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Reflection – Fr Francis Fernandes Oct 13, 2023

Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr Francis 2
Fr Francis 2

A big, thank you!


“I have my banquet all prepared, my oxen and fattened cattle have been slaughtered, everything is ready. Come to the wedding.”


So says the King in this Sunday’s gospel and so said the Community Life Team last Saturday.

The parish office would like to collectively say a big THANK YOU to all who made the celebrations possible! We note the special role that Janice Chilcott and the Community Life Team played in organising the event.

We also commend parishioners from the various communities who, in attending, represented not only themselves, but also their communities.

It would be remiss of us, were we not to thank Molly and the Syro-Malabar Community who decorated the church for their great First Holy Communion liturgy. Their leaving behind of all the decorations greatly enhanced our own celebrations. I think here of the balloon archway, the cherubs, accent lights, flowers, draperies and chandelier among other things.

We would also like to thank Holy Cross Funerals for sponsoring the costs for food and drinks. The pizzas, the cake, the sausages, the party pies and sausage rolls – they all generously rewarded those who came and celebrated despite the rain. I commend Allan Gerrard & Phill Ashworth on their impeccable barbequing skills as well as all who helped from the kitchen.  Thank you also the youth who helped with serving the sausages, onions, etc.
I know I have not named everyone, but I thank you all for your selflessness in helping to make the OLR feast a success.

In addition to the celebrations themselves, I was edified by the knowing that the celebrations were driven by the Community Life Team and the many parishioners who offered to share the responsibility. It is a testament to what this parish can initiate and achieve as it walks ahead guided by the strategic plan. It is a testament to a parish where everyone takes ownership of the goal of facilitating experiences of encounter with Christ, whether that be through
processions, praise, or… party.


God bless,

Fr. Francis

Take a look at our photo gallery of our 2023 Feast Day celebrations











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