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Parish News Oct 13, 2023

Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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The Practice of Prayer


The Practice of Prayer – OLR Faith Formation Ministry Short Course with Fr Francis.

Thursdays 4-5 pm Parish Centre, commencing November 9.


Do you struggle with prayer? Do you struggle to connect with God? Do you know how to pray? Would you like to form a deeper relationship with God through prayer?

St Augustine speaks of a restless aching, a yearning for God. He teaches that prayer fills that void. There is a beautiful text in the Gospel of Luke that metaphorically captures the need we all have for prayer. One morning, after Simon Peter, James and John have toiled all night at their nets and caught nothing, Jesus comes to them. He invites them to ‘put out into the deep’ (5:1-7). They do so and catch so many fish their nets begin to break.

Will you hear Jesus’ invitation? Do you want a better understanding of how we can pray, and how can we sustain ourselves in prayer? Are you ready to ‘put out into the deep?’.

This Faith Formation Short Course echoes the invitation from Jesus: when we are catching nothing but our own emptiness, it is time to ‘put out into the deep’.

Fr Francis will lead us in an in depth look at prayer, and its practice, through the perspective of Ronald Rolheiser’s beautiful book ‘Prayer: Our Deepest Longing’. The book is available for purchase here. Some copies will be available for those needing them.

Join us at the OLR Parish Centre on Thursday afternoons from 4-5pm, commencing November 9th. If there is sufficient interest, we will offer Zoom access to those who cannot be there in person.

 Register your interest now






What a blessing it was to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation at our Sacred Heart Community in Maleny last week.

Congratulations to (L-R), Samara, Rock, Louisa and Tom. Special thanks to Bev Perry who prepared our children for the Sacrament.



Vinnies 3-day Plant & Book sale – this weekend

St Vincent de Paul fundraising event will once again be held at the Kawana Catholic Community Centre, Nanyima Street, Buddina (opposite the Kawana Library) today, tomorrow and Sunday from 8.00am– 1.00pm.

All proceeds go to assisting the St Vincent de Paul Society in continuing to support and give a hand up to those going through difficult times due to homelessness, domestic violence, high rents and general cost of living. Our Vinnies volunteers look forward to welcoming you.

Come and grab yourself a bargain while at the same time supporting those in need in our local community.



Morning Tea Hospitality


All welcome!! Morning tea will be held this Sunday, 15 October as well as 22 October after the Caloundra 9:30am mass. Please bring a plate (home cooked or shop bought) to help support the teams providing this popular hospitality.


Support Catholic Mission month


Catholic Mission offers you the opportunity today to partner with the
Sr Carolina and the Salesian Sisters in Venilale, Timor-Leste, where your gift can
help continue a life-saving program to help address this reality.

Life-giving work, prayers and your generosity are crucial in ensuring this Catholic Mission program can continue.




Ageing Wisely

Answer all your questions about the ‘grey years’, which can often be a difficult time for parishioners who navigate changing living arrangements, health and financial circumstances.

Free event, Ageing Wisely, sponsored by Holy Cross Funerals:

Our Lady of the Rosary Church: Thursday, 9 November  9:30am – 1:30pm 

For catering purposes, please RSVP names, contact number & email on or before Monday, 6 November by email to [email protected]




The Synod of Synodality

The Synod on Synodality Pope Francis’ initiative for the Catholic Church to collaboratively chart its path in the modern era, emphasizing listening, discernment and mission.

The 364 members of the assembly of the Synod of Bishops, and the 85 experts, facilitators and ecumenical delegates accompanying them, began their work in earnest on the 5 October, sharing and praying in small groups.

The theme of the synod is: “For a synodal church: Communion, participation, mission.”

As the synod assembly is month long and proceeds through until 29 October, its members are discussing the issues in the gathering’s Working Document in order, beginning with the foundational question of what are “the characteristic signs of a synodal church?”

Topics to be addressed later in the month include being a sign and instrument of union with God and unity with humanity, how to share gifts and tasks in the service of the Gospel and what processes, structures and institutions create a missionary synodal church.

