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Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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News From Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Our Lady of the Rosary Feast Day celebrations

Our Lady of the Rosary Feast Day celebrations              

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News from the Worship Ministry

Worship The Mass, or celebration of the Eucharist, is the fundamental liturgical ritual in the Catholic Church. It is the central action and aspect of our lives of faith and the primary way in which Catholics worship God as a community.   The word “Mass” comes from the Latin word ‘missa’ meaning ‘mission’ or ‘sending’…

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Reflection – Fr Francis Fernandes

A big, thank you!   “I have my banquet all prepared, my oxen and fattened cattle have been slaughtered, everything is ready. Come to the wedding.”   So says the King in this Sunday’s gospel and so said the Community Life Team last Saturday. The parish office would like to collectively say a big THANK…

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Parish News

The Practice of Prayer The Practice of Prayer – OLR Faith Formation Ministry Short Course with Fr Francis. Thursdays 4-5 pm Parish Centre, commencing November 9.   Do you struggle with prayer? Do you struggle to connect with God? Do you know how to pray? Would you like to form a deeper relationship with God…

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Parish Diary

This week in our Parish   Monday 16 October:  9.00am Mass Our Lady of the Rosary, Caloundra. 9.30am Adoration Our Lady of the Rosary, Caloundra.   Tuesday 17 October:   8.00am Adoration & Rosary Sacred Heart Church, Maleny. 9.00am Mass Sacred Heart Church, Maleny. 9:00am Mass  Our Lady of the Rosary, Caloundra. 9:30am Rosary  Our Lady of the…

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