The Parish office will be closed from Monday 23/12/24 1pm and reopen Monday 13/1/2025 9am.
See HERE for Christmas & Holiday Mass times.
In case of a pastoral emergency you can always contact a priest through the parish emergency phone 0431 099 854.
Fixing Our Focus on the Year Ahead
Where you fix your eyes is where you will end up! I can remember my Dad saying something like that to me, in panicked tones, when he was teaching me to ride my bike. As often is the case, this practical truth is true in our spiritual life and in our journey of faith. Where we fix our focus is where we will end up. There are many stories that bear this out in the scriptures, Peter sinking in the waves after having walked on water, being one of them (Matthew 14:29-31). As the year starts to get into full gear we have the opportunity to make a decision about what or who our focus will be. Life can get overwhelming once all the busyness starts to click in, so taking a moment to actively make a choice about where your attention will be devoted is important.
In this Year of Engagement our joyful of opportunity is to choose to engage our attention on Jesus the anointed one “the beloved Son” on whom the favour of God rests (Luke 3:22). Our lives can be a battle, and each day can feel like we are chasing victory – but it is in constant worshipful attention on God, regardless of the circumstances, that we win the fight. When the Israelites fought the Amalekites in Exodus 17: 12-14 the battle was in their favour when Moses had his hands lifted in worship of God. Tuning our hearts to continual worshipful focus on God fights back the specter of self-focus and the circumstances and creates the path for victory. Like Peter walking on the water, our focus is sure to slip to the wind and waves, but in that moment, we return our focus to Jesus who will always pull us up.
Ladies Lunch
The next ladies lunch will be on Friday 17th January at 12 noon at Brightwater Hotel.
15 Freshwater Street, Mountain Creek.
All ladies welcome.
Please RSVP Linda 0429380979 by 13th January
Parish Dinner Dance 26th April 2025
It’s been a while since our last big celebration. The parish is inviting all parishioners and friends to celebrate an evening filled with great food, entertainment and good fellowship. With the congregation now consisting of people with ancestry coming from over 24 countries, we want to take this as an opportunity to celebrate its cultural diversity and get together as single people of God. Let’s bring colour on the night and don your best frock. Mark the date and watch this space in the future for details.
Have you signed up? Why Flocknote?
Parishioners and visitors are invited to scan the QR code to sign up and register with the parish. If you have any questions, please see Father Josh, Francis or Gerard. Please note that if you received the old MailChimp eNewsletter, you will automatically be included in the new
Flocknote eNews group.
Click the link HERE to register.
Merindah Summer Camp 2025
A Year of Engagement
Lord God, I say yes to your will for me:
To live out my baptism in obedience to you.
As a member of our parish,
I commit myself to your mission of invitation:
To be vibrant like your Son, to extend myself in charity,
and to actively accompany people to encounter Jesus.
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen
On the Journey
We pray for all who have recently died and the souls of our deceased priests, religious and parishioners Rest in Peace.