anonymously.

Phone: 1300 304 550 Email: [email protected]

Our Local Safeguarding Officer
Judy Moir – [email protected] mb.0421 873 060
Or Brisbane 07 3324 3752



On the Journey

low-angle photo of lightened candles

We welcome Ivyrose Peate, Finnegan Kelly, and Coen & Hugh Tunney who will be baptised at OLR this weekend. We pray for David John who recently died, his funeral will be on Tuesday 9th July at 1pm at Gregson & Weight. May his soul and the souls of our deceased priests, religious and parishioners Rest in Peace.



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