Friendly reminder. There will be a get together tomorrow Saturday 18th January at 10am in the Egan room. This is for all current Welcomers/greeters from all centres. This will be an Annual event and if you have not attended a session last month or would be able to assist in this vital ministry we would love to see you there. Kindest regards from the Community Life Team.
Attention all Extra Ordinary Communion ministers of the Sick or Aged
If you are an extra ordinary Communion Minister of the sick or aged, there is a compulsory Annual Pastoral Care get together on Friday 31st January in the Caloundra Egan room at 10am.
The session will include, but not subject to:
Priest’s availability for visits,
Expectation of Pastoral carers including visit frequency,
Updating safeguarding,
Updating your Flocknote details.
I am looking forward to seeing you there. Morning tea will be provided.
As this is an annual compulsory session, please notify Vivienne on 0409 897 673 if you are unable to attend.
Invitation from the Parish LSCare4Creation group to join the 2025 Clean up in preparation for hatchling turtles and a practical way to Care for Creation!
Saturday February 1st. 6am – 7.30am – Run by the Sunshine Coast Council, Beach Clean-up locations (among others) at Buddina Beach, Kawana Beach, Warana Beach (north), Warana Beach (south), Bokarina Beach, Wurtulla Beach, Currimundi – Ballinger Beach, Dicky Beach, Moffat Beach, Shelly Beach, Happy Valley, North Bribie Island.
What is provided: Volunteer site coordinators to assist you to register and let you know the safety tips at your clean-up site. Reusable gloves and clean up bags for your use at each clean-up site.
What to bring: Sun safe clothing including hat and footwear. 8am – 11am – Thank you celebration at Coopers Lookout Park on the south side of the Kawana Surf Club. -Listen to guest speakers -Enjoy a free BBQ -Join the children’s activities.
Registration and more details at https://www.facebook.com/share/151dj15vSM/
Baptism Preparation Evening for Infants – First one for 2025
We wish to remind parents with children up to the age of 7, wishing for them to be Baptized, that the next preparation meeting is at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Caloundra, on Thursday 6th February 7-8pm.
At this short preparation meeting we outline some of the symbols used at the ceremony, answer any questions and confirm dates.
To book in for the preparation evening please contact the Parish office.
Quiet Day
Simplicity, Silence, and Awe
Encountering the sacred space in our own hearts and in all creation
with Kathryn Houston
“Meditation is a journey to peace, harmony and purity where we discover ourselves, and all creation springing from the hand of God.” John Main OSB.
Join us for a time of quiet reflection and sharing as we explore together this ancient form of prayer.
Kathryn Houston is a director of the World Community for Christian Meditation and member of the international guiding board. Kathryn has a particular interest in contemplative prayer for the modern world. She has led many retreats, quiet days, and workshops in Australia and other parts of the world and has helped to develop a number of resources for contemplative practice and living.
When: Saturday 15 February, 9.30 am – 2.30 pm
Where: Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, 5 Moorindil Street, Tewantin 4565
For any queries contact: Rosemary Howard 0418185608
Please bring your own lunch. Tea and coffee will be provided.
The World Community for Christian Meditation: wccm.org
WCCM Australia wccmaustralia.org.au
Faith and Formation Program
You are all invited to a “Healing Life’s Hurts” – Sr Miriam James Heidland SOLT
We all have hurts and traumas that we carry and can hold us back. Sr Miriam has a compelling testimony of healing and freedom from deep trauma. In this course the group will watch presentations by Sr Miriam over 3 weeks about seeking healing for our own hearts as well as equipping us to reach out to the broken in our own lives with the healing power of Jesus and His cross.
Registrations are essential to register or find out more contact the facilitator John Manion Mob: 0416 154 144 Email: jo***********@gm***.com
¨ When: Thursdays 13 Feb, 20 Feb, 27 Feb
¨ Time: 8am – 10am followed by morning tea
¨ Where: Good Shepherd Centre Nanyima St Buddina-0pp. Kawana Library
Parish Dinner Dance 26th April 2025
It’s been a while since our last big celebration. The parish is inviting all parishioners and friends to celebrate an evening filled with great food, entertainment and good fellowship. With the congregation now consisting of people with ancestry coming from over 24 countries, we want to take this as an opportunity to celebrate its cultural diversity and get together as single people of God. Let’s bring colour on the night and don your best frock. Mark the date and watch this space in the future for details.
Have you signed up? Why Flocknote?
Parishioners and visitors are invited to scan the QR code to sign up and register with the parish. If you have any questions, please see Father Josh, Francis or Gerard. Please note that if you received the old MailChimp eNewsletter, you will automatically be included in the new
Flocknote eNews group.
Click the link HERE to register.
Merindah Summer Camp 2025
A Year of Engagement
Lord God, I say yes to your will for me:
To live out my baptism in obedience to you.
As a member of our parish,
I commit myself to your mission of invitation:
To be vibrant like your Son, to extend myself in charity,
and to actively accompany people to encounter Jesus.
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen
On the Journey
We congratulate Mia McPherson & Leo Wagner-Jordan who will be baptised at OLR this weekend.
We pray for all who have recently died over the Christmas season – Desmond Teis, Maria Testa, Helen Blake,
Sue Brady & Marie Lane whose funerals were all celebrated at OLR.
We also prayer for the recently deceased John Dozzi, Margherita Pierantozzi, Georgina Powell and Shirley Gorski
may their souls and the souls of our deceased priests, religious and parishioners Rest in Peace.