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Ministry Update Oct 25, 2024

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ministry updates - during LENT
Ministry updates - during LENT

The Parish Worship Committee 

Within the Mass there are four distinct segments that together make up the reason we attend every Sunday, but do you recognise them, do you understand why the Mass has developed this way, and how do you respond to them?  

Beginning in November the priests of the Parish will undertake to explain one of these sections of the Mass, why it is there the way it is, what it means to us as Catholics and how should we respond to the entreaty that each section represents in the life of being Catholic.

So, over the weekend of the 2-3 November, the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time and beginning at the end of the Mass, the Dismissal will be first addressed.  Why are the exhortations of the priest and the people made the way they are and what and how should we respond to that call made of us? 

The other sections of the Mass, The Introductory Rites, the very important Liturgy of the Word and the equally important, Preparation of the Gifts, the Eucharistic Prayer, and Communion, will be explained.  Why do we say the things we do, why do we variously stand, sit, and kneel throughout the Mass?

How important is it that we understand and recognise these very important rites of passage through the life of Our Lord and seen in the celebration of Mass.  What makes Catholic Mass stand apart from our Christian brethren?


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