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Ministry Update Jul 26, 2024

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ministry updates - during LENT
Ministry updates - during LENT

Community Life Ministry

Our ministry continues to work hard striving towards these Strategic Plan end goals:

Vision: We have a dream that our Community Life Ministry will cultivate a burning desire to belong within the Our Lady of the Rosary faith community by facilitating experiences of connection and participation. This ministry celebrates the gift of Jesus’ presence whenever two or more are gathered.

Outcomes we are working towards 2023 – 2027

  1. Each congregation celebrates belonging at weekend Masses.
  2. We advocate unity across all the communities of Our Lady of the Rosary Parish.
  3. All people who walk through our doors experience a spirit of welcome and belonging.

Major wins:  Viv organised a very successful morning tea to say thank you to all our Pastoral Care Ministers.  Two follow-up sessions were held for those who could not attend the morning tea, with informative training provided and assistance with compliance requirements.  Thank you to all who attended any of the sessions and all who assisted Viv to facilitate the morning tea and follow up sessions.

Future Plans:

  • A Thank you event will be held in the future for greeters from all Masses.
  • The Community Life team are available to offer advice on hospitality events for all Mass communities in our Parish. We encourage all communities to celebrate their feast dates.
  • We are also working on very deliberate and informative ways to welcome our new parishioners and help them to become a part of Our Lady of the Rosary faith community.


How can you get involved: Become a volunteer.  There are a lot of tasks requiring volunteers. We always need more volunteers to help with hospitality events, especially our after-mass cuppas, as well as more greeters.

Community Life team members: John, Elaine, Donna, Viv & Janice


Sponsors Of The Parish Newsletter:

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