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About Us

Our Parish > About Us

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Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Parish is a mission-orientated community seeking to follow God’s commandments. We seek to include every person in our community by going out, meeting them where they are, and simply inviting them into a relationship. Having invested extensively in youth ministry, our parish values the contribution of young people and young families.
Our mission is simple and taken straight from the Great Commission (Mt 28:19): “Go, and make disciples.”

We recognise that sometimes parish communities are perceived as exclusive clubs for Mass-goers who follow a paradigm and culture which says that if you BEHAVE in a certain way (i.e by coming to Mass), then you might BELIEVE what the Church teaches, and then you will feel like you BELONG.

We seek to flip this paradigm: BELONG – BELIEVE – BEHAVE. While our mission is centred on going out and making disciples/followers of Jesus, we recognise that helping people feel like they BELONG to a welcoming community actually precedes BELIEVING what the Church teaches and BEHAVING in a certain way by coming to Mass.

In living out our mission, we seek to place Evangelisation at the forefront of everything we do. Evangelisation is a big word which simply means helping others come to a personal, life-changing encounter with Jesus.

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