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Ministry Areas

Our Parish > Ministry Areas

Strategic Plan - 2023 - 2027

Children & Families

We have a dream that our Children and Families ministry will provide opportunities to connect, create, and cultivate relationships with all children and their families. This ministry will seek to develop a culture of welcome from within the parish community, so that everyone feels they belong however messy, noisy, or lively.

Youth & Young Adults

We have a dream that our Youth and Young Adult Ministry will provide young people with the opportunity to encounter Jesus through prayer, worship, the sacraments, and in one another, as we create safe spaces that cultivate friendship and connection.

Faith & Formation

We have a dream that our Faith and Formation ministry will lead, guide, and facilitate the development of faith and discipleship in all adult parishioners through providing opportunities for accompaniment, formation experiences, and occasions of open dialogue.


We have a dream that our parish Worship Ministry will draw people into a personal relationship with Jesus through nourishing worship opportunities, enhanced by excellent music ministry, inspiring preaching, and engaging environments.

Community Life

We have a dream that our Community Life ministry will cultivate a greater desire to belong within the OLR faith community by facilitating experiences of connection and participation. This ministry celebrates the gift of Jesus’ presence whenever two or more are gathered.

Service & Outreach

We have a dream that our Service and Outreach ministry will show Jesus’ radical love to those in the community who may feel marginalised, disconnected, and vulnerable. This ministry will facilitate opportunities, for those within the community, to be the hands and feet of Jesus to people in need.

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07 5430 9390

EMAIL: ca*******@bn*.au

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