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Ministry Update Jun 28, 2024

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ministry updates - during LENT
Ministry updates - during LENT

Catholic Worship

The feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, celebrated on July 3rd, presents an opportune moment for worshiping Catholics to reflect on and move beyond their doubts and personal issues. St. Thomas, often dubbed “Doubting Thomas” for his initial scepticism about Jesus’ resurrection, ultimately made one of the most profound declarations of faith, exclaiming, “My Lord and my God!” His journey from doubt to faith encourages us to embrace our struggles and uncertainties as pathways to deeper belief and more active participation in our parish communities


In day-to-day worship, we may encounter various personal issues, ranging from spiritual dryness to everyday stressors, which can hinder our enthusiasm and commitment. Drawing inspiration from St. Thomas, we are called to confront these challenges with a prayerful heart, transforming doubt into an opportunity for growth. Just as Thomas’ doubt led to a stronger affirmation of faith, we can use our struggles to seek a closer relationship with God, asking for the grace to overcome obstacles.


A vibrant and active parish thrives on the enthusiastic participation of its members. Parishioners are encouraged to bring their full selves into worship, including doubts and personal issues, and to engage with their faith community authentically. This means participating in Mass with a spirit of openness, joining parish activities, and supporting one another in times of need. By doing so, we mirror the transformative journey of St. Thomas, who moved from doubt to a dynamic proclamation of faith.


Moreover, the feast of St. Thomas serves as a reminder that faith is not the absence of doubt but the courage to move beyond it. All Catholics are challenged to deepen our prayer lives, seeking guidance and strength from God in moments of uncertainty. This can be facilitated through personal prayer, community prayer gatherings, and participation in the sacraments, particularly the Eucharist. These practices not only strengthen our individual faith but also build a more robust and supportive parish community.


In conclusion, the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle invites all of us to embrace our doubts and personal issues as integral parts of our faith journey. By doing so with enthusiasm and prayer, we can contribute to a vibrant, active parish that reflects the living presence of Christ in the world


By Paul Castelli, Worship Ministry Team Leader.



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