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Front-Page Reflection Aug 30, 2024

Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr Gerard Photo
Fr Gerard Photo

Fr Gerard’s Front-Page Reflection

To be called “Father”

A blessed Father’s Day to all father figures on this special day! While every day should be an opportunity to appreciate our fathers, today we take the time to formally honour all those who have taken on the fatherly role in our lives.

I have cherished memories of my own childhood, particularly those moments when my dad encouraged me to face my fears—whether it was jumping into his arms from the side of the pool or riding my bike without training wheels for the first time. With Dad by my side, I felt protected from all the “scary monsters” lurking in the shadows and the fearsome thunderclaps on a stormy night.

Fathers lead, protect, encourage, and teach, and most importantly fathers are men that do as Jesus both demonstrated and experienced from his own Father; fathers love deeply and unconditionally. (Fathers also have this superpower at telling dad jokes and making us laugh, even though sometimes they are cringe-worthy). Jesus calls God “father” because at his baptism, as the Gospels tell us, he experienced    being a loved child of God.

In our tradition, priests, pastors and even the pope are called “father” reminding us of their first job: to love. Being called “father” by so many of you, it is my sincere hope that, I continue to grow into this vocation with grace, dedication and deepening compassion.

I recently experienced a gifted moment of that father’s love when 56 children of our community celebrated their First Holy Communion. My heart was filled with joy as these young men and women confidently said their “Amen”—which means “Yes, I believe” in Hebrew—as they received Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.

Let us embrace this sacred calling modelled for us by good fathers, knowing that, in every act of love and service, we make the love of Jesus visible in our world today.

With Fatherly Love, Fr Gerard


Children & Families

Children’s Liturgy provides primary school-aged children with the chance to encounter Jesus by exploring the Gospel readings in an engaging and age-appropriate way. Through activities, crafts, and prayer, children can deepen their understanding of the faith. They then return to the church to rejoin the congregation at the time of the offertory, participating in the Liturgy of the Eucharist. All primary school-aged children are welcome. Children’s Liturgy at OLR occurs on Sundays at 9.30am Mass and adjourns during the school holidays. Children’s Liturgy is available at Maleny on most Sundays on an ad hoc basis.

Has your child missed one of the Sacraments? Would your child like to know more about the Catholic Faith? The parish offers RCIT: Rite of Christian Initiation for Teens, for students in high school. Sessions are held in the afternoons at Unity College in Term 4. Contact us for more info.

Kingdom Kids: Holiday fun day for Kids. All primary schoolers are invited to a day of fun, faith and friendship at Our Lady of the Rosary, Caloundra on Friday 27 Sept, the second week of the school holidays. More details in next week’s newsletter.

Children’s Liturgy Volunteers Needed! We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help with our Children & Families ministry. If you’re interested in making a positive impact and sharing your faith with the youngest members of our parish, please contact the office for more information.

God bless, Julie, Mark, David and Fr Gerard




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