Contacts & Links > Resources
- We take our responsibility for the storage of personal information very seriously and abide by the Archdiocese of Brisbane Privacy Policy.
- If you would like to view this policy, please click the link below.
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Our parish's local Safeguarding representative is Judy Moir. Judy can be contacted via phone or email: 07 5430 9390 or
The Safeguarding Commitment for the Archdiocese of Brisbane and Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Parish is: Zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and strives to safeguard all who interact with its ministries & services.
Special priority is given to the safety & wellbeing of children & adults at risk.
In an emergency, please call the Police 000 or information can be provided to STOPline anonymously.
Phone: 1300 304 550 Email: [email protected] Online:
- Safeguarding Office - The Safeguarding Office supports the Archdiocese to safeguard those who engage in Archdiocesan ministries and services.
- Safeguarding Professional Standards - The Safeguarding Office provides support, guidance and assistance to people who have experienced any form of abuse in a Catholic Institution in Queensland.
- Safeguarding Support Services - The Safeguarding Office provides information about a range of support services that may be able to assist you or someone you know who has experienced abuse or trauma.
- Safeguarding Incident Report Form - Use this writable PDF to report any unsafe behaviours or abuse to the Safeguarding Office.
- STOPline Report - The STOPline Report is an external service that receives reports about suspected abuse, misconduct or police breaches. Reports can be made by phone, email or online anonymously.
Our parish offers numerous opportunities for individuals to participate in the growing opportunity and need for the involvement of the lay people in the life of the parish.
The volunteer opportunities range from memberships on teams, working groups and planning committees or joining different liturgy or music groups.
If you would like to enquire about volunteering in the parish, please click this link and follow the prompts to complete the required information.
- Parish Newsletter - Recieve up to date information and the latest news about the Parish.
- Baptism Form - Enroll your child for Baptism by completing this form.
- Confirmation Form - Enroll your child for the Sacrament of Confirmation by completing this form.
- First Holy Communion Form - Following the Sacrament of Confirmation complete this form to enrol your child for the Eucharist.
- Marriage Enquiry Form - Enquire about getting married at one of our Churches.
- Evangelisation Brisbane - Evangelisation Brisbane supports parishes and deaneries in faith formation, sacramental preparation resourcing, children's evangelisation, prayer and more.
- Archdiocese of Brisbane - The Archdiocese of Brisbane is the face of the Brisbane Catholic Church covering all of South East Queensland and led by Archbishop Mark Coleridge.
- Volunteering Portal - The Archdiocese of Brisbane offers numerous opportunities for individuals to participate in the growing opportunity and need for the involvement of the lay people in the life of the local church.
- Centacare - Centacare Brisbane brings a Catholic perspective to the provision of support services to those in need.
- Catholic Early EdCare - Catholic Early EdCare is the early education provider of the Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane.
- Catholic Foundation - The Catholic Foundation is the fundraising arm of the Archdiocese of Brisbane. The Foundation was developed with a vision of improving future financial sustainability for the Church’s many programs, organisations and ministries.
- The Holy See - The Holy See is the Vatican's official website. It is the universal government of the Catholic Church, operating from Vatican City State.
- The Vatican News - The Vatican News has all the latest updates on Pope Francis, the Holy See and the Church around the World.