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Parish News Aug 18, 2023

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Campaign weekend has arrived!

This weekend (19-20 August), our parish will support the Annual Catholic Campaign. It is the one time a year that all of the parishes in the Archdiocese come together to help vital works of our church and the local community.

Funds raised will support ministries that directly impact this parish. The Campaign supports training future priests, caring for our elderly and retired priests, helping local families in dire need access a Catholic education and caring for those suffering physically and emotionally in our community.


Be the face of Christ for others. We are called to be the face, hands, and heart of Christ in our communities. Every day, God showers us with blessings so we will have gifts to share.

Thank you and God bless.


Our Community Life – parish mission in action

Left to right: Elaine, Viv, John, Donna & Janice (leader)

The Community Life leaders have been meeting fortnightly to help cultivate a burning desire to belong within the Our Lady of the Rosary faith community by facilitating experiences of connection and participation, as stated in our Strategic Plan vision. We have been:

  • promoting the wearing of name tags so parishioners can get to know each other- Badges are $5 with heavy parish subsidy and orders can be given to any of us or the parish office
  • inviting new greeters to welcome parishioners at the entries before mass starts;
  • OLR 9:30am mass morning teas have increased to two, monthly;
  • and we are now actively organising the Our Lady of the Rosary feast day for the wider parish to celebrate together.

But we need help!!

We are making small progress in “facilitating experiences of connection and participation” to make our parish “a vibrant community” but definitely not with all our 8 communities and at all our 11 weekend masses. Please email any offers of help to the parish office at [email protected] , phone 07 5430 9390 or speak to one of us. You will be warmly welcomed because we need you!!!

Our Parish’s Mission is to be a vibrant community that actively accompanies people to encounter Jesus.



Name Badges collection

If you have ordered a badge and need to collect and pay for it, please come to the Parish office between 9.00-1.00pm daily with $5. Thank you



In Transition

We welcome Elizabeth Busch, Enzo & Lucia Natoli, & Riley Morton who will be baptised at OLR this weekend.

We pray for the repose of the soul of Branka Mundronja who died in Wollongong 14 August. Her funeral will be in Wollongong in a couple of weeks. We will let you know the live stream details.

We also pray for Veronica Partridge & Vera Davern who died last week. Their funerals will be celebrated on Monday 21st August at G&W 1pm and Thursday 31st August 11am at OLR respectively.

We also pray for The Late Honourable Michael Ahern who died last week. His funeral will be on Friday 25 August at 11am OLR. May their souls and all the souls of our deceased priests, religious and parishioners Rest in Peace.


No Mass on Friday 25th August at OLR due to The Late Premier Mike Ahearn’s funeral due to preparation.


Funeral Sacristan Needed

After many years of hard work and dedication by Dennis O’Brien as the OLR church funeral sacristan, he has decided to hang up the uniform and retire!

Dennis – Thank you for your ministry.

As of September we are looking for a replacement funeral sacristan. If you have the calling or able to say Yes to assist with the final farewell of our dearly beloved, please contact the Parish office.


Ignite Conference Donations

We are so grateful for all the love and support we have received so far to send a group of our youth to Ignite Conference this year. Currently, we have about 18 students and 10 young adults going from our parish. If you would like to donate and/or sponsor a ticket or part of a ticket and weren’t able to make it to our carwash and BBQ fundraiser, please visit the link  to make a donation online. Please put ‘Ignite Conference’ in the description. This is an incredible experience of faith for our young people, and we have seen such fruit from those who have attended in the past. Please continue to pray for our group as we journey towards this experience, that God may make all things new in us and we are able to return each with our own new experiences of encounter. Thank you! – Felicity


Parish Finance Council Update

Over the next few weeks, we will be portraying the profiles of our Parish Finance Council (PFC) representatives – Steve Kay, Cathy Stamp and Dan Thomasson – in our Faithful Servants series. Steve (Chair), Cathy and Dan (Secretary), all offer a diverse and comprehensive range of skills, gifts and talents which are being effectively used to steward the financial and fixed assets of our parish. As a PFC, we meet monthly to not just ensure that I am making good financial decisions in the administration of our parish, but to work on key projects such as the building of an up-to-date asset register to ensure we are proactive in the maintenance of fixed assets.

On Friday this week, we met to discuss the purchase of a mission-property in the Aura Business Park from which to reach out and connect with Aura residents. The successful purchase of this property is highly dependent upon gaining consent for use from the Town Planning department, who work for the State Government. It is this process that we are entering into at this time, and which may take a number of months to work through. If successful, this property will be used for a number of purposes, all of which centre around the opportunity to reimagine what a Catholic parish can offer to a community.

Of significant importance at this time is the building of an asset maintenance register for the parish. This will ensure that we take a proactive approach to property and building maintenance to save us money. The bitumen car park at OLR church is a good example of spending approximately $10,000 on repairs now in order to potentially save us $200,000 in five to seven years’ time. The PFC, in conversation with key community members in Beerwah, Landsborough and Maleny in particular and Edgar, our finance officer, will be working on this over the next 6-12 months. If you have any questions pertaining to the financial stewardship of our parish, please do not hesitate to let me know. Fr Josh


Safeguarding news

The Safeguarding Commitment for the Archdiocese of Brisbane and Caloundra Catholic Parish is: Zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and strives to safeguard all who interact with its ministries & services. Special priority is given to the safety & wellbeing of children & adults at risk. In an emergency, please call the Police 000 or information can be provided to STOPline anonymously. Phone: 1300 304 550 Email: [email protected] Online:


Containers for Change

Are you saving your can/bottles? The Parish Containers for Change initiative is up and running. By using the Parish Scheme ID C11072500, your funds will be directed to the Church-run initiatives.

For more information on how you can be involved and lodge a return or add the Parish scheme ID in the containers for change mobile App, please refer to our website



Maleny Forum

A reminder this Sunday there will be a forum to raise topics of interest to Sacred Heart Maleny parishioners and to hear the latest OLR news from Fr. Josh will be held in the Pat Daley Centre following the 9.00am Mass at Maleny on Sunday 20 August.

All parishioners are invited and encouraged to attend.


Are you musically gifted?

man playing acoustic guitar selective focus photography

Can you play the piano, organ, guitar or any other instrument that could lead and accompany music ministry at Mass?

This is a fantastic opportunity to put the “Yes Prayer” into action.

Please contact the parish office by email or call 5430 9390 and leave your contact details and a member of the Worship Ministry Leadership Team will be in touch. Thank you for your ministry.



For more enquiries: Please ring Cristina on 0408 808 992 or complete this expression of interest form.

Golden Wedding Anniversary Celebration

In this 150th year of the Cathedral of St Stephen, Archbishop Mark Coleridge invites couples together with family and friends, to the annual GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS

11:30am Mass on Saturday, 30 September 2023 followed by refreshments on the Cathedral grounds.

Other couples married at the Cathedral or Chapel, are also invited to attend with family and friends to celebrate 150 years of weddings at the Cathedral.
If you have photos or stories to share of your wedding at the Cathedral, please email David Todd  or phone David on 07 3324 3030 by 1 September 2023
To register to attend the Mass and for catering purposes please RSVP by email or phone 07 3324 3030 by Friday 22nd September 2023.







Inviting all former Unity College Alumni



Our Lady of the Rosary Caloundra Year-of-yes


Today and every day I say Yes to you O Lord. In the same way that Mary said yes to your invitation, I say Yes to your Son’s presence in my life. May my yes, by the power of your Holy Spirit, allow you to use all the talents, skills and gifts you have given me for the purpose of building up Your Body in our community.

We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen














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