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Parish News Apr 28, 2023

Fourth Sunday of Easter
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Faith Communities Council Nominations

The development of the Parish Strategic Plan is continuing smoothly with support from Evangelisation Brisbane and our wide team of dedicated lay leaders from the six Ministry Leadership Teams. We remain on track for the planned launch on Pentecost Sunday, just a few short weeks from now. Our next key focus is the formation of our Faith Communities Council. This particular body of lay leaders will come together regularly to represent each of our eight worship communities and two schools and will support the implementation of the Parish Strategic Plan, offer both cohesion and communication between our different communities. More information is available on the parish website Home Page, including the position description and nomination form.

Following on from our request on the front page of the parish newsletter over the last 2 weeks for parishioners to pray and discern for the membership of this team, Our Lady of the Rosary Parish is now inviting your nominations of potential leaders to represent your community. If you have, through prayer and discernment, identified either yourself or another community member as a potential leader, could you please submit a nomination using this link.

Alternatively, please complete one of the paper nomination forms available at the church entrances and place on the collection plate or hand it to the priest after Mass. We have a dream that our Faith Communities Council will consist of local community leaders on fire for the mission of the parish. Members of the Council will help to place evangelisation at the centre of our parish. We ask that you, and every single member of our parish, prays for the Holy Spirit to call forth women and men with the charism of leadership at this time. Come Holy Spirit.





The Cursillo Movement

Offers a three-day experience that can change your life. An opportunity to encounter Christ. A method of living the Gospel through friendship.

Women’s 3 days 19 – 21 May 2023

AT Mary Queen of Peace Parish Hall, Victoria Avenue, Woody Point, 9am – 9pm Daily

Enquiries to: Rosemary Haydock 0431 464 211.



Baptism Preparation Evening for Infants


Parents with newborn babies wishing for them to be baptised are reminded of the preparation meeting which takes place at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Caloundra, this Thursday 4 May at 7.00pm. At this short preparation meeting we outline some of the symbols used at the ceremony, answer any questions and confirm dates. To book in for the preparation evening please contact the Parish Office by email or phone 07 5430 9390.


Hours of Grace!

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Hours of Grace will begin Friday 19 May at 9.30am and finish at 6.00am on Sunday 21 May (pausing for Mass). More details to follow.


Thank you for your continued support of parish giving

Your continued response to the recent two-week preaching series on giving is very much appreciated.

Our Parish Mission, to be a vibrant community that actively accompanies people to encounter Jesus, is taking place through your continued support – thank you! For some people, the direct debit, cash or tap-and-go options work well, while others utilise our online options such as the QR code or Parish Giving App.

However you decide to financially support the Mission of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Parish, we say thank you!



Activities for the week at OLR church

Sunday 30 April – Children’s liturgy.

Monday 1 May – LABOUR DAY Public holiday – Parish office is closed.

  • Adoration/Benediction 9.30-10.30am OLR Church.
  • Charismatic Prayer Group gathers the 1st & 3rd Mondays of the month 7-8.30pm in the Parish Centre. Contact Dorothy for details – 0403 175 714.

Tuesday 2 May

  • The Caloundra Cards Group meets at the Dobson room in the Parish Centre from 9-12noon. Call Helen for more information on 0410 392 526.
  • Women’s Prayer and Friendship Group meet every Tuesday in the Parish Centre from 9.30-11.00am, all welcome. Enquiries contact Vivienne 0409 897 673.

Wednesday 3 May- Art class with Jude 0421 777 508 each week – OLR Egan room 10.00am-12.00pm.

Thursday 4 May- Baptism preparation OLR Church 7.00-8.00pm

Friday 28 April- Alpha 9.30am-11.30am Dobson room.


Hospitality in your Community

Next weekend is the first Sunday of the month. If your community is having a cuppa you are more than welcome to stay.



Date Claimer – 22 June

Stella Maris Parish of Maroochydore is planning a Multicultural Mass as part of the Inclusion & Community Life that was so well explained by Bishop Tim Norton at the Lent Mini Mission. Our OLR community was invited to partner in delivering such Mass on Sunday 22 June 9.00am at Stella Maris Maroochydore.

After Mass there will be a social gathering with food and music celebrating togetherness.

We invite and encourage ALL parishioners from all churches who identify from a different culture to contact Trish Harding  to see how we can be involved.

The mass is open to all to celebrate our diversity.


Activities at Kawana Community

There will be a meeting and cuppa for members of the Kawana Community on Sunday 30 April after Mass at the Good Shepherd Centre. This message is for everyone here at Mass today so if you are able, please attend to discuss our part in the Strategic Plan across Our Lady of the Rosary Parish and other matters relevant to the Kawana Community. All are welcome.


Ladies’ Lunch!

The next Ladies Lunch will be at the Golden Beach Tavern on Friday 19 May at 12 noon. All ladies are welcome. If you would like to attend please contact Deborah 0410 531 901 by Monday 15 May.



Bible Studies in May!

There will be a new study starting in May: ‘Jesus Christ, Teacher, Servant and Saviour’. We hope to expand our groups, and our numbers, and look forward to hearing from you.  At present there are four groups, (three in Caloundra one one in Landsborough) and we hope to grow in numbers and expand our groups!

If anyone is interested in joining one of these groups, or forming a new one, we would be delighted to hear from you.

Landsborough group meet on Monday afternoons. Please contact Carol Devcich 0403 869 267 for further information.

Caloundra Group A meet on Tuesday evenings at 7.00pm at OLR in Dobson Room. This study will start on 2 May. New members welcome.

Caloundra Group B will be studying Jesus Christ, Teacher, Servant and Saviour. They meet on Tuesday evenings at 7.00pm at Caroline Kettle’s home in central Caloundra. This study will start on 2 May. New members welcome.

Caloundra Group C meet on Wednesday mornings at 9.00am at Caroline Kettle’s home in central Caloundra. This study will start on Wed 3 May. (This study group is full).

Cost is $13 for the guide book. As this study has 13 sessions, we are going to have 7 sessions from 2-3 May until 13-14 June, and then 6 sessions from 18-19 July until 22-23 August.

We choose studies that help us to get to know the Bible and therefore God, in ways that have a practical application to our lives. If you have a home that would be suitable for 6-10 people to gather in, that would be ideal (obviously the size of your home will determine the number of participants). It is also a great way to get to know others, and form friendships, and give support to one another in all sorts of ways. To help run these groups, it is not necessary to have great knowledge of the Bible, as the studies guide us well, and the Holy Spirit is also present to lead us into deeper understanding.

For further information, please contact Caroline Kettle 0435 828 092.



Grief Support

If you are experiencing grief through the loss of a loved one, a broken relationship or a major life change of any kind, and you feel that the Grief Support team can be of assistance to you or a family member, please contact the Parish office or email Kath on [email protected] with your details so a support person can contact you.  All contact is treated with utmost confidentiality.



In Transition 

This weekend we welcome Louis, June & Freddie D’Elboux who will be baptised at OLR this weekend. We pray for Patricia Sutton & Slav Jordanovich who died last week and their funerals will be at OLR on Friday 5 May 11.00am & Wednesday 10 May 12.00pm respectively.

May their souls and all the souls of our deceased priests, religious and parishioners Rest in Peace.


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