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Parish News Sep 20, 2024

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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New Alpha Season – Maleny & Caloundra

Have you experienced the Alpha course yet?  It might be more than you expect.  Our next Alpha course starts in the first week of October.  This is your opportunity to discuss, ask questions and walk alongside others who are asking the same BIG questions about God, Faith and what that means for us personally.  Consider who in your life you might invite and accompany.  This time the course will run in Caloundra and Maleny.

Registration is essential via the Linktree

Caloundra: 6pm-8pm Tuesday evenings from 1st October. Where:  Egan room (includes a dinner)

Maleny: 9am-11am Thursday Mornings from 3rd October. Where: Pat Daley Centre under Sacred Heart church (includes Morning Tea)

Kingdom Kids Holiday Fun Day

During the second week of the school holidays in conjunction with the Youth and Young Adult’s team we will be holding a Kingdom Kids activity morning, this will be held on the 2nd Friday of the holidays 27th September in the Parish Centre from 9-12noon. The cost of the morning is $5, which includes morning tea. Please confirm your booking via Linktree or the Parish office and also let us know if your child has any allergies via our email – ca*******@bn*.au


Our Lady of Good Council St Vincent de Paul Bunnings BBQ

On Saturday, 28th Sep, from 8am-3pm, St Vincent de Paul will be holding a Bunnings BBQ in Caloundra to raise money in support of Give a Child a Chance Education Program. Come and grab a tasty snag and drink!


Whole-of-parish event: Date Claimer

Please mark your diary for the feast day celebration of Our Lady of the Rosary, who is our primary patron of the parish. We will be celebrating OLR feast day at weekend Caloundra Masses on October 5th and 6th with hospitality and much merriment.


Public Rosary Rally

We are excited to announce that on Saturday, October 12th, we will hold a Public Rosary Rally at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, starting at 9:30 AM. This will be part of the worldwide celebration of the 107th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun and the final apparition of Our Lady of Fatima. Fr Gerard will lead the procession, which will include the Exposition, Adoration, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The rally will feature a Multicultural Rosary, with different cultures represented at each mystery station, and will conclude with refreshments for all to share. We warmly encourage you to invite and bring family, friends, and neighbours, that our “yes” to the Lord becomes an invitation to others to share in this powerful devotion to Our Blessed Mother.

Save the date: Saturday, October 12th | 9:30 AM


Sacramental Program for Teenagers (Yr 6 – 12)

If your teenager is interested in receiving their sacraments of initiation (baptism, confirmation, and holy communion), we are running the Rite of Christian Initiation for Teenagers (RCIT) program in Term 4. All sessions will be run on Fridays from 3pm – 4pm, beginning Friday 18 October in the Unity College Chapel with Fr Gerard and Felicity.

Please register your expression of interest via the QR code for more details and the registration forms will be emailed to you.

Contact Felicity with any questions.



Hospitality is Everyone’s Responsibility

When we welcome visitors to our home, we normally tidy the house, greet guests at the door, and make sure that all are comfortable and included.  This hospitable

behaviour applies also to the worshipping community. Even in those parishes which have designated ministers of hospitality, everyone at Mass has a ministry of welcome and warmth to others as fellow members of the Body of Christ. This isn’t just a

‘feel-good’ fad or part of some trendy push to be inclusive.  The General Instruction of the Roman Missal clearly calls on the faithful to share charity toward all who share with them in the celebration.  They therefore are to shun any appearance of individualism or

division, keeping before their mind that they are all brothers and sisters to each other.  They should become one body ……..  There is a beautiful expression of this unity when the faithful maintain uniformity in their actions and in standing, sitting or kneeling.

In other words, liturgy is not a time for ‘doing my own thing’ or ‘my time with God’.  We’re all in this together! It is up to each one of us to ‘pay attention’ to those who are with us at Mass and to make everyone welcome.  Elizabeth Harrington


Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass

Couples celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary or more, are invited to attend together with family and friends, Saturday the 28th of September at 11:30am.

Archbishop Mark Coleridge will be celebrating the Anniversary Mass. RSVP: Wednesday 25th September

Email: ca*******@bn*.au  or Phone 3324 3030

The Cathedral car park will be available.


Safeguarding News  

The Safeguarding Commitment for the Archdiocese of Brisbane and Caloundra Catholic Parish is: Zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and strives to safeguard all who interact with its ministries & services.

Special priority is given to the safety & wellbeing of children & adults at risk. In an emergency, please call the Police 000 or information can be provided to STOPline anonymously. Phone: 1300 304 550

Email: AO*@st******.au Online:


A Year of Invitation

My Lord and my God, you never cease to invite me to know, love and follow your Son, Jesus.

Give me the grace and courage to be a channel of your love so that my “yes” to you becomes an invitation to others.

  I offer up my entire self – heart, mind and will – to your purpose for me. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


On the Journey

low-angle photo of lightened candles

We welcome Ruby Brady & Cormack Rose who will be baptised at Caloundra this weekend.

We pray for Rita Fernando, whose funeral was on Friday 20th September.

May her soul and the souls of our deceased priests, religious and parishioners  Rest in Peace.


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