Save This Date – Beerwah Feast Day!
Mary Mackillop Feast Day celebration is on Saturday 10th August following 5.00pm Beerwah Mass. We are planning a sausage sizzle followed by desserts. Tea and coffee provided but BYO for your drink of choice.
First Holy Communion
Please continue to pray for all our young children preparing for their sacrament of the Eucharist, they will be continuing with their second session this weekend.
Please welcome them and their families at our OLR 9.30am Mass on Sunday.
First Saturday Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Saturday 3rd Aug @ 7.45am OLR Church, Caloundra. You are all welcome.
Ladies Retreat – Date Claimer
This year’s Ladies Retreat is in the works. These days offer an opportunity to set aside time to encounter Jesus in a new and deeper way. If you are interested in attending, make sure you set aside Tuesday 20th of August from 10am-2pm OLR Church. More details to follow
Book Club
Friends, I will be running a book club on “What Happens at Mass” based on a book by the same name. It is a series which engages our imagination about what we believe is happening at mass, even when we do not see it with our eyes. In this regard, it is not an abstract study. The series will run weekly for six weeks on Thursdays at 5pm in the parish centre.
I will provide dates as I finalise numbers and place the order for books, so registration is essential. See Linktree to secure your spot!
God bless, Fr. Francis
Synodality Speaker Series – Sunshine Coast Event (Caloundra)
The Synodality Speaker Series has commenced with presentations on synodality taking place all across the Archdiocese in July and August for all members of the community. A range of speakers are presenting on Synodality: Our journey together, including our very own Fr Josh. You are invited to light refreshments following the conclusion of 5pm OLR Mass on Saturday 17 August. A One-hour presentation will then run from 6.15pm-7.15pm featuring Steph Unger and Fr Joshua Whitehead where they will address questions such as: How can synodality help us to work together as a co-responsible church on mission? How can we begin being a more synodal church, in our own parish and as an Archdiocese? As pilgrims of hope, let’s walk the journey of synodality together by exploring what the word “synodality” means, its history, and what it looks like to be a synodal church on mission.
Date/Time: August 17th 6.15pm – 7.15pm (refreshments will be served from 6pm)
Location: OLR church, Caloundra
Registration: via Linktree or call the Parish office
Ignite Car Wash & BBQ
This weekend, Sunday 4 August, our annual car wash and BBQ is on at OLR Church. There will be a $2 sausage sizzle after both the 6:30am and 9:30am Masses, with cars being washed between 7am–11am, for only $20 each. If you are able to volunteer to assist with either the BBQ or car washing, please contact the parish office or the Youth Team via cp********************@bn*.au
Please continue to pray for our youth. They are preparing their hearts for journey into Brisbane for their own experiences of encounter with God.
God bless, Felicity
Net – Live for More
Are you living for more? Young Adults of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Parish, you are invited to our NET Live for More Night.
The event discusses the theme above and more! It’s an opportunity for young adults (18-30yrs) from Gympie to Caboolture to embrace community, purpose, and the gift that you are to the world and our church. The free event will feature time to connect with local young adults, dinner, input, a panel, live worship and adoration.
When: Sun August 18, 2024, 6.30-8:30pm.
Where: Stella Maris Church, Maroochydore. 2 – 10 Church Street, Maroochydore
See you there!
A Year of Invitation
My Lord and my God, you never cease to invite me to know, love and follow your Son, Jesus.
Give me the grace and courage to be a channel of your love so that my “yes” to you becomes an invitation to others.
I offer up my entire self – heart, mind and will – to your purpose for me. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
On the Journey
We welcome Thomas Da Costa who will be baptised at OLR this weekend.
We pray for Adelina Cocci whose funeral will be 6th August 12noon at OLR and Brian Pegler whose funeral will be 9th August 11am at OLR.
May their souls and the souls of our deceased priests, religious and parishioners Rest in Peace.