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Our Golden Jubilee


The year turned golden for hundreds of parishioners from Our Lady of The Rosary Catholic Parish last Sunday, 2 October.


Past and present parishioners, together with students from the two schools, their teachers and families from the parish community, paved the way to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of their beloved parish.


The faithful gathered in their hundreds at Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School covered sports area in Caloundra to celebrate the Parish’s Jubilee Mass of Thanksgiving.


Archbishop of Brisbane, Most Rev Mark Coleridge, presided at the Thanksgiving Mass, which was concelebrated by Fr Peter Brannelly and Fr Tyrone Deere, as well as the Presbyterate of OLR Parish Fathers Joshua Whitehead, Valentine Elikeme Ntamaka and Francis Fernandes.


The General Intercessions for the Mass were read by parish representatives from each of the eight worshipping communities, celebrating the diversity of the Diocese.


Prior to the Mass, a blessing of the newly renovated Parish Centre and Rosary procession, kicked-off the special day’s events, where hundreds of parishioners took part in the procession despite the drizzle and cold weather on the ‘Sunshine Coast’.


Parishioner, Alice Gomez, said, “Thank God the heavens held off the rains. It was a beautiful celebration despite the weather!”


Following Mass, the congregation reflected on some aspects of the past 50 years over a cuppa, sausage sizzle and popcorn. OLR parishioners, parents, students and staff enjoyed a special day of food and stalls including slushies, free espressos and the major attraction, commemorative Jubilee wine, in honor of past parish priests, Fr John Egan, Fr John Dobson, and Fr Kevin Smith.


“Sometimes I find myself thinking about the thousands of people who have called Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Parish home over the past 50 years,” said Parish Administrator, Fr Joshua Whitehead after Mass.


“We have much to give thanks for in celebrating our Parish’s Golden Jubilee. We stand both on the shoulders of those who have gone before us, and upon the dedication of our own lives of service.


“It’s a year of thanksgiving for 50 years of life, love and ministry in Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Parish, but we also look forward as together, we plan and discuss our future as disciples going out to make other disciples,” Fr Joshua added.


Fr Peter Brannelly felt privileged to celebrate the parish’s Jubilee after serving as the administrator of the Parish for nearly four years before his appointment to Stella Maris Catholic Parish, Maroochydore.


“It is a story that connects us to our yesterdays, celebrates our todays and gives us a glimpse of tomorrow.


“It was a great privilege to serve as OLR’s Parish Priest in so many ways – pastorally, spiritually, socially and financially. We look forward to it providing a lasting legacy for future students to enjoy as a reminder of this year's celebrations," Fr Brannelly said.


The parish will also mark the occasion with a sold-out Gala dinner on 5 November.




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