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Parish News Mar 8, 2024

Fourth Sunday of Lent
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Lenten Practices


Forgiveness should be part of everyone’s Lenten journey. God’s mercy is unconditional! The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered every Saturday at OLR church from 8:30am to 9.00am. Our Communal Rite of Reconciliation takes place at 9.00am on 23 March. Please note, there is NO 9.00am Mass this day.


During Lent, we will have Stations of the Cross after morning Mass at OLR each Friday and Maleny each Tuesday.


Disable Parking Near OLR Church

Please be mindful when parking in the disabled carpark. If you are parking in the disabled carpark, you must display your sticker.


Harmony Day Weekend

Harmony Day is to be celebrated throughout the Parish on March 23 and 24. This is a great opportunity to celebrate multiculturalism throughout the country but particularly in our parish.

To celebrate this national event, we encourage you to get into the spirit by wearing something orange which is the traditional colour of the day.

Depending on your community, consider holding a hospitality event (e.g. morning tea after mass or dinner to share after mass) where parishioners bring home-made or bought food from your culture to share.

This year’s theme is “Everyone Belongs” which is also part of our parish vision.


Rehearsals for OLR Caloundra Easter Ceremonies

With Holy Week fast approaching, we will be holding Rehearsals. If you have volunteered to assist with the big liturgies at the OLR Caloundra church, see below rehearsal dates your attendance would be appreciated:

                      • Holy Thursday – Friday 22nd March 2-3.30pm in the OLR Church
                      • Good Friday – Tuesday 26th March 2-3.30pm In the OLR Church
                      • Easter Vigil—Wednesday 27th March 2-3.30pm In the OLR Church


Ecumenical Sunrise Service

On Easter Sunday, ministers from various denominations including our own Fr. Francis will be co-celebrating a Sunrise Service in the Park on Shelly Beach.

All who wish to share in the Easter dawn experience of St. Peter and St. Mary Magdalene are welcome! The service will run from 6am to 6:30am.


OLR Easter Rosters

The OLR Caloundra Easter Triduum rosters are in the church. Please put your name down if you are available to help at any of the ceremonies.


Bach’s St. Matthew’s Passion

For those who enjoy classical music and (or) theatre, the parish will be screening St. Matthew’s Passion as performed by the Berlin Philharmoniker and Rundfunkchor Berlin. It is two things:
1. A setting of the gospel’s passion to song with interwoven meditations on that passion. The music was conducted by Sir. Simon Rattle and the semi-staged production is by Peter Sellars.
2. Needless to say, the performance has drawn many accolades and is now available on Blu-ray and DVD.

We will screen it over the Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week (26/27 March) at 9.45am following morning Mass on Tuesday and after the school liturgy.

Light refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP via Linktree for catering and seating purposes.


Parish Music Mass and Meeting

All those who are currently involved or would like to be involved in playing or singing at Mass are invited to a 9am Mass and Discussion at OLR church on Saturday, 6th April, next month. This Mass, during the Octave of Easter when we celebrate eight Easter Sundays in a row, will have a full music roster, led by the 6.30am Mass choir. The aim of this Mass is to offer music ministers an opportunity to be nourished without having to serve.

Afterward – and this is the secondary, but co-equally important, reason for gathering – we’ll move to the Egan Room for an opportunity for every single person to both share and listen. You will be invited to share your current experiences serving in this ministry, as well as hopes for the future – particularly with regards to the ways in which God is inviting us to grow in this ministry.

It is obvious that we need to be intentional about the future of music liturgy in our parish – evidenced by the dwindling number of musicians alone – and so lets begin the journey with a listening and dialogue session for all current and future volunteers of this vital ministry.
We’ll see your smiling faces on Saturday, 6th April, for 9am Mass at OLR church.


Workplace Health & Safety

We all have a duty of care to each other, so if you see any issues of concern, please email the parish office as we need a paper trail to attend to issues.


Ladies Lunch

The next Ladies Lunch will be on Friday 15th March at 12 noon at Caloundra Hotel 12 Bulcock Street, Caloundra. All ladies are welcome to attend.

