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Towards a Better Kind of Politics Apr 22, 2022

Towards a Better Kind of Politics
Towards a Better Kind of Politics

Australia’s Catholic bishops have called for a shakeup that focuses the country’s politics on the common good of all, including – and especially – those who struggle to participate in the community.

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference president, Archbishop Mark Coleridge, said no one political party fully embodies Catholic social teaching. The bishops are, however, offering an election statement to encourage Catholics and people of good will to reflect on the good they can do for their community by using their vote for the good of all. Archbishop Coleridge said:

“We all long for what Pope Francis calls ‘a better kind of politics, one truly at the service of the common good’”.

A link to each of documents are below.

Towards a Better Kind of Politics

Election Kit Voting for the Common Good

Sponsors Of The Parish Newsletter:

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