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Parish News Jun 1, 2023

Trinity Sunday
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This is bigger than Calvary!


Join with over 228,000 Christians around our country to save Calvary Hospital in Canberra from being forcible acquired by the ACT Government.

Calvary are standing against the forced law of offering Euthanasia in their hospital.

If we don’t set a precedent, our Catholic Hospitals in Queensland could be next.

Find out what the Archbishop of Sydney, Anthony Fisher, has to say here.





The Sunshine Coast Homeless Need Our Help

On 22 June, Dan McShea (Principal of Unity College), Michael Stewart (Principal of OLR Primary School), and I will be once again roughing it in the cold and (hopefully not) wet. This winter, we’re sleeping out with other community leaders on Maroochydore Beach to not only raise money for people experiencing homelessness, but raise awareness of their plight. Homelessness can affect anyone – women, men, and even children. The good news though is that together, we can make a significant difference!

Please support us during the Vinnies CEO Sleepout; your donation will help the St Vincent de Paul Society empower more people to get off the streets and into stable accommodation. Vinnies provides counselling, education, health and employment services to help people to lift themselves out of the cycle of poverty.

Every donation is meaningful. Just fifty dollars can provide a whole family with a warm, nutritious meal this winter. The other good news is that like last year, your donations will stay local, directly helping people in the Sunshine Coast. Please help us raise funds by clicking on the link below. Thank you so much; your generosity is truly appreciated. Fr Josh


Feedback: Strategic Plan Launch

My name is Melissa Ledwich (pictured above center) and my home parish is St Francis Xavier, Goodna. My husband and I have two young girls (under 4 years old) and another baby on the way. My role at Evangelisation Brisbane as a Project Officer (Parish Leadership Team), has given me the privilege of walking closely with the leadership teams of your parish as your Strategic Plan has developed. What I really loved about the launch of your Strategic Plan on Sunday is that you could feel the energy and support of a parish community that was united in purpose. I’m confident that the prayers of each worshipping community contributed to the sense of true joy and hope I felt. Your parish has enormous potential to become all that God is calling it to be over the next 5 years. As a first step, I encourage you to find some time to read and sit with the beautiful Vision Narrative written in your Strategic Plan. Take time to sit with it, to be inspired by it, and pray with it, and see where the Holy Spirit is inviting you to get involved next. My prayers are with you. Take Care Mel.


Ministers of Communion to the Sick and Housebound

OLR Parish has nearly 10% of worshipping parishioners involved in the ministry of Visitation and Holy Communion to the sick or housebound.😍
More than 37 Ministers gathered last week for prayer, fellowship and learning about this vital ministry to be unified in the delivery of the most Blessed Sacrament.
If you know anyone in the parish who is unable to celebrate Mass or even lonely, please email ol*************@bn*.au

Lectio Divina: Mark’s Gospel Bible Study – 14 Sessions

Commencing 8:00-9:30am on Thursday 22 June at Kawana Good Shepherd Centre, Nanyima St, Buddina (opp. Kawana Library & Centrelink). Only 10 spaces available. Registration is free but an $18 donation would be appreciated to go towards the work book. For registration and enquires please email jo********@op******.au





Grief Support

If you are experiencing grief through the loss of a loved one, a broken relationship or a major life change of any kind, and you feel that the Grief Support team can be of assistance to you or a family member, please contact the Parish office or email Kath on ol**********@gm***.com with your details so a support person can contact you. All contact is treated with utmost confidentiality.



Members of Caloundra’s Our Lady of Good Counsel Conference

The next meeting for Members of Caloundra’s Our Lady of Good Counsel Conference of the St Vincent De Paul Society will be on Thursday 8 June at the Parish Centre at 9.40am. New members welcome. Further enquiries please contact Our Lady of Good Counsel on 54389660.



