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Parish News Mar 31, 2023

Palm Sunday
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Our parish mission is to be a vibrant community that actively accompanies people to encounter Jesus.

We acknowledge the First people of the land on which we celebrate our Eucharist and live out our faith.


Dear one and all,

Over the last month, Fr Francis and I have completed a two week preaching series on sacrificial giving. This was a first for both of us and I so wanted say a sincere “thank you” for the way you received these homilies – as well as the printed financial information and invitation to use a direct debit form or the Parish Giving App. Thank you for that way many of you have already responded to the invitation to make a prayerful increase to your giving – remembering that the fruit of giving lies primarily with the giver. The secondary fruit of your giving will be a significant increase in our parish’s ability to invest in our Mission: To be a vibrant parish that actively accompanies people into relationship with Jesus. I am convinced that with a generous buy-in from each and every giver in the parish, we will be well equipped to finance the mission and begin growing our parish. Further information on giving in our parish can be found on our website.
With thanks and God’s richest blessings,

Fr Josh.


Hospitality this weekend!

Saturday 1 April
Stay for Wine & Cheese after 5.00pm Mass at OLR. All welcome.
Sunday 2 April
Being the first weekend of the month, most communities will have a cuppa after Mass. If your community is having a cuppa, you are welcome to stay and join them.


Please remember – No Mass

There will be no morning mass Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 5, 6, and 7 April at Unity, Currimundi & OLR.

There will be no mass  Saturday morning 8 April. Easter Saturday mass only at 6.00pm!

No mass at Unity Wednesday 12 & 19 April.


Sharing the Chalice

It is with gratitude and joy to share with you the news that we will soon reintroduce reception of Jesus’ Precious Blood from the chalice at Holy Communion. After a consultation with an infectious disease expert, the Archdiocese of Brisbane has received the encouragement to resume normal practices as much as possible due to the fact that “Covid will remain part of the human viral ecology for the foreseeable future.”

For our parish, we have decided to begin offering the chalice from the 5th Sunday of Easter, 6-7 May. In order to prepare for this, training for community leaders will be offered at the OLR Parish Centre Egan Room at 9.30am on Thursday, 20 April. This training aims to empower at least one person from each of our Masses to go forth and train other extraordinary ministers. Between now and then, if you are interested in becoming an extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion please leave your name and contact details with your community leader and/or Mass coordinator.


Planning support for Indigenous Voice 

Sunshine Coast Reconciliation Group discuss Indigenous Voice in the OLR Dobson room on 17 March.

Members of the Catholic, Anglican and Uniting Churches recently met with the Sunshine Coast Reconciliation Group Inc. to exchange plans on how to support creating an Indigenous Voice, ahead of an Australian referendum on the subject later this year.

Bob Cullen, OLR parishioner who is part of the Group said that he had learned more about the Archbishop’s plans for providing support for an Indigenous Voice in parliament after attending the Inclusion & Community Life Network Launch.

Australian people will go to a referendum about whether we support changing the Constitution to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by setting up a representative Voice to inform government and parliamentary decisions.

Archbishop Mark Coleridge has spoken up in support, saying, “I’m strongly committed to the Voice. I’ve listened to important and convincing indigenous voices on this topic.” His endorsement was founded on Scripture and the history of dispossession of First Nation peoples. Mr Cullen said that more information would be provided from the Archbishop and after the next planned Walking Together Workshop in the Hanly Room on 22 April.


Attention all Volunteers

Due to Covid – Compulsory Safeguarding training had been delayed and is now due to be completed by all. You can view the two training links below (at home in your own time) and email us when you have completed the viewing.

There will be forms that need to be signed as well.

Safeguarding Essentials

Safeguarding Training 

For those who can’t view the online training at home, you are welcome to come to the OLR parish on Thursday 6 April, 9.00am in the OLR church and we will set up the screens for viewing. Any questions don’t hesitate to email the Parish Office.  The Pastoral Care training that was going to be this date will be post phoned till after Easter date to be confirmed.



