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Fr Ejikeme’s Palm Sunday Reflection Mar 31, 2023

Palm Sunday
Fr. Ejikeme
Fr. Ejikeme

Triumphantly, Life is Given

Palm Sunday is a feast that is celebrated on a Sunday before Easter. It is a feast that commemorates Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Palm Sunday marks the first day of Holy Week. It is the last week of our solemn season of Lent that precedes the arrival of Eastertide. Palm Sunday is celebrated by the blessing and distribution of palm branches representing
the palm branches which the crowd scattered in front of Christ as he rode a king into Jerusalem.

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the crowd welcomed Jesus waving palm branches and began to sing his praises as they shout out, Hosanna, Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Triumphantly, he marched towards his death which he is not afraid of. He had a mission in his life and that was to save the world through his death. We are born to live but Jesus was born to die for us. Death was for him a goal which he was pursuing, a treasure which he was searching.

Through his death, he gave us life.

What can we learn from Jesus’ passion and death at this challenging time of ours? Jesus certainly knows our pain and the heavy load that we all bear. The sacrifices we make, however, he saves our life as well as the lives of others. We do not suffer alone, but Jesus too suffers along with us. We are more united in prayer and solidarity for each other. Like Jesus, may we place our complete trust in God’s mercy and wisdom, with the confidence that God will give us the grace to get through our struggles.

Those that take Christ for their King, must lay ‘their all’ under his feet. Hosanna signifies, Save now, we beseech thee! Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord! But of how little value is the applause of the people. The changing multitude join the cry of the day, whether it be Hosanna, or Crucify him. Multitudes often seem to approve the gospel, but few become consistent disciples. When Jesus came into Jerusalem all the city was moved; some perhaps were moved with joy, who waited for the Consolation of Israel; others, of the Pharisees, were moved with envy. So various are the motions in the minds of men upon the approach of Christ’s kingdom.

As we celebrate Palm Sunday and begin our journey through Holy Week,
we are called to ask ourselves who and where we are in the crowd. This is a week to pray and then decide what kind of followers of Christ we are and are going to be. During this busy week of prayer, liturgies and ceremonies, let us not lose sight of what we are remembering, celebrating and taking part in. As we begin this most holy of weeks, may Jesus be our constant companion. May we enter in the mystery of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection with faith and hope. Get yourself ready to receive the Lord with songs of Hosannas.

Happy Palm Sunday

Fr Ejikeme.


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