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Parish News Oct 27, 2023

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Masses for All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day

This Wednesday, November 1, is the Feast of All Saints and the following day is All Souls – two very important annual occasions that remind us of our mortality and the purpose of our own lives; they cause us to reflect upon and pray for those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith.

Our Mass times on All Saints’ Day are: Unity 7.50am & Caloundra 5.30pm.

Our Mass times for All Souls’ Day is: Caloundra 9.00am & Currimundi 9.30am

Please note the extra Wednesday Mass for ALL Saints Day This weekend at the entrance to all our churches you will discover our parish BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE and you are invited to inscribe on the pages the names of your loved ones and friends who have gone before you. As a faith community we will remember them and pray for them in our November Masses. May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the rich mercy of God, rest in peace.



Children and Family Ministry update


Children and Families Ministry As part of the Children and Families Strategic Plan over the next five years, The Children and Families Ministry Team are working to achieve three outcomes: (1) Children and Families experience being welcomed & included as part of the faith community; (2) There is a vibrant program of Children’s Sacramental preparation, which includes follow up programs for families; and (3) We have a visible and collaborative Parish–School relationships.

Some exciting news is that our team is blessed to now have Father Gerard also leading the Children & Families team, He has contributed so much already and is very popular with the children. Fr Gerard and I accepted an invitation to attend the Children and Families Archbishop’s dinner on Wednesday evening. This was a wonderful opportunity to hear Archbishop speak about our ministry and catch up with people from other parishes, particularly our friends at Maroochydore Parish.

In the last week of the school holidays, a Kingdom Kids activity morning was held at OLR, lead by Father Gerard, Felicity, members of the Youth & Young adults’ team and some of the Kingdom Youth Group. Thank you to you, the members of our Parish who so far this year have contributed to helping us work towards some of these outcomes. We have so much to look forward to in the future. If you would like to play a role in helping us grow this important Ministry, please contact the Parish Office.

Kind Regards, Julie



News from our Parish schools

Our Lady of the Rosary school Caloundra – update

Dear Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School and Parish,

I am writing to inform you that I have submitted my resignation as the Principal of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Primary School due to personal reasons. Serving this vibrant and close-knit community has been a privilege and an honour. I am deeply grateful for the unwavering support, dedication, and faith each of you has shown during my time here. Our shared commitment to the holistic development of our students has been both inspiring and rewarding. I am immensely proud of the progress we have made together. I want to express my sincere gratitude to the staff and school community for your collaboration and dedication to providing an excellent education to our students. The school has a solid foundation for continued success, and I know that by working together with Tracey Gerrard and staff you will ensure the school’s continued growth and achievement. Tracey’s tenure as acting principal has been extended for the 2024 school year and during Semester 1 Brisbane Catholic Education will undertake a recruitment process for a substantive principal appointment in conjunction with Fr Josh and the school and parish community. More detailed information around this process will be provided early next year. I will cherish the memories and friendships I have made here and keep OLR in my thoughts and prayers as it continues to thrive in its mission. Thank you for your tremendous support and I wish you every blessing.

Kind Regards, Michael Stewart


Unity College, Caloundra West – update

Friends, the Executive Director of Brisbane Catholic Education, Dr Sally Towns, recently announced that the new Unity College Principal for 2024 and beyond will be Mr Brett Jones. Mr Jones is currently employed at St John’s College, Nambour, as Deputy Principal.

We recently announced that the current Unity College Principal, Mr Dan McShea, will be the new Notre Dame College Principal from 2024 onward. Congratulations to both Brett and Dan as they prepare to take up their new roles next year. Please pray for them, their families, and schools during this time of transition.



“The Wells House” and “The Lynam House”

The Directors and members of the Caloundra Catholic Homes Foundation Ltd, representatives from Centacare, residents and long time supporters gathered on Thursday as Fr Josh blessed “The Wells House” and “The Lynam House” for our residents who have re-located from Lavally Lodge at Beerwah.









Ministers of Communion to the Sick 

Dear amazing people who take Jesus’ Body to those who are unable to join us for Mass: your ministry is so appreciated. You are Jesus’ hands and feet for as He Himself says, “Whatever you did to the least of these, who are my children, you did to me” (Mt 25:40).

