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Parish News Nov 17, 2023

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Service and Outreach Ministry


‘We have a dream that our Service and Outreach ministry will show Jesus’ radical love to those in the wider community who feel marginalised, disconnected and vulnerable.’


L.Y.N. (Love Your Neighbour) has continued and cooked over 600 frozen meals for those in need this year. We have meals available over the Christmas/ New Year period in various freezers so if you know of anyone in need, please contact me. This has been a wonderful way to connect with students, teachers at Unity College and also members of the Uniting Church.

We would especially like to thank Angela James who had coordinated it all for us through Unity College this year. There have also been many who helped prepare the meals, donated food and vouchers for us and distributed the meals to those in need… thank you to all of you.
On 4th October, Pope Francis released his Apostolic Exhortation Laudate Deum on the climate crisis and, at the beginning of December, he is attending the COP28 meeting of world leaders in Dubai to address them. Please keep the Pope in your prayers as he continues to challenge those in charge to change the way they think about the world and its resources.
Just to let you know that you can now add your wine and spirits bottles to the Containers for Change campaign. We would like to thank those of you who have been donating to the parish via this system. If you would like to help, please find your nearest return point and use our scheme id: C11072500
For more information contact Trish Harding 0417 314 855
Service & Outreach Trish Members: Trish Harding, David Marshall, Ros McWhirter, Mary McMillan, Anne Devane and Bob Cullen.



Art for Advent – 2 December

Our Fr. Francis and Rev. Paul Fletcher from the Anglican Parish are hosting an ecumenical initiative called Art for Advent. It will begin with a one-hour interactive presentation by Fr. Francis on Christian art. The talk will be followed by artists between our parishes showcasing their artwork based on Advent themes.

Venue: St. Andrews

46 Upper Gay Terrace, Kings Beach.

Starting time: 10.30am.

Refreshments will be provided during showcasing.



4-Week Advent program





Women’s Retreat Opportunity



If you only knew the gift of your womanhood gifted to you by God! We want to journey with you as you discover this feminine genius within, gifted to us by God.

To that end, we warmly invite women 18 years + to a day retreat at Stella Maris Primary School, Maroochydore, on the 25 November from 8:30am-4.00pm. The day retreat will include input from Karen Doyle, founder of the Genius Project and Genius Podcast, and mentor to many women around Australia.

The retreat day cost is $30 per person. To register or for more information call the Maroochydore Parish office, 5443 3488, or visit their website and follow the links to Sisterhood.

We look forward to seeing you there for this wonderful and meaningful time.







Service of Solidarity with Gaza and the Holy Land

In a time of deep sorrow and anguish for us all, we look for hope and healing. Let us come together in love, prayer and support. Let us acknowledge the reality that impacts us all as we share messages of hope. The Australian Catholic Bishops have said: ‘Peace can come only from justice. We call people of faith to pray with us for a lasting peace and the triumph of human dignity.’

Please join us: 3:30 to 4:00 pm Monday 27 November Everyone is welcome.

Please register in advance for this webinar here  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.



“Take this, all of you, and drink from it”

“Take this, all of you, and drink from it.” During the early centuries, everybody received Communion under both kinds, that is, in the form of both bread and of wine. This was the way Christ instituted the Eucharist. For various unfortunate reasons, the practice grew during the middle ages of lay people not receiving from the cup.


Although the Church teaches that Christ is truly present in either the consecrated bread or the wine, it also teaches that Holy Communion has a fuller form as a sign when it takes place under both kinds. When we take the cup, we take up the cross. Jesus asked James and John, “Can you drink the cup that I am going to drink?” Drinking from a common cup also signifies our life together in Christ and our commitment both to God and to one another, our commitment to being a community of justice, peace and love.


