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Ascension Sunday Reflection May 10, 2024

Ascension Sunday
Fr Josh Photo
Fr Josh Photo

Happy Mother’s Day

The role of mother is one of the most unchanging and reliable sources of love and support in the world and so today we embrace the special opportunity to honour all mothers and maternal figures. In the words of the 14th century philosopher and theologian, Meister Eckhart, who said, “If the only prayer you ever said was, ‘thank you,’ it would be enough,” we say “Thank you” to all mothers and maternal figures in our lives. Where would we be without the nurture of a mother’s unconditional love? A mother’s love is truly the reflection of God’s love for humanity.

Friends, God’s love for us – mirrored in a unique way through mothers – is the essence of the Good News. Today’s Feast of the Ascension celebrates the enthronement of Jesus at the right hand of God, part of the preparation for us to receive the Holy Spirit. In his final words to the disciples, Jesus said, “I will be with you always, to the end of time” (Mt 28:20). These words are indeed God’s promise of love and are reflected in a mother’s nurturing and sometimes fierce love for her offspring. Jesus really is present in the love of a mother because “God is love’            (1 Jn 4:8).


Our First Annual Parish Service Day

We are fast approaching National Volunteers Week (20th – 26th May) which will culminate with our first Annual Parish Service Day (all 25th/26th May Masses). With so many different communities in our parish, we rely heavily on the generosity (one of our parish values) of those who offer their unique skills, gifts, and talents in the service of others. Our volunteers not only assist and lead within the celebration of Masses, but in each of the six key ministry areas of our parish. Our first, and all subsequent, Parish Service Days will provide an opportunity to thank and honour those who serve and have served, as well as facilitate an annual opportunity to put our name down for service over the following 12 months. It is vital to the health and wellbeing of the entire parish that we are deliberate about promoting a culture of service and gratitude, inviting new people to serve in ministry, and thanking those who have served for a long time. May I invite you to think and intentionally pray about which area of ministry God is inviting you to serve in over the next 12 months.


Peace and blessings,

Fr Josh

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