Service and Outreach
For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
I was a stranger and you invited me in. Matthew 25:35
Recently members from our parish Service and Outreach team embarked on an investigative mission to Emmanuel City Mission – a day sanctuary for homeless and vulnerable people in Brisbane’s inner city.
ECM was founded 11 years ago by Roby Curtis as a ministry of Emmanuel Community. After a pilgrimage to Rome in 2003 to witness the beautification of Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Roby felt a calling on his life to serve Jesus through the poor in Brisbane. This call was for a renewal of the Church to become, in the words of Pope Francis, ‘a Church poor for the poor,’ and a place of refuge and safety.
Our team were inducted as the sound of piano rolled around the walls; a man lay sleeping before the exposed blessed sacrament – the Eucharistic host displayed in the monstrance on an altar in the main serving area. There was no question that Jesus Christ was present in this building.
A tour of the complex revealed an outdoor area with playground, a St Vincent de Paul outlet, chapel, prayer room and multi-level space as the ministry plans to grow their offering upstairs. Every day of the week and at no cost, ECM offer continental breakfast, hot meals, barista-style coffee, showers, laundry facilities and a quiet place of sanctuary to gather thoughts and relax.
Our team quickly got to work preparing grilled burgers and desserts. As everyone gathered for lunch, all eyes and ears were on Roby Curtis who addressed all as his brothers and sisters, re-iterating the importance of mutual respect and the standards of behaviour expected. He gave thanks to every volunteer and closed with a prayer of grace before serving commenced.
Visitors were blessed with a meal of grilled burgers, macaroni cheese, coleslaw, soft drink, with lemon cake and ice cream for dessert. The option of takeaways was offered after everyone had been served.
With doors still proudly open, this place of service became a place of worship at the commencement of a powerful mass presided over by Father William Aupito Iuliano. Together the community partook in holy communion and worship lead by Emmanuel Worship. The day concluded as both volunteers and visitors lay hands upon the parish team in prayer.
Our team have been deeply moved and we ask for your prayers as we continue to investigate the real possibility of renewing church poor for the poor, here on the Sunshine Coast.