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First Holy Communion

Sacraments > First Holy Communion

First Holy Communion

Holy Communion, or Eucharist, is the last Sacrament of Initiation and often takes place following the Sacrament of Confirmation. The first time you receive Eucharist completes your initiation into the Church. The Eucharist is celebrated during Mass and is sometimes called the “source and summit” of the life of a Catholic. Unlike many other Sacraments, Holy Communion is not celebrated once. Each week, Catholics go to Mass to participate in the celebration of the Eucharist, the ritual in which, by the power of the Holy Spirit, bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ. We, who celebrate, are also transformed, becoming Christ’s presence to others, and recognising the presence of Christ in others.

For Catholics, the Eucharist or Mass, is the most powerful way to encounter the real presence of Jesus Christ.

If you are interested in receiving your first Holy Communion please get in touch with us by completing your information in the form below.

First Holy Communion


16 JULY TUESDAY                            Parent Information Night (OLR) 5-6pm

17 JULY WEDNESDAY                      Parent Information Night (SMM) 5-6pm

20 JULY SATURDAY                         Enrolment Mass – First Holy Communion

21 JULY SUNDAY                              Enrolment Mass – First Holy Communion

28 JULY SUNDAY                              Week 1 – Before/After Mass -Parent & Candidate - Belonging &                                                                          Gathering, Listening & Responding,

4 AUGUST SUNDAY                        Week 2 – Before/After Mass – Parent & Candidate - Giving Thanks

11 AUGUST SUNDAY                      Week 3 – Before/After Mass – Parent & Candidate - Reconciliation

13 AUGUST TUESDAY                   Reconciliation (OLR)

14 AUGUST WEDNESDAY              Reconciliation (SMM)

18 AUGUST SUNDAY                      Week 4 – Before/After Mass – Parent & Candidate – Looking Forward

18 AUGUST SUNDAY                      Practice

24 AUGUST                                       SACRAMENT FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 5pm

25 AUGUST                                       SACRAMENT FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 9.30am

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