It has come to my attention that there may be persons taking extra consecrated hosts for themselves to consume at home so that – and I can only surmise – they can receive daily Eucharist; this is to cease immediately, please. Holy Communion is never separated from the celebration of Mass; indeed, the only reasons we have tabernacles in our churches is to reserve the Blessed Sacrament for adoration and for those who are physically unable to celebrate Mass. While Catholics are only obliged to receive Eucharist once a year, daily Mass is indeed encouraged. Our belief however, is that the celebration of Mass on Sundays is sufficient to sustain a healthy Eucharistic Sacramental life. I appreciate your understanding in this important matter.

Fr Josh




Employment: Evangelisation Co-ordinator

Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Parish is looking to hire an Evangelisation Co-ordinator.

The role’s focus is upon the creation of an evangelisation pathway and the sustainable and coordinated implementation of the Parish’s Strategic Plan.

This role offers flexible hours (part-time), and is a leadership position within the parish in collaboration with the parish clergy and senior leadership team.

If you are interested, please take a look at the role or call the parish office for more information 5430 9390.






New Ladies Group

30-45 year olds—Egan room (OLR Caloundra)

Do you know any amazing ladies aged 30-45 in search of meaningful connections and a shared faith? Our group is the perfect fit! We delve into the stuff that matters – friendship, family, and life’s incredible journey.

Our gatherings are on the second Friday of each month at 6:30pm.

Our next gathering is 10 November. For more information text Jill – 0402 742 920 or join our group here




The Practice of Prayer


OLR Faith Formation Ministry Short Course with Fr Francis.

Thursdays 4-5 pm Parish Centre, commencing November 9.

Register your interest here

Do you struggle with prayer? Do you struggle to connect with God? Do you know how to pray? Would you like to form a deeper relationship with God through prayer?

Join us at the OLR Parish Centre on Thursday afternoons from 4-5pm, commencing November 9th. If there is sufficient interest, we will offer Zoom access to those who cannot be there in person.

Fr Francis will lead us in an in depth look at prayer, and its practice, through the perspective of Ronald Rolheiser’s beautiful book ‘Prayer: Our Deepest Longing’. The book is available for purchase here. Some copies will be available for those needing them.




Ageing Wisely

Answer all your questions about the ‘grey years’, which can often be a difficult time for parishioners who navigate changing living arrangements, health and financial circumstances.

Free event, Ageing Wisely, sponsored by Holy Cross Funerals:

Our Lady of the Rosary Church: Thursday, 9 November  9:30am – 1:30pm 

For catering purposes, please RSVP names, contact number & email on or before Monday, 6 November by email to [email protected]






First Sunday Hospitality – all welcome!

Next weekend is the first Sunday of the month. Hospitality weekend you are all welcome.



In Transition

We welcome Zoe & Alexander Ash who will be baptised at OLR this weekend.

Special mention to Margaret & Don Forbes who will be celebrating there 50 year wedding anniversary 27 October.

We pray for Alan Cooper who died last week and whose Funeral Mass will be on Tuesday 31 October at 1.30pm in the OLR church.

We also prayer for Sr Patricia Heenan RSC (Bishop Brian’s sister) and Emily Camillo (a member of the Landsborough community), who died last week.

We pray that all the souls of our loved ones who have gone before us and the souls of our deceased priests, religious and parishioners Rest in Peace.



Retreat for Married Couples

Fr Gregory Woodward will be hosting a half-day retreat for married couples. Pope Francis said in his 14 February 2014 address:

“A marriage is not successful just because it endures; quality is important. To stay together and to know how to love one another forever is the challenge for Chris@an couples.”

If you would like to attend please click on the attached flyer.





Safeguarding in our Parish

The Safeguarding Commitment for the Archdiocese of Brisbane and Caloundra Catholic Parish is: Zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and strives to safeguard all who interact with its ministries & services. Special priority is given to the safety & wellbeing of children & adults at risk. In an emergency, please call the Police 000 or information can be provided to STOPline anonymously.

Phone: 1300 304 550

Email: [email protected]


Or Brisbane Safeguarding 07 3324 3752

Our Local Safeguarding Officer:  Judy Moir  0421 873 060














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