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Important Parish Update Oct 18, 2024

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Important Announcement

Friends, this week I received news from Archbishop Mark that in early January 2025, Fr. Francis will be appointed as associate pastor in the Upper Mt. Gravatt-Wishart parish. It is very rare in our day for a parish to be staffed by three full-time priests and a priest-chaplain. For a number of years, we have enjoyed something of a luxury in this regard: at one time thanks to the resourcefulness of Fr. John Dobson whilst at other times, owing to overseas priests being appointed here to gain an experience of parish ministry in a large-parish context.

Fr. Francis will not be replaced when he is reappointed. While this is not a circumstance that I would readily choose, it is the reality we will all face in 2025. This loss will be felt acutely in some areas such the availability of sacraments; it will also be felt in more strategic ways where our mission is concerned. In this latter regard, however, the loss of a priest will only be felt if we sit back and passively receive (or resist) the leadership initiatives of our parish, such as our Strategic Plan, the employment of Beth as Mission Coordinator, and opportunities to lead and/or serve according to the charisms/gifts that each person has been given for the purpose of building up the Body of Christ.

While this is certainly challenging, I’m choosing to see this as opportunity. I see the exit of one of our priests not only as a loss, but as an opportunity from God and our diocese to stay on the front foot in raising up lay leaders in our parish who share the vision for a Church of greater co-responsibility for mission between the ordained and laity. This is the vision of Vatican II, the Plenary Council, and is certainly the vision of the Archdiocesan Synod. It will inevitably be the pattern of how the Church operates going forward. To this end, I offer two vital processes for our parish to discuss and action.

Firstly, it is imperative that together, and before Christmas, we engage in a parish-wide consultation process regarding both the opportunities ahead for us and the pressing need to consolidate our Mass schedule. With two, rather than three full-time priests (we will retain a full-time priest-chaplain for our two retirement villages), the necessary goal of our consultation process will be to have eight (including our two retirement village Masses), rather than eleven Vigil/Sunday Masses each weekend.

Secondly, I have discerned that now is the right time to assemble a parish Faith Communities Council (FCC). My vision is that it be made up of one representative, who will become the trained and commissioned pastoral leader for a term of appointment, from each Mass community. It will gather four-six times a year to share the vision, planning and execution of our strategic plan according to community capabilities.

I will be speaking more about this in weeks to come – particularly the communication of our consultation process – once I, myself, have consulted with my Senior Leadership Team. I also welcome and encourage your individual and community’s discernment regarding nominations for the parish FCC. Let’s pray for Fr Francis as he prepares for the next stage in his priestly journey in 2025, and let’s also pray for our parish at this time.

Regards, Fr. Josh 

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