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Community Involvement

Parish Involvement > Community Involvement

our community is built up by people just like you

Our parish has organised groups that seek to meet the unique needs of the community that we serve. 


Alpha is our primary tool for evangelisation - sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Alpha is a meal, a movie and a discussion over ten weeks and provides the environment and community in which people encounter the person of Jesus. While there are many opportunities to serve on Alpha, we invite you to first complete an Alpha course as a participant.

For more information or to register for our next Alpha, please email our coordinator, Jacinta Elks - al*********@gm***.com

The Alpha Australia Website also has some great information and digital resources here.

             Jacinta Elks
Jacinta Elks

Kingdom Youth

Kingdom Youth is for high schoolers from Grades 7 – 12. The group meets every Friday night during school terms from 6pm at Unity College. These evenings are opportunities to hang out and explore the faith, share in a meal together, listen to music, build friendships, and more. Faith is a journey that isn’t taken alone – we are here to grow with you! If you’re interested in coming along, email our youth minister Felicity via ki**********@bn*.au or reach out to us on Instagram @kingdom.caloundra

Felicity Jones
Felicity Jones

Kingdom YA

Perhaps more than anyone, young adults need others walking beside them as they navigate faith and life. Our young adults meet regularly in our parish to share life together. Each week has a different focus, consisting of a social events, testimony sharing and worship, delving into various faith topics, and more.

Kath Ball, supported by Felicity, assists in coordinating this group and they would love to hear from you. Contact us via ki**********@bn*.au or call Kath directly on 0418 187 914.

Kath Ball
Kath Ball

Journey Closer to God Men's Group

Caloundra Men's Group: Currently meets weekly for a Lenten focus in the Adult Education Room at the rear of OLR Church. After Easter the men will continue to meet in the same venue on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday morning of each month. All meetings run from 10:30 - 12:00. For more information, email John Manion: jo********@op******.au


Kawana Men's Group: Currently meet weekly until Easter week and then revert to meeting on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month. All meetings are held at the Good Shepherd Centre, Nanyima St Buddina, directly opposite Kawana Library and Centrelink. All meetings run from 10am - 11:30am. For more information, email John Manion: jo********@op******.au

John Manion
John Manion

Women’s Prayer and Friendship Group

The women’s prayer and friendship group meet on a Tuesday at 9.30 in the OLR Parish Centre next to the Parish Office. Women come together to share morning tea and fellowship then we have a short bible study discussion. We conclude by 10.45am with prayer. No need to commit to attend every week. Come whenever you are able. Everyone is most welcome.

Contact Vivienne 0409897673

Parish Bible Study Groups

We have two Bible study groups operating in the Caloundra central area, one in Landsborough and one in Kawana.

All groups offer hospitality so that people get a chance to know one another better.

If you are interested in being part of a Bible study group, please contact Caroline Kettle 0435 828 092

Vivienne Cooper
Vivienne Cooper
Caroline Kettle
Caroline Kettle

Caloundra Hospitality Group

In the Bible, Jesus is often portrayed as eating and drinking with others and for that reason, hospitality and generosity are the two hallmarks of Christian living. In our culture, coffee and sharing a drink with someone helps to form points of connection and growth of friendships.

If you would like to be part of a motivated team who organise and provide hospitality at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, please contact our reception on 5430 9390 or ca*******@bn*.au

St Vincent de Paul

Our Parish has several St Vincent de Paul conferences operated by groups of volunteers who give up their time to serve the poor and needy in our community via home visitations and in Vinnies shops. If you would like to be part of this noble cause, please contact your nearest conference.

Kawana Conference - home visitation: Call Kevin Yates (07) 5477 6237

Our Lady of Good Counsel Conference, Caloundra: providing centre based assistance from the St. Vincent De Paul Family Support Centre, Mayes Ave, Caloundra (at the rear of Vinnies second hand shop). Call 54389660

Volunteering in the Vinnies second hand shop: (07) 5491 2800

OLR Conference - home visitation: call Bruce Franklin 0428 719 087

Volunteering in the Landsborough shop: (07) 5494 8935

Landsborough Conference - home visitation: call Justin Neubecker 0438 185 177

Maleny Conference - home visitation: Moya Pullinger 0405 061 018

Social Justice Group

The Caloundra Catholic Community Social Justice Network (CCCSJN) was established as an outcome of the Parish Assembly in 2009 to respond to the call of Jesus to help spread the Gospel message of justice and peace. In response to current Archdiocesan initiatives and to the 2022 Plenary Council Decree 1 (RECONCILIATION: HEALING WOUNDS, RECEIVING GIFTS) and Decree 8 (INTEGRAL ECOLOGY AND CONVERSION FOR THE SAKE OF OUR COMMON HOME), the CCCSJN divided into two groups, a Reconciliation Action Plan Working Party (RAPWP) and a Laudato  Si’ Action Group (LSAG).

Please contact Bob Cullen   bn*******@op******.au  for more information. All are very welcome to find out more about these practical ways that we can respond to the challenge of Pope Francis and be involved in a ministry that seeks to respond to the Gospel Message of Jesus. 

Pope Francis challenged “Let us be renewed by God’s mercy…and let us become agents of this mercy, channels through which God can water the earth, protect all creation and make justice and peace flourish.” (Laudato Si. On Care for Our Common Home. 2015).

Bob Cullen
Bob Cullen
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