Could you please contact Maureen on 0437 738 326 by Monday 11th March if you would like to join us.


Chrism Mass 2024

Archbishop Mark Coleridge invites you to the annual Chrism Mass to be held at the Cathedral of St Stephen on Thursday 21 March 2024 commencing at 7:00pm.  This Mass is a celebration for the whole Archdiocese, and everyone is welcome.  The Cathedral car park will be available from 6:00pm.  A light supper will be served following the Mass.


150th Anniversary of the Cathedral of St Stephen

As part of the celebrations for the 150th Anniversary of the Cathedral of St Stephen, on the weekend of 10/11 May 2024, the Queensland Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Umberto Clerici will perform Mass in C minor by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in the Cathedral. There are three different shows and tickets are available from the QSO website:


Monday Craft Group

Have you got free time on a Monday? Are you looking for something to do? Do you enjoy craft?  Well, we have just the group for you!

Come along to the Monday craft group held in the Egan room of the parish centre every week, from 9-12noon. For more information, please call Helen McGlynn on 0409 050 722.

You are more than welcome!


Safeguarding News

The Safeguarding Commitment for the Archdiocese of Brisbane and Caloundra Catholic Parish is: Zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and strives to safeguard all who interact with its ministries & services. Special priority is given to the safety &wellbeing of children & adults at risk. In an emergency, please call the Police on 000 or information can be provided to STOPline anonymously.

Phone: 1300 304 550 Email: [email protected]


Our Local Safeguarding Officer

Judy Moir – [email protected]  mb.0421 873 060

Or Brisbane 07 3324 3752


A Year of Invitation

My Lord and my God, you never cease to invite me to know, love and follow your Son, Jesus.

Give me the grace and courage to be a channel of your love so that my “yes” to you becomes an invitation to others.

  I offer up my entire self – heart, mind and will – to your purpose for me. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Explore Your Hidden Talent

Jude’s Art Class are back on every Wednesday 10.00am – 12.00pm in the Parish Centre (Egan room).

All are welcome, from beginners to advanced. Call Jude for further information on 0421 777 508.


Vinnies 2 Day Book and Plant Sale

Kawana St Vincent de Paul fundraising event will once again be held at the Kawana Catholic Community Centre, Nanyima Street, Buddina (opposite the Kawana Library) on Friday 15 & Saturday 16 March from 8.00am – 2.00pm. There will be a large collection of fiction books, including large print, classics and romance books, non-fiction and children’s books, as well as jigsaw puzzles, games, DVDs, CDs and a bric-a-brac table.


For the garden lovers, there will be a variety of beautiful and hardy indoor and garden plants to brighten up your home. All proceeds go to assisting the St Vincent de Paul Kawana Conference in continuing to support those experiencing hardship due to homelessness, DV, increase rent and cost of living. Come and grab yourself a bargain while supporting those in need in our local community. For more information or donations call Maria on 0427 181 089.


Term 2 Confirmation

All baptised children from grade 3 or older are welcome to celebrate their Confirmation in Term 2.

The program starts on 23rd April at 5-6pm in the OLR Church, and runs for 7 weeks with the Confirmation ceremony on Friday 7 June.

You will need to attend all sessions to be able to celebrate the sacrament. Stella Maris Parish, Maroochydore, is running the same program a day apart so you are welcome to attend there or here.

To register please visit our website

Complete the registration form signed by both parents and attach a copy of your child’s baptism certificate. Please note you will have to do it from your computer, as mobile phones don’t work. For any questions please contact the Parish office on [email protected]


On the Journey

low-angle photo of lightened candles

We welcome Hallie Angel, Lucius Alexander, Alani & Mila McIluride who will be baptised at OLR this weekend.

We congratulate Tom Nguyen, Louisa Schwabe & Samara Griffey who have made their First Holy Communion at Sacred Heart Church Maleny this weekend.

We pray for David Laws & Ivona Roche who died last week; their funerals were held at OLR on Friday.

We also pray for Thelma Foley who also died last week: her funeral will be held on Tuesday the 19th March 11am at Churches of Christ Lt Mountain.

May the souls of our deceased priests, religious and parishioners Rest in Peace.














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