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Ministry Update Sep 27, 2024

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ministry updates - during LENT
Ministry updates - during LENT

Worship Ministry Team

We had another incredible year travelling down to Brisbane for Ignite Conference – a four-day Catholic youth gathering. Our group included about 50 youth and young adults from Caloundra and Nambour, with many students attending the experience for the very first time. We enjoyed amazing rallies, inspiring speakers and workshops, prayer teams, the sacraments including Mass and reconciliation, and an incredible night of Adoration. One of the students experiencing this for the first time stated that this was the first time in his life he had felt like God is real. It was a blessed and transformative experience, and we are so grateful for the support of this loving community that helped get us there. Please continue to pray for our youth as they come down from this mountaintop experience and learn to seek and find God in the small ways within their everyday lives.

A reminder that youth group begins again for our high schools on Friday 11 October from 6pm – 8:30pm at Unity College.

All are welcome!

Felicity, Youth Minister




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