Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Other Releases
News From Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Year of Yes prayer
Today and every day I say Yes to you O Lord. In the same way that Mary said yes to your invitation, I say Yes to your Son’s presence in my life. May my yes, by the power of your Holy Spirit, allow you to use all the talents, skills and gifts you have given…
Parish News
Mission month – Hearts on fire, feet on the move It’s World Mission Sunday and we want to thank you for your generous partnership with life-changing mission programs, like supporting Sr Carolina and the Salesian Sisters and their work through the Maria Auxiliadora Clinic in Venilale, Timor-Leste. Your gift is helping the Sr Carolina continue…
Parish Diary
This week in our Parish Monday 23 October: 9.00am Mass Our Lady of the Rosary, Caloundra. 9.30am Adoration Our Lady of the Rosary, Caloundra. Tuesday 24 October: 8.00am Adoration & Rosary Sacred Heart Church, Maleny. 9.00am Mass Sacred Heart Church, Maleny. 9:00am Mass Our Lady of the Rosary, Caloundra. 9:30am Rosary Our Lady of the…
Reflection – Fr Gerard Lai
A reflection on the priesthood Golly, time flies when you’re having fun! I can’t believe it’s been four months since my ordination to the priesthood. Growing up I never really thought about priesthood. I was more interested in becoming a policeman, soccer player, teacher or scientist (or maybe I could be all of them at…
‘Faithful Servants’ – meet Kathy Townsend
Meet Kathy Townsend How long have you been a parishioner? Since 1982 – more than 50 years! Where is your place of worship? 8.00am Sunday Mass at the Good Shepherd Centre at Kawana. What is your favourite prayer/devotion? The Memorare – it makes me feel very close to Our Lady. What is your…
World Mission Sunday
It’s World Mission Sunday A call to play a role in the great work of mission. World Mission Sunday is celebrated on 22 October 2023 when all Churches throughout the world come together to support mission. This annual observance was instituted in 1926 by Pope Pius XI’s Papal decree. Every year since then,…