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Parish News Jul 7, 2023

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
latest parish news
latest parish news

Love your neighbour, food drive

As part of being a vibrant community, the new Service & Outreach Team are organising a food drive so that we can prepare meals for the people of our parish who are struggling to provide meals for themselves. The meals will be cooked by parish volunteers and students out at Unity College school kitchen under the supervision of the Food Technology and Hospitality teacher. We invite you to donate non-perishable items e.g., pasta, rice, tomato base sauces or any cooking sauces, chickpeas, lentils, canned soup, curry powder, stock, gravy powder, coconut cream, canned vegetables, garlic or ginger mince in jars. These items can be placed in the blue plastic tubs at the back of the church. We will also need to purchase fresh products so if you prefer to donate cash, please place this in the collection or drop to the parish office in an envelope clearly marked with food drive. Thank you for your generosity and support. If you would like to volunteer by cooking for this worthy cause, please email the Parish Office –
[email protected] or call 5430 9390 – and a member of the Service & Outreach Team will be in touch.



Aid to the Church in Need

This month Aid to the Church in Need is raising money to build a parish house in Sierra Leone. The parishioners of the parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour have been trying to help their priest who is living in a house that is decaying due to heavy rainfall and salt-laden sea air but they themselves are poor and have little to give. ACN has promised to help but we need your help to make this possible. To make an offering visit


Term 3 Holy Communion – 18 July

All children in Year 4 or older year levels and, who have been confirmed, are welcome to make their First Holy Communion in Term 3.

The program starts on Tuesday 18 July, from 5.00-6.00pm in the OLR Church. The program concludes with the First Holy Communion ceremony on the weekend of 26-27 August 2023. To register please go to our website

Complete the registration form, sign by both parents and hit submit. Please note the form cannot be completed on your mobile devices. Any questions don’t hesitate to email the Parish office 

Registration close Monday 17 July, 2023.



Interested in Good Works? Join a St Vincent de Paul conference

OLR St Vincent de Paul meet every Tuesday at 3.00pm in the Parish Centre. Daily visitations are made to those in need and we are always welcoming and looking for new members. Contact Dawn at the parish on 5430 9390.

Caloundra’s Our Lady of Good Counsel Conference of the SVDP Society meet at the Parish Centre at 9:30am each fortnight. New members are always welcome. Contact Peter on 5492 4402.

Landsborough St Vincent de Paul meet every 2nd Tuesday at 9.00am in the Ron Hickey Centre.

Kawana and Maleny also run St Vincent de Paul Conferences. Ring the Parish Office for more information. Contact Kathy 0432 711 282.

The 2023 St Vincent de Paul Society’s Winter Appeal will be conducted in the Parish over the weekend of the 22-23 July. All funds raised will support the work of the Parish’s five conferences.



ALPHA – save the dates!


Feel like a wine or beer, great meal and great conversation about things that matter? Come along to the Alpha Launch this week and invite someone in your life. Register here or just turn up on Tuesday 11 July at 6.00pm or Friday morning 14 July at 10.00am.



Ladies’ Lunch – CALOUNDRA!

You are invited to the next Ladies Lunch on Friday 21 July at 12 noon at Caloundra Power Boat Club (2 Lamerough Parade Golden Beach).

If you would like to come contact Deborah 0410 531 901 by Monday 17 July. All ladies are welcome. Come and meet some new friends!


Say goodbye to Fr Eji if you see him!

Sadly, Fr Ejikeme is leaving us next weekend. We are so grateful for his ministry over the last two years and wish him all the best for the future. He will be saying Mass in the Hinterland this weekend, as well as at Kawana, Little Mountain and Unity at 5.00pm on his final weekend so don’t forget to say goodbye if you see him!




white cross on brown wall

All are invited to join our young adults for an hour of Adoration on Wednesday 12 July at 6.30pm at OLR. We’d love to see you there!
What is Adoration? When Catholics say they are “going to Adoration,” they are typically referring to Eucharistic Adoration, which is the worship of the Eucharist outside of the Mass. The Eucharistic Host is displayed in a monstrance on the altar so that all can see and pray in the presence of Christ.


The Young Adults are at Sacred Heart Church Maleny!

If you are at Mass in Maleny this week, make sure you say hello to the Young Adult group who have made the pilgrimage to the Mountain! They would love to catch up over a cup of tea after mass.






Are you looking to belong and be part of your parish community?

Our Lady of the Rosary parish is an inclusive parish “where locals and travellers meet, where all feel welcome and where those of different cultures and ages experience inclusion”. Our parish seeks to be a place where people are loved like they have never been loved before.

So if you’re looking for a friend? …why not join OLR’s Women’s and Friendship Group. If you enjoy playing cards or painting, why not join Maleny’s card group or OLR’s Art classes?

From Children’s liturgy, to Charismatic prayer group, Young Adults & Alpha, Benediction, Prayer, Bible study and St Vincent de Paul groups, and more, OLR welcomes you! Check out our What’s On page on the parish website.

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.…(Matthew 7:7-8)



Are you looking for something to do on 14 July?

The Merryatric Players – a group which contains at least three parishioners – return to The Events Centre this July with a brand-new production It’s A Musical World. The young-at-heart group of senior citizens who brought you Who Dun ItA Bit of a Stoush and Marie Claire are excited to bring another fun filled musical to the stage again. Check out a preview or  purchase tickets here.






Holy Land Pilgrimage – save the date!

For more enquiries: Please ring Cristina on 0408 808 992 or complete this expression of interest form.


Name Badges

Our Parish’s aim is to be a vibrant and welcoming Parish. If you have a name badge, it would be appreciated if you could wear it to Mass. If you don’t have a badge and would like one, please email the parish office with your name and phone number to  The badges cost only $5 each (the parish subsidises the rest) Please specify if you want a pin or magnet backing.



Are you musically gifted?

man playing acoustic guitar selective focus photography

Can you play the piano, organ, guitar or any other instrument that could lead and accompany music ministry at Mass? This is a fantastic opportunity to put the “Yes Prayer” into action. Please email the parish office or call 07 5430 9390 with your contact details and a member of the Worship Ministry Leadership Team will be in touch.

Thank you for your ministry.



Containers for Change

Are you saving your can/bottles? The Parish Containers for Change initiative is up and running. By using the Parish Scheme ID C11072500, your funds will be directed to the Church-run initiatives.

For more information on how you can be involved and lodge a return or add the Parish scheme ID in the containers for change mobile App, please refer to our website


In Transition 

As a parish family we welcome Lily Hughes, Tayla, Isabel and Thomas Reiterer who will be baptised in our Parish this weekend.

We pray for the repose of Carmel Veronica Hayes, whose funeral will be held at OLR Friday 14 July. We also pray for all the souls of our deceased priests, religious and parishioners rest in peace.




Event:  menALIVE to the MAX

When: 14-16 July 2023

Where: The Women’s College University of Queensland, Brisbane.

Cost: Registrations start from $150.

Register here:







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