Triduum Practise for OLR Church ceremonies

Sacristans, and all volunteers and ministers, we are having a run through of Triduum ceremonies on Tuesday the 4 April at 11.00am at OLR Church.



Confirmation for all baptised children from Year 3 or older are welcome to make their confirmation in Term 2.

The program starts on Thursday 27 April in the OLR Church from 5.00-6.00pm  and runs for seven weeks with the Confirmation ceremony on Friday 9 June. You will need to attend all sessions to be able to complete the sacrament.

Stella Maris Parish Maroochydore is running the same program a day apart so you are welcome to attend there or here. To register complete the registration form online. Both parents need to sign the form, and a copy of your child’s baptism certificate needs to be attached to the application.

Please note you will have to do it from your computer, mobile phones don’t work. Any questions don’t hesitate to contact the Parish office.


Bible Studies…beginning in May!

Bible studies will be continuing after Easter and there will be a new topic of study, ‘Jesus Christ, Teacher, Servant and Saviour’, beginning in May.  At present there are four groups, (three in Caloundra one one in Landsborough) and we hope to grow in numbers and expand our groups!
If anyone is interested in joining one of these groups, or forming a new one, we would be delighted to hear from you.

Landsborough group meet on Monday afternoons. Please contact Carol Devcich 0403 869 267 for further information.

Caloundra Group A meet on Tuesday evenings at 7.00pm at OLR in Dobson Room. This study will start on 2 May. New members welcome.

Caloundra Group B will be studying Jesus Christ, Teacher, Servant and Saviour. They meet on Tuesday evenings at 7.00pm at Caroline Kettle’s home in central Caloundra. This study will start on 2 May. New members welcome.

Caloundra Group C meet on Wednesday mornings at 9.00am at Caroline Kettle’s home in central Caloundra. This study will start on Wed 3 May. (This study group is full).

Cost is $13 for the guide book. As this study has 13 sessions, we are going to have 7 sessions from 2-3 May until 13-14 June, and then 6 sessions from 18-19 July until 22-23 August.

We choose studies that help us to get to know the Bible and therefore God, in ways that have a practical application to our lives. If you have a home that would be suitable for 6-10 people to gather in, that would be ideal (obviously the size of your home will determine the number of participants). It is also a great way to get to know others, and form friendships, and give support to one another in all sorts of ways. To help run these groups, it is not necessary to have great knowledge of the Bible, as the studies guide us well, and the Holy Spirit is also present to lead us into deeper understanding.

For further information, please contact Caroline Kettle 0435 828 092.




This is an invitation to all Pastoral carers, those taking communion to the sick and housebound and those who provide pastoral visits to those in need. There will be a meeting on Thursday 6 April at 9.00am in the OLR church. You will need to complete some compulsory safeguarding training and learn what are the expectations of your role.
Please RSVP to the Parish office by Monday 3 April as morning tea will be provided.






Divine Mercy Sunday – 16 April

Jesus revealed to a Polish nun, St Faustina Kowalska, His infinite love for all of humanity. He asked her to spread devotion to His Divine Mercy. Pope St. John Paul II instituted the Feast of Divine Mercy in response to our Lord’s requests. We are asked to trust in the mercy of Jesus, to venerate His Sacred image and to pray for mercy for all those in need, whether spiritual or physical.

Please join us at St Joseph’s Parish Nambour local parish celebration of this feast day at 2pm for Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Confessions, 3pm Holy Mass and veneration of the Divine Mercy Image.

