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Ministry Update Feb 16, 2024

First Sunday of Lent
Ministry updates - during LENT
Ministry updates - during LENT

Service & Outreach Ministry

We have a dream that our Service and Outreach ministry will show Jesus’ radical love to those in the wider community who feel marginalised, disconnected and vulnerable.’


To help us achieve this dream, we are introducing a simple electronic registration process for existing and new volunteers across the entire parish in all six ministry areas: Service & Outreach, Community Life, Worship, Faith & Formation, Youth & Young Adults, and Children & Families. Are you for example, being called to serve as a reader or welcomer at Mass? Or do you prefer hospitality or maintenance-orientated service? There is a place for you in our parish. We rely on the gifts and talents of parishioners to ensure we thrive as an inclusive and welcoming community that shows Jesus’ radical love to others.


The initial launch of this digital volunteer portal is scheduled for late May in conjunction with the celebration of National Volunteer Week. At this time, we will be asking both, parishioners who are already generously volunteering, and those who would like to, to complete their registration online. The newsletter will provide further information regarding this online process and members of our Service and Outreach team will be available to answer any queries regarding the new system during the change-over. This is a big undertaking and so we will be trialling this at 9.30am OLR Mass on 3 March prior to our whole-of-parish roll-out in May.


Containers for Change: Just a reminder that you can now add your wine and spirits bottles to the Containers for Change campaign. We would like to thank those of you who have been donating to the parish via this system. Please find your nearest return point and use our scheme ID C11072500 or use the bin near the Dobson Room at OLR.


-Trish Harding, David Marshall, Anne Devane, Bob Cullen, Ros McWhirter and Mary McMillan

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