During this month, we, the People of God, participate in the synodal Assembly through our prayers that delegates follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit during this historic meeting, the most significant one for the future of our Church since the Second Vatican Council in 1965.

For more information visit

If you’d like to join the universal Church in prayer:


 We stand before You, Holy Spirit,
as we gather together in Your name.
With You alone to guide us,
make Yourself at home in our hearts;
Teach us the way we must go
and how we are to pursue it.
We are weak and sinful;
do not let us promote disorder.
Do not let ignorance lead us down
the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions.
Let us find in You our unity
so that we may journey together to eternal life
and not stray from the way of truth
and what is right.
All this we ask of You,
who are at work in every place and time,
in the communion of the Father and the Son,
forever and ever.

For more information on the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops



OLR Carpark

Please note that the OLR carpark is having asphalt repairs done this Wednesday. Repairs to the south car park of the church will be on Thursday.

Please expect disruption and be prepared to park on the streets. Workers will be there to guide you. Sorry for any inconvenience.


Gloria concert

The Maleny Inspiration Project Choir will present its GLORIA concert in Caloundra, on Sat 28 October 2.00pm at the Queen Street Uniting Church Caloundra, and on Sunday 29 October  at 2.00pm at the Maleny Primary School Hall.

With orchestra and soloists directed by Kim Kirkman the concert will present Glorias from a wide period of time in western music. The Gloria is the 2nd sung part of the Ordinary of a Mass – Gloria in Excelsis Deo. They are chosen from the 8th Century with the Missa di Angelis plainchant to 1350 with the first written mass by a known composer to the height of the renaissance to Vivaldi to Zelenka, a Czech baroque composer.

Some music historians think this performance will be an Australian premiere. Tickets just $20.

Calounda –

Maleny –



Alpha has started!

Fridays 9.30am – 11.30am

Tuesdays 6.00pm – 8.00pm

at the OLR Parish Centre

If you would like to join us please email [email protected] for further information and registration. Who will you invite?



New Ladies Group

30-45 year olds—Egan room (OLR Caloundra)

6.30pm Great conversations with women, where we talk about life, family, spiritual journey, and all that matters deeply to us!

The Second Friday of the Month – 10th November, 13th December. For more information text Jill – 0402 742 920



Visiting Speaker on Divine Mercy motivation

John Canavan the director of Divine Mercy Publications, Melbourne, will be sharing his personal testimony of the impact of Divine Mercy on his life and his conversion.

All are welcome to attend at: Stella Maris Maroochydore 26th October 6-7.00pm.



In Transition

We welcome Reign McIntosh & Elle Cutler who will be baptised at OLR Caloundra this weekend.

We pray for Jim Cammell, Norma Hanley & Deirdre Tully who died last week. Their funerals will be at OLR on the 17 October 11.00am; 18 October at 1.00pm; and G&W chapel on 20 October 11.00am respectively.

We pray that all the souls of our loved ones who have gone before us and the souls of our deceased priests, religious and parishioners. Rest in Peace.



Employment Opportunity – Evangelisation Co-ordinator

Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Parish is looking to hire an Evangelisation Co-ordinator.

The role’s focus is upon the creation of an evangelisation pathway and the sustainable and coordinated implementation of the Parish’s Strategic Plan.

This role offers flexible hours (part-time), and is a leadership position within the parish in collaboration with the parish clergy and senior leadership team.

If you are interested, please take a look at the role or call the parish office for more information 5430 9390.



Ladies Lunch

Please join us On Friday 20 October at 12 noon at Wung Nam Thai Water Palace 38 The Esplanade Bulcock Beach.

Please RSVP to Deborah 0410531901 by Monday 16 October.



Our Lady of the Way Landsborough

Every Friday OLW at Landsborough have Adoration & Rosary at 8.00am followed by Mass at 9.00am, then confession. The first Friday of the month we have the Anointing of the sick. All welcome.


white cross on brown wall



Vote for Rosies- Friends on the Street


Rosies – Friends on the Street have been nominated for the first annual 2023 Caloundra Community Awards. The inaugural Caloundra Community Awards will celebrate and acknowledge the work within the local community.

Vote now to support Rosies for the category of Community Service and Support Group of the Year.

















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