The following program is proposed for the day:

  • 2.00pm – Sacrament of reconciliation: Fr Odinaka.
  • 2.00pm – Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament – Dcn Adrian
  • 2.00pm – Rosary – Dcn Adrian – Dcn Adrian
  • 2.35pm – Divine Praises and Benediction – Dcn Adrian
  • 2.40pm – Repose Blessed Sacrament – Dcn Adrian
  • 2.45pm – Divine Mercy Chaplet – Dcn Adrian
  • 3.00pm – Mass: Fr Odinaka (Homily Dcn Adrian). Veneration of the Divine Mercy Image following Mass – Dcn Adrian


Alpha Course

A new Alpha course is commencing on Friday 21 April at 9.30am. This course is a series of interactive sessions that create a safe and honest space where people can explore life, faith and meaning. Everyone is welcome. Please contact Elaine for more information on 0455 736 877 or email 


Kingdom Youth – Term 1 recap

We have had a super exciting start to the year with our high school youth group, Kingdom Youth. Our launch night brought 80 students from Years 7–12, and we have had between 60–70 students back each week since that very first night.

Our theme for this year is “Jesus, Transform Me,” and this term we focused on how we can be transformed mind, heart, and soul, if we choose to invest time in having a personal relationship with Jesus. Students have heard input each week from our very own youth leaders, Fr Josh, and guest speaker, Peter Munns, from Ignite Youth in Brisbane. They have participated in various prayer opportunities and sung their hearts out in praise and worship. The youth band continues to grow, as do the students interested in youth leading, who are taking on the responsibilities of running the games, activities, leading small groups, and more.

A BIG thank you to the ladies prayer group who continue to provide our Friday night dinners. Table fellowship is such an important part of our ministry, and we are so grateful to be supported by them in this way. Another huge thank you to our adult youth leaders who offer up their time each Friday night to journey alongside our students. We have a very special group of ten volunteers who consistently give of themselves in this way and for that we are forever grateful. Thank you also to Fr Francis who has been an ongoing support and presence.

Most recently, we took 60 of our youth to the local cinema as an end of term social night. We were so pleased to hear from the cinema that they were one of the best school groups they have hosted!

It is a joy and a privilege to continue to walk with these kids as they explore faith and navigate life. Term 2 is already looking full of more excitement! Please continue to pray for us as the year goes on. May you feel the joy and love of the Easter season.   Take care.

Felicity , Youth Minister


Looking for that special Easter gift?

Look no further we still have some Commemorative Wines available.

Fr John Dobson Edition – Merlot
Fr John Egan Edition – Shiraz
Fr Kevin Smith – Semillon Sauvignon Blanc
$20 per bottle, buy singly or Gift Packed in a box (3 mixed bottles)


Handy Man help!

We are looking for a handy man who can assist with the odd jobs around the parish. This may include activities such as maintaining, fixing or advising on the care for our parish’s property. If you can assist, please email the parish office.  We will assist you in terms of any paperwork required e.g. blue card, police check etc. Thank you!


Encounter Kids invitation

Let Encounter Catholic Kids Caloundra inspire your child with their one-day school holiday program filled with games, activities, crafts, fun and faith. Whether your child likes puzzles or playing Tug-O-War, it’s the ultimate environment to meet new friends and take part in immersive play and prayer designed to give children a positive and powerful experience of the Catholic faith.

Encounter Kids is the perfect playground for kids to burn off some energy in the school holidays, master some true friendships and encounter faith that might yet lead them to their best friendship ever with Jesus!

Open to all primary school aged children aged between 5 and 12 years, this one-day program creates a welcoming and fun space for children to connect with Jesus and grow in faith. Register now.



Catholic Leader is online

Catch up on all the latest Catholic news each week for free!


Date Claimer in Maleny

Maleny Catholic Ladies are having a Fashion Parade and morning tea on Friday 5 May commencing at 9.30am in Pat Daley Centre.
Tickets are $25 each including 5 raffle tickets, they are available by phoning Rose 0400 550 007 or Chris 0490 065 607.


It’s school holidays!

To everyone joining us while on holidays! Whether you are travelling from across the street, up the Bruce Highway or roving around the country, thank you for choosing to be part of our celebration today. Keep safe on the roads.


Watch Mass live

Did you know that each day (except Wednesday) we live stream our daily Mass? To watch mass live go to the Caloundra Catholic Parish Facebook  page.



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