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Ministry Update Sep 6, 2024

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ministry updates - during LENT
Ministry updates - during LENT

Community Life

Our Vision

We have a dream that our Community Life Ministry will cultivate a burning desire to belong within the Our Lady of the Rosary faith community, by facilitating experiences of connection and participation.   This ministry celebrates the gift of Jesus` presence whenever two or more are gathered.

Our ministry continues to work towards these Strategic Plan end goals:

Outcomes we are working towards 2023 – 2027

¨ Each congregation celebrates belonging at weekend masses.

¨ We advocate unity across all the communities of Our Lady of the Rosary Parish.

¨ All people who walk through our doors experience a spirit of welcome and belonging.

Major Wins:  Father’s Day was joyfully celebrated at many communities on Sunday 1st September 2024 with morning teas. Hospitality is a major part of getting to know each other as well as welcoming new Parishioners.  The chatter and laughter are always an absolute joy to hear.

Future Plans:

The Community life Ministry are working on plans for a welcoming table with a tablet/computer for New parishioners and current ones, to be able to sign into Flocknote and be recognised as signed-up members of the parish.  We can then ensure they are welcomed and kept informed on what is happening.

We are working on very deliberate and informative ways for everyone to be a part of Our Lady of the Rosary faith community.  A good way to be recognised is by ordering a name badge.  If you haven’t got one yet, please contact the parish office.

The Community Life Team is working on plans to celebrate our parish patronal feast day, Our Lady of the Rosary, in October.

Have a great weekend from the Community Life Team Members: John, Elaine, Donna, Viv and Janice

Sponsors Of The Parish Newsletter:

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