How then can we pass by the cup of the covenant and ignore Christ’s invitation to “Take this, all of you, and drink from it, for this is the chalice of my Blood”? For those concerned about hygiene, the transmission of a disease has never been traced to the shared communion cup. Chalices are firmly wiped with a clean purifier and rotated after each communicant and washed in hot water and detergent after each Mass. As a matter of common courtesy and hygiene, individuals with any illness or infection that might be contagious should not take the cup.



Parish Administrator Position

With the departure of Pauline at the Maroochydore Parish, a new admin position has opened in the parish office.
We invite applications to be submitted via the Archdiocesan website under the tab ‘Careers.’ The job description gives you an indication of the outline of the role and how to apply.




Fr Josh’s Appointment

On Wednesday this past week, I received a phone call from the Vicar for Administration, Fr Peter Dillon, who was calling on behalf of Archbishop Mark, to inform me that I have been appointed Parish Priest of our parish for a term of six years.
This is good news for our parish because first and foremost, it means we have continuity of leadership.
On a personal note, I feel privileged that this trust has been placed in me and I look forward to collaborating with each of you.

Taste of Taizé 

Taizé is a tiny village in France. Since 1940, it has been home to an ecumenical community of Brothers who pray very simply through chant. During wartime, Br Roger established this community as a place of welcome for Jews who were fleeing the Nazis. Taizé has always had a special solidarity with human suffering. Taizé is a symbol of hope and reconciliation. The Brothers take special interest in the poor and in youth who flock to Taizé to reflect on their lives and join in the sung prayer. Join in this beautiful prayer at OLR on Tuesday 12 December at 7.00pm. For more information visit:



RCIT Celebration – Sunday 26 November

Next Sunday, six teenagers from Unity College will receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion at the 5.00pm Unity Chapel Mass.

This term they have been journeying with Felicity and Fr Gerard through the RCIT Program, and we are very excited to celebrate this special occasion with them and their families. All parishioners are welcome to join us for this celebration, with cake and pizza to follow.

Please pray for Ryan, Sophie, Enzo, Finn, Piper, and Baxter as they continue on their journeys of faith.

Felicity Jones, Parish Youth Minister



Grief Support

If you are experiencing grief through the loss of a loved one, a broken relationship or a major life change of any kind, and you feel that the Grief Support team can be of assistance to you or a family member, please email Kath or call the Parish Office with your details so a support person can contact you. All contact is treated with utmost confidentiality.




Centenary of the first Catholic Church in Maleny

The Maleny Sacred Heart Church community invites Parishioners to celebrate the Centenary of the first Catholic Church in Maleny in February 1924, built on land donated by Mr Pat Daley. A Centenary book is being compiled and will be available at the celebrations on Sunday 4 February 2024.
RSVPs and enquiries to Anna [email protected]
or Danielle 0419545711




In Transition

person holding lighted oil lamp



We welcome Michael & Piper Levy who will be baptised at OLR this weekend.

We pray for Angela Morrisson & Gordon McCormack who died last week and their funerals will be Tuesday 21 Nov at 11.00am at OLR & Friday 24 Nov 10.30am at G&W respectively.

May their souls and all the souls of our loved ones who have gone before us and the souls of our deceased priests, religious and parishioners Rest in Peace.




Safeguarding in our Parish

The Safeguarding Commitment for the Archdiocese of Brisbane and Caloundra Catholic Parish is: Zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and strives to safeguard all who interact with its ministries & services. Special priority is given to the safety & wellbeing of children & adults at risk. In an emergency, please call the Police 000 or information can be provided to STOPline anonymously.

Phone: 1300 304 550

Email: [email protected]

Or Brisbane Safeguarding 07 3324 3752

Our Local Safeguarding Officer:  Judy Moir  0421 873 060




Our Lady of the Rosary Caloundra Year-of-yes

Year of Yes Prayer

Today and every day I say Yes to you O Lord.

In the same way that Mary said yes to your invitation, I say Yes to your Son’s presence in my life.

May my yes, by the power of your Holy Spirit, allow you to use all the talents, skills and gifts you have given me for the purpose of building up Your Body in our community.

We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen












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