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Front-Page Reflection Jan 17, 2025

Second Sunday In Ordinary Time
Fr Josh Photo
Fr Josh Photo

Embracing Engagement in 2025 at Our Lady of the Rosary

As we turn the page to a new year, we are reminded of the grace and promise of fresh beginnings and new opportunities. 2025 in Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Parish has been designated as A Year of Engagement—a time to offer our resounding “yes” to the invitations God places before us. In Ephesians 4:16, we are reminded that, “From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” This scripture calls us to engage fully in building up the Body of Christ, supporting one another in faith, and growing together in love as we are led into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord.


Creating a Culture of Engagement 

Engagement in our parish community begins with small but meaningful actions. It might mean sharing a kind word or a listening ear with someone who feels burdened. It could be as simple as sending a message of hope to someone struggling with their faith or offering to pray with them. Engagement also involves actively supporting the vision and mission of our parish—participating in initiatives that foster spiritual growth, inviting others to engage in parish life, and contributing to the goal of living out our parish’s values by becoming more Christ-Centred, Joyful, Relationship-Centred, Courageous, Generous, and Authentic. By embracing these practices, we become visible signs of God’s love and actively contribute to building up the Body of Christ in our community.


Three Pillars of Parish Engagement 

Growth in Our Prayer Lives: A vibrant prayer life is the foundation of our relationship with God. As we begin this year, let’s commit to making prayer a more integral part of our daily lives. Whether it’s praying with Scripture, joining in communal prayer, spending time in Eucharistic Adoration, praying the rosary, or finding moments of silence to listen to God’s voice in Stillness, Silence and Solitude, every step deepens our connection with Jesus. Explore new forms of prayer or deepen existing practices, and let us approach God with open hearts,        allowing Him to transform us.


Serving in Ministry According to Our Gifts: St. Paul reminds us that the Church is made up of many members, each with unique gifts. Engagement calls us to discern how God has uniquely equipped us to serve. Whether you have a gift for welcoming or hospitality, music/liturgy, faith formation, service and outreach to others, children and families, or youth and young adults, there is a place for you in our parish ministries. By sharing your talents, you contribute to not only building up our parish, but also your own faith journey. This year, prayerfully consider where God might be calling you to serve and step forward with courage and generosity.


Increasing Freedom to Give of Our Time, Talents, and Treasures: Engagement involves a generous spirit—offering our time, talents, and treasures as a reflection of our love for God. Stewardship is a way of life that recognizes all we have as gifts from the Lord. This year, let us grow in this area by dedicating more of our resources to our parish’s mission. Whether it’s volunteering for a parish event, increasing financial contributions, or using your talents to support a cause, these acts of giving bring God’s kingdom to life in our community.


Responding to God’s Invitations 

Engagement is not about doing more; it is about responding to God’s call with a willing and joyful heart. Throughout this year, let us remain attentive to the many ways God is inviting us to grow. Sometimes God’s invitations come in quiet whispers, at other times through the encouragement of a friend, or even in opportunities that stretch us beyond our comfort zones. By saying “yes,” we allow God to work through us in transformative ways. At the same time, we are called to extend God’s invitations to others. Reach out to a friend, neighbour, or family member who may feel disconnected from God. Invite them for a coffee, to a parish event, Mass, or simply share your faith with them. Through these small acts, we become instruments of God’s grace.


Peace and Blessings, Fr Josh.

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