Are you musically gifted?
One of opportunities in a parish such as ours, with 11 Sunday Masses, is that there are many different ways to serve in ministry. Perhaps one of the most important ministries is people using their skills, gifts and talents to lead our musical worship. We have a rich history of highly skilled musicians – particularly organists – in our parish and we are and continue to be indebted to them for their faithful service over many, many years.
Several of our long-serving musicians are retiring at this time and so there is great need for people who are musically gifted to step into service in this important ministry. Can you play the piano, organ, guitar or any other instrument that could lead and accompany music ministry at Mass? This is a fantastic opportunity to put the “Yes Prayer” into action.
Please email the office ca*******@bn*.au or call 07 5430 9390 with your contact details and a member of the Worship Ministry Leadership Team will be in touch.
Thank you for your ministry.
The Sunshine Coast Homeless Need Our Help
Fr Josh, together with Dan McShea (pictured left), Principal of Unity College and Michael Stewart (center), Principal of OLR Primary School, will once again ‘rough’ the cold winter and (hopefully not) wet weather on Thursday night 22 June. They’re sleeping out with other community leaders at Maroochydore Beach to raise money for people experiencing homelessness and raise awareness of their plight. Homelessness can affect anyone – women, men, and even children. The good news though is that together, we can make a significant difference!
Please support them during the Vinnies CEO Sleepout; your donation will help the St Vincent de Paul Society empower more people to get off the streets and into stable accommodation. Vinnies provides counselling, education, health and employment services to help people to lift themselves out of the cycle of poverty.
Every donation is meaningful. Just fifty dollars can provide a whole family with a warm, nutritious meal this winter. The other good news is that like last year, your donations will stay local, directly helping people in the Sunshine Coast. Please help us raise funds by making a donation here
Your generosity is truly appreciated. Fr Josh
Celebrating our diverse faith st Stella Maris
It’s time to listen Maleny & Kawana!
Our chance to find out more locally about the coming referendum. Information sessions on the Voice from Sunshine Coast Reconciliation Group Inc.
Maleny Community Centre Thursday 15 June 9:30 – 11;30 am.
Kawana Community Hall Friday 16 June 6:00 pm – 8:pm.
All welcome. More information click here
ALPHA – save the dates!
Alpha, Save the dates After another very successful Alpha course, which is concluding next week, we are now opening a further 2 courses beginning in July. There will be an Alpha course commencing on Tuesday 11 July at 6.00pm and one on Friday 14 July at 8.45am. We will also offer one at Landsborough if we have sufficient interest.
For any further enquiries please email the Parish Office ca*******@bn*.au
Name Badges
Do you have a badge? If you do don’t forget to wear it to mass. If you don’t have a badge and would like One, please email the parish office ca*******@bn*.au
stating your name and phone number. The badges cost $5 each and please specify if you want a pin or magnet backing.
Sunshine Singers’ performance
On Saturday 17 June at 2.30pm, ‘St Andrew’s Musical Afternoon’ Will be presenting the Amber Trio; Sirin a 6 voice a-capella; a recorder ensemble ‘Corder Ballet’, and the newly formed Sunshine Coast Dementia choir, Sunshine Singers. This will be the choirs debut performance and will be held at St Andrews Anglican Church, Caloundra. Afternoon tea will be provided. Admission free but donations appreciated, contact Ann 0416921963 for further information.
150th Anniversary of the Cathedral of St Stephen
Lectio Divina: Mark’s Gospel Bible Study – 14 Sessions
Commencing 8:00-9:30am on Thursday 22 June at Kawana Good Shepherd Centre, Nanyima St, Buddina (opp. Kawana Library & Centrelink). Only 10 spaces available. Registration is free but an $18 donation would be appreciated to go towards the work book. For registration and enquires please email jo********@op******.au
Grief Support
If you are experiencing grief through the loss of a loved one, a broken relationship or a major life change of any kind, and you feel that the Grief Support team can be of assistance to you or a family member, please contact the Parish office or email Kath on ol**********@gm***.com with your details so a support person can contact you. All contact is treated with utmost confidentiality.
OLR Parish Activities
Please note if you are looking for an activity or something that is happening in and around our Parish please feel free to go to our website to see what is happening.
If it is not in our newsletter each week doesn’t mean it’s not on! These are activities that go on every week. If you are involved or regularly go to that group you will know it is on.
If you wish to know more about theses groups or contact details please go to our What’s On section on our website for more information.
Activities for the week at Maleny church
Tuesday 13 June Maleny SVDP meeting in the Pat Daley Centre at 10am
Wednesday 14 June Maleny cards at 6.00pm in the Pat Daley Centre.
Sunday 18 June Maleny sausage sizzle following the 9.00am Mass.
Men Alive : 2023 BEHOLD
MenALIVE is a national Catholic Ministry and gathering of men. This Australasian ministry aims to Support men to be the men they were created to be; better husbands, fathers, and men of God.
MenAlive celebrates 20 years this year and the 2023 theme, BEHOLD.
MenAlive are hosting two upcoming gatherings to support men to connect in the context of the Catholic faith to listen, learn and long for the fullness of life.
When: 23-25 June 2023
Where: Kindilan Adventure Park Brisbane
Cost: $450 for father & son
Register here:
Event 2: menALIVE to the MAX
When: 14-16 July 2023
Where: The Women’s College University of Queensland, Brisbane.
Cost: Registrations start from $150.
Register here:
Become a Pastoral Care Volunteer
Southern Cross Care Aged Care are seeking expressions of interest from caring and supportive parishioners to join their Pastoral Care Volunteer Program. Help make a difference to the lives of aged care residents at their Caloundra home by helping residents with their emotional or spiritual needs. Successful applicants will take part in an 8-week training course (commencing July 2023, and only a few hours per week) and become a part of a great community of spiritual care volunteers. For further information contact Kristie McManus on 0437 717 153 or download the brochure
In Transition
As a parish family we welcome Zoe Gort who will be baptised in our Parish this weekend. We also welcome Lucy Segger, Stuart Main, Ashley Wright, Nicole Lude, Melissa Dagan & Jenna Kramer who will be baptised/confirmed and receiving their First Holy Communion this weekend.
We pray for Joan Hall & James McGovern who died last week and their funerals will be at G&W Thursday 1.00pm & Friday 10.00am respectively. May their souls and the souls of our deceased priests, religious and parishioners Rest in Peace
Holy Land Pilgrimage – save the date!
For more enquiries: Please ring Cristina on 0408 808 992 or complete this expression of interest form.