Safeguarding news

The Safeguarding Commitment for the Archdiocese of Brisbane and Caloundra Catholic Parish is: Zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and strives to safeguard all who interact with its ministries & services. Special priority is given to the safety & wellbeing of children & adults at risk. In an emergency, please call the Police 000 or information can be provided to STOPline anonymously.

Phone: 1300 304 550

Email: AO*@st******.au




Activities for the week at Maleny church

Tuesday 6 June  Maleny Catholic Ladies meeting with morning tea at 9.30am, followed by 10.00am meeting.


Sunday 18 June Sausage sizzle after Mass to celebrate Feast of the Sacred Heart.

Saturday 24 June  Ecumenical morning tea commencing at 9.30am in Pat Daley Centre Maleny.


Men Alive : MAX2023 BEHOLD

menALIVE to the MAX is the premier Australasian Catholic Gathering of men called MAX 2023. We celebrate 20 years of MAX this year. The theme this year is BEHOLD.

After several years of almost no live events, we are looking forward to gathering together to; listen, learn and long for the fullness of life. We desire to grow into the men we were made to be; better husbands, fathers, and men of God. Save the date and take part in the national Gathering of Catholic Men—July 14/16.

Register here–

Registrations start from $150. For more information, click



Become a Pastoral Care Volunteer

Southern Cross Care Aged Care are seeking expressions of interest from caring and supportive parishioners to join their Pastoral Care Volunteer Program. Help make a difference to the lives of aged care residents at their Caloundra home by helping residents with their emotional or spiritual needs. Successful applicants will take part in an 8-week training course (commencing July 2023, and only a few hours per week) and become a part of a great community of spiritual care volunteers. For further information contact Kristie McManus on 0437 717 153 or download the brochure




First Saturday devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Please join us on Saturday 3 June at 8.00am Our Lady of the Rosary Church Caloundra:

1. Recite the Rosary

2. Make a Sacramental Confession

3. Receive Holy Communion

4. Keep company and meditate on the mysteries of Rosary with the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate heart of Mary.





Celebrating our diverse faith st Stella Maris

There was plenty of enthusiasm at our initial planning meeting for the Multicultural Mass which we will celebrate on Sunday 18 June. Everyone is invited! The Food and cultural extravaganza that will take place around Stella Maris Church immediately after the Mass. Our hope is for everyone to share in the culinary uniqueness and musical traditions of the many groups that make up our Parish. Now, if we are expecting over 400 at the Mass, that is a lot of dance and a lot of food!!! We invite and encourage ALL parishioners from all churches specially those who have come from abroad to contact  Trish Harding  to see how we can be involved. The Mass is open to all to celebrate our diversity.


In Transition 

As a parish family we welcome Lewis Blades & Darcy Fazackerley who will be baptised in our Parish this weekend. We pray for Natale Sutic who died last week and his funeral will be on Thursday 1 June 11.00am at OLR. May his soul and all the souls of our deceased priests, religious and parishioners Rest in Peace


Corpus Christi Procession

Are you proud of your Catholic faith? Are you looking for an opportunity to bear witness and help “make disciples of all nations” (Matt 28:19)?

On the Feast of Corpus Christi (June 11), join over 4000 other Catholics making a public testimony of faith by walking in a Eucharistic procession through the streets of Brisbane city. It will be a colourful display as groups gather from all across the Archdiocese of Brisbane to represent their parish or cultural community.

The Corpus Christi Procession will start and end at the Cathedral of St Stephen and feature prayers, rosary, hymns and Benediction with proceedings led by Archbishop Mark Coleridge.

Bus transport is available. Keep your eye on this website for more details as they become available. Download the brochure Corpus_Christi_DL_flyer for more information.

Date:  Sunday, 11th of June
Time: 2pm
Cost: Free
Location: Cathedral of St Stephen, Brisbane City





Holy Land Pilgrimage – save the date!

For more enquiries: Please ring Cristina on 0408 808 992 or complete this expression of interest form.



Sponsors Of The Parish Newsletter:

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