Parish Involvement > Worship
Music and Liturgy
Good music and liturgy form the backbone of most sacramental celebrations. Musicians and singers often practice for many hours before offering their talents and gifts in the service of the liturgy. No matter what your musical talents are, we are always open listening to you and helping discern where you would best fit in the celebration of the liturgy.
If you are interested in serving in the music ministry in some way, we would love to hear from you - ca*******@bn*.au
Intercession Ministry
What could be more fundamental and important than praying for the needs of others.
If you would like to be included in this important ministry - something which can be done from the comfort of your own home - please click here.
Have you ever wondered who prepares the wine and bread before Mass and who polishes the beautiful silver and gold chalices? The sacristan is a vital part of the celebration of Mass, ensuring that everything is set up and ready to go.
If you would to learn more about being a sacristan, please contact the parish office - ca*******@bn*.au
Our Lady of the Rosary church cleaning
Not all ministries are glamorous and 'front of the house' but keeping our church clean is among the most important.
If you are able to assist in the cleaning roster, please contact the Parish office - ca*******@bn*.au