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Discipleship Pathways

Parish Involvement > Formation Discipleship

We have a pathway of events in faith education and exploration that support people to become disciples.

The Faith Formation Team has many new discipleship initiatives planned. These include:


  • Providing annual sacramental support (e.g. RCIA, marriage prep/marriage courses)
  • Running a monthly Catholic book club by 2024
  • Develop an apologetics study group by 2025
  • Run annual bible study programs & catechesis events
  • Accessing and Integrating Evangelisation Brisbane theology / Adult Faith Formation opportunities

The Church strives to make the journey to becoming a Catholic as straightforward and informative as possible. If you are interested or curious, please contact the Parish office so that the community can share their faith with you and pray for you. You are also welcome to begin attending Mass and getting to know your parish community.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Children – RCIC
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Children is the process for children, 7 to 8 years, and wish to enter the Catholic Church.  This process allows children to better understand what it means to know and love God.  Through a series of parish-based activities, they will also learn about what it means to be Catholic, how to develop their relationship with God, and to identify themselves as children of God. 

Crossroads adapts the principles of RCIA in a way that is age-appropriate for young people across two age groups: 9 to 12 years and 13 to 16 years. 

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults – RCIA
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a journey of faith which passes through a number of different phases and focuses on conversion of heart and mind to Christ. It is a gradual and personal journey tailored to the needs of the individual seeking full Communion with God.

For further details and to register interest in one of the above programs please visit:

Explaining and defending the Faith is the duty of every Catholic. Learn from some of the best minds in Catholic apologetics and take your knowledge to the next level.


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