Service & Outreach
Parish Involvement > Service & Outreach
Service & Outreach
We have a dream that our Service and Outreach ministry will show Jesus’ radical love to those in the wider community who may feel marginalised, disconnected, and vulnerable . The ministry facilitates opportunities, for those within the community, to be the hands and feet of Jesus to people in need. What ever your calling, talents and skills there is a place you can contribute and bless those in our community in need of support. Please read further to find out how you can be involved.
If you are in need of support, our team would love to connect with you and find out how we can help. Please click the "Request Assistance from our Team" button below, complete the assistance form, and our team will be in contact as soon as possible. 🙂
Whatever you did For one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine,
you did For me
Matthew 25:35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat ....
As part of being a vibrant community our Parish runs regular food drives and a cooking ministry to prepare nutrious and healthy meals for the people of our parish and region who are struggling to provide meals for themselves. The meals are cooked in partnership with Unity college by parish volunteers and students at Unity College's school kitchen under the supervision of the Food Technology and Hospitality teacher.
We invite you to donate non-perishable items e.g: pasta, rice, tomato base sauces or any cooking sauces, chickpeas, lentils, canned soup, curry powder, stock, gravy powder, coconut cream, canned vegetables, garlic or ginger mince in jars. These items can be placed in the blue donation baskets at the back of the church. We also purchase fresh products so if you prefer to donate cash, this can also be placed in the collection or dropped to the parish office in an envelope clearly marked with "food drive".
Thank you for your generosity and support.
If you would like to volunteer by cooking for this worthy cause, please complete the Join the Volunteer Team form and select The "Community Cooking" option to get started.
If you would like to request assistance from our Community Cooking Ministry please complete the Assistance Request form selecting the "Community Cooking" assistance option.
Matthew 25:35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat ....
In the Bible, Jesus is often portrayed as eating and drinking with others and for that reason, hospitality and generosity are the two hallmarks of Christian living. In our culture, coffee and sharing a drink with someone helps to form points of connection and growth of friendships.
If you would like to be part of a motivated team who organise and provide hospitality at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, please complete our "Join the Volunteer Team" form and select Hospitality Group and/or button to get started.
Matthew 25:36 When I was sick you ministered to me ....
While we celebrate Mass regularly in this parish, there are many who, due to health, mobility or transport challenges, are unable to join the celebration. St Paul calls us to be the Body of Christ - that means we need to be diligent in remembering those who, while remaining faithful, are not with us.
Every week, women and men from across the parish take the Body of our Lord to the sick and housebound but we are always looking for more. If you would like to join the team to assist please complete the Join the Volunteer Team form selecting "Communion and Ministry to the Sick or Housebound" option.
If you would like to receive Communion to the sick or Housebound please complete the Assistance Request form selecting "Receive Communion / Ministry to the Sick and Housebound" it in the assistance options.
Psalm 147:3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds
OLR holds bi-monthly Grief Support Mass for all parishioners followed by morning tea. Major life changes or events may cause severe emotional distress. If the Grief Support team can be of confidential assistance, please contact the parish office or email Kath or click the assistance request button below to ask for assistance. ol**********@gm***.com
Alternatively complete the Assistance Request form selecting "Grief Support Ministry" it in the assistance options.
If you would like to join as a volunteer on the grief support team please complete the Join the Volunteer Team form selecting the "Grief Support" option.
“The strongest hand of true friendship is charity; the exercise of charity is the practice of good works."
Our Parish has several St Vincent de Paul conferences operated by groups of volunteers who give up their time to serve the poor and needy in our community via home visitations and in Vinnies shops. If you would like to be part of this noble cause, contact your nearest conference.
Kawana Conference - home visitation: Call Kevin Yates (07) 5477 6237
Our Lady of Good Counsel Conference, Caloundra - providing centre-based assistance from the St. Vincent De Paul Family Support Centre, Mayes Ave, Caloundra (at the rear of Vinnies second hand shop). Call 54595290 Email: ol******@sv*****.au
Volunteering in the Caloundra Vinnies second hand shop: (07) 5491 2800
OLR Conference - home visitation: call Bruce Franklin 0487 361 200
Volunteering in the Landsborough shop: (07) 5494 8935
Landsborough Conference - home visitation: call Justin Neubecker 0438 185 177
Maleny Conference - home visitation: Moya Pullinger 0405 061 018
"Genesis 2:5 The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend to it and take care of it.”
