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‘Faithful Servants’ – meet Steve Kay Aug 24, 2023

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Steve Kay
Steve Kay

Meet Steve Kay

How long have you been a parishioner?

My wife Sandy and I are new parishioners having moved from Stanthorpe to Caloundra about one year ago.
We were active parishioners for many years at Stanthorpe. In a small parish there are lots of jobs and few people, and over the years I was on the school board, school finance committee and Chair of the Parish Council for many years. I had the privilege of serving Bishop Morris on the Diocesan Finance Board of Toowoomba for six years.

Where is your place of worship?

Generally, Our Lady of the Rosary Church, 6.30am Sunday mornings. Sometimes also, Unity at 5.00pm.


What is your favourite prayer/devotion?

Sharing in the Eucharist is important for me and was one of the things I greatly missed during Covid lockdowns, which thankfully are now behind us.  In terms of prayer, I just like to talk to God. In the past I might have thought I was just talking to myself, albeit not out aloud, but have come to realise it is really my form of prayer and being aware of the Lord with me throughout the day.



What is one experience of your faith and God’s love?

In my “talking” to God ­- like everyone in times of need – the talk becomes more. At times, I have felt that when I have had a particular intention (especially for my family) I was heard. I really felt the Spirit working and guiding through the troubled times and giving strength. I try to keep talking, just to say thank you for all the abundant blessings in my life.



How do you like to live out your faith as a ‘disciple’?

In the morning I like to read and reflect on daily scripture readings, followed by prayer of thanks and specific intentions for my family – it is brief about 5 minutes.

I think I am a very practical person. I like being active and a part of things, and feel satisfaction from participating and being involved.

I am a former accountant and now a niche funds manager/commercial property syndicator. One of the first people we met when we moved was Fr Josh. We were wondering how we would get involved in a new parish, and it all happened so easily and quickly.  Before I knew it, Fr Josh had invited me to be on the Parish Finance Committee. This involvement is allowing me to become a contributing member of the parish.



What do you most enjoy about being a part of the parish community?

The parish has been very welcoming and we are enjoying becoming part of it. It is a dynamic parish with many things happening. The energy in the parish is infectious and the new community at Aura is an exciting Parish opportunity. It is also uplifting to see what is happening with Kingdom Youth.

We look forward to giving of our time and talents and helping in some small way to assist the parish mission.




Faithful Servants is a regular feature of the ever-present ‘servants of the faith’ across our local parish community.

Please email Bernadette Bain, Parish Communications, if you would like to nominate someone for this feature or share your own faith practices.
Our hope is to feature and get to know every parishioner over the next few years!







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