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Parish Events / News Dec 30, 2022

Mary, the Holy Mother of God
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Parish Office & Mass Times – Christmas Period

The Parish office will be closed from 26/12/22 and will reopen Monday 9/1/2023.

Weekday Mass will be held daily during this period at OLR at 9.00am every morning (with the EXCEPTION of Wednesday) while the Parish office take a well-deserved break!

Sunday Mass schedules remain unchanged.


Thank You!

As we leave behind 2022 and look ahead to 2023, there are many things for which we are grateful as a Parish Family. We are grateful for the real enthusiasm across the Parish at this time with the continued development of a five-year Strategic Plan – a plan which will provide a platform for 70% of worshiping parishioners to be involved in disciple-making ministry every year!  We are grateful for the many parishioners and friends who generously gave of their time, talent and treasure to keep our Parish moving along – because of you we are truly blessed. How many ways can a faith community say thank you to so many people?

Sacristans: These dedicated parishioners arrive early and set up for the   liturgy. They are so efficient we often don’t even notice and they clean up and close up! (Say thank you to a Sacristan today)! To those who support our      liturgies: those who organise volunteer; those who wash and iron, clean and repair, who work quietly, behind the scenes, keeping everything ready and working. Merci

Music Ministry: Where would our liturgy be without music? If it is true that to sing is to pray twice then we particularly thank all our musical volunteers for leading us throughout the year. Danke

Liturgical Ministers: From those who proclaim the Word of God to those who serve at the Altar of God, we are blessed. Thank you also to all who are commissioned from our Sunday Masses to take Holy Communion to those who cannot be with us to celebrate the Eucharist – you powerfully remind us of how big God’s family is! Xièxiè

Church environment/decorators: We don’t take for granted those who, behind the scenes, help to maintain clean and hygienic churches, and those who use their creative gifts to add colour and verve to the ambience of the liturgical space. They wake us up to the different feel and texture of the liturgy as our senses are alerted to the mystery we are about to celebrate. Grazie

Technology & communication.  Our world continues to change and we must evolve with it. From those who volunteer to assist with technology challenges, those who do the audio-visual each Sunday, and those who help with the live streaming of our OLR Masses. Gràcias

And you: Who, like St Joseph, quietly support and encourage, who trust enough to build up and not tear down, who are prepared to be part of the great drama of faith and parish life; may the blessings of the Christ Child be with you and yours this Christmas. Thank you.


Bible Study in 2023

We are planning to study the book of Acts in the New Year. We have 2 groups at present, which meet either on Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning. If anyone would like to join us, you would be most welcome. We are not into academic theology, more a practical application approach. Please RSVP to Caroline as books will need to be ordered. They will cost around $10 each. Please call Caroline Kettle on 0435 828 092 if you are interested or have any questions.



First Saturday Devotion

We invite you to please join us with your family, children and friends to pray the Holy Rosary on 7th January @ 8am 

Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Caloundra

Recite the Rosary

Make a Sacramental Confession

Receive Holy Communion

         Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Blessed Mary


In Transition

As a Parish family we would like to Congratulate  Brandon Camilleri & Michelle Summut who will be married at Montville this week.



Watch Mass live

To watch mass live go to the Caloundra Catholic Parish Facebook  page.


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