The Parish Lawn and Garden care group helps with the upkeep of our Parish Church grounds across our region aiming to make our Churches are a true reflection of the thriving Garden of Eden. This ministry also ties into our Parish Laudato Si' Ecology Care and Creation group to ensure we are caring for and upkeeping our common home.
In addition to the parish services, we also aim to provide this service as a supplement for those in our Parish in difficult circumstances who may need assistance with their own lawns and gardens and for specific community environment projects.
If you have a green thumb or handy behind a mower we would love to have you join our team. Please complete the Join the Volunteer Team form selecting the "Lawn Mowing and Gardening" option
Matthew 6:25-34 "God loves and cares for all of creation.”
The LAUDATO SI' ACTION GROUP (LSAG) seeks to respond to the call of Pope Francis in his 2015 encyclical, subtitled “On care for our common home” and to his 2023 Apostolic Exhortation, Laudate Deum “To all people of good will on the climate crisis. ”
Pope Francis calls on us to embrace the notion of integral ecology. He challenges us to hear the cries of the earth and the cries of the poor as one. He critiques consumerism and irresponsible development, laments environmental degradation and global warming, and calls on us to respond concretely by taking “swift and unified global action…..Let us be renewed by God’s mercy…and let us become agents of this mercy, channels through which God can water the earth, protect all creation and make justice and peace flourish.”
In Laudate Deum, Pope Francis sets out again the urgent need for world action and cooperation as responses so far have been inadequate.
The Archdiocese of Brisbane has launched its own plan that will help Parishes journey towards greater love for our Creator, each other, and the home we share. And in doing this the Archdiocese of Brisbane has made a strong commitment to take action to embrace Pope Francis’ vision of integral ecology. With the help of the Archdiocese, the LSAG works to implement our own Parish plan for education and action.
To receive more information about LSAG, visit our LSAG site here. Or to join the team complete our Volunteer Signup page and select the "Ecological Care and Creation" option.
We know that we will not be ‘fully the Church that Jesus wants’ us to be until Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have made their contribution to the life of the Church and “until that contribution has been joyfully received by others within the Church." Pope John Paul II
With the assistance of Archdiocesan RAP resources, the Reconciliation Action Group seeks:
(1) To build respectful relationships with Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander peoples;
(2) To gain an understanding and appreciation of the effects of racism (systemic and casual);
(3) To acknowledge historical impacts of colonialisation on contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;
(4) To identify opportunities to build new pathways to address this through a series of activities and learning opportunities.
To receive more information Please visit our Reconciliation Action Group page or complete theVolunteer Signup Form and select the "Reconcilation Action Group" option.
James 5:16 The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective
Personal Prayer is an in-person ministry offered for individuals of all backgrounds who are seeking focused spiritual help to overcome life’s hurts in a gentle and compassionate manner.
Prayer ministers are lay people who have received training in this area and give of their time freely. It is a ministry of compassion that relies on the healing power of God and the Holy Spirit.
Once a appointment request is made the prayer ministry team will be in contact to arrange a meeting time and provide additional information regarding the session. There is no cost for prayer appointments but donations are most welcome.
For enquiries and personal prayer appointments please complete the Assistance Request form selecting the "Personal Prayer" assistance option.
Exodus 23:20 Behold, I am going to send an angel before you to guard you along the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared.
We understand that sometimes lack of transport can make it difficult to attend church services and events in person. To help ease this burden, we have volunteer team who assist with transportation.
If you would like to volunteer as a driver, please complete the Join the Volunteer Team form and select The "Transport Ministry" option to get started.
If you would like to request assistance with Transportation to/from Church please complete the Assistance Request form selecting the "Transport Ministry" assistance option.