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Reflection – Fr Gerard Lai Sep 29, 2023

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Trish Harding from OLR Service and Outreach receiving the Holy Water
Trish Harding from OLR Service and Outreach receiving the Holy Water

The Season of Creation

This week the church celebrates the conclusion of the Season of Creation spanning from 1 September – 4 October, strategically concluding on the feast day of patron saint of ecology – St Francis of Assisi.


Just as God placed man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it (Gen 2:15), we too are called to care for our common home, planet Earth.


During Mass this weekend you will be sprinkled with holy water. At the Cathedral’s Season of Creation Mass earlier this month, selected representatives across the archdiocese were asked to being a container of water from the local rivers and waterways to be added into a large jug during the Mass, which Archbishop Mark blessed and sprinkled over the congregation. So, the water you will be blessed with is from waterways and rivers from all over the Archdiocese of Brisbane.


The Season of Creation is an ecumenical month-long prayerful observance that calls the planet’s 2.2 billion Christians to pray for and care for God’s creation.


It’s a time to remind us to reflect on our relationship with the environment itself, not just “distant” nature, but, the place we call home, planet Earth.


We must be aware of the ways in which our lifestyles and decisions can endanger both humans and creatures alike.


This year’s theme is: “Let Peace and Justice Flow”.


We are so blessed here in Australia that even our national anthem references our land abounds in nature’s gifts, of beauty rich and rare. This Great South Land is home to flora and fauna not found anywhere else in the world, 85% of plants, 46% of birds, 69% of mammals, 94% of amphibians, and 93% of reptiles are unique to Australia alone.


Let’s continue to be good stewards of what we have been given, ever mindful of our ecological footprint and making efforts to leave the Earth better than when we arrived.


God bless,


Fr Gerard


Trish Harding from OLR Service and Outreach receiving the Holy Water









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