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Parish News Jul 21, 2023

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Love Your Neighbour Food Drive

The Love Your Neighbour Food Drive is proving to be a huge success. Thank you to everyone for your wonderful generosity and support. We are still accepting donations of food or money towards this venture.

If you would like to volunteer by cooking for this worthy cause, please contact Trish Harding, leader of the Service & Outreach Team. The meals will be cooked by parish volunteers and students out at Unity College school kitchen under the supervision of the Food Technology and Hospitality teacher.

This is a wonderful initiative from the Service & Outreach Team to help  prepare meals for the people of our parish who are struggling to provide meals for themselves.



Introducing Judy – our local safeguarding officer

Judy is our Safeguarding officer and representative for OLR Parish.

The safeguarding commitment for Caloundra Catholic Parish is: Zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and strives to safeguard all who interact with its ministries & services.

If you have any concerns or need to talk to Judy, please don’t hesitate to contact her.

Email Judy Moir  or Phone 0421 873 060

Download the attached Judy Moir flyer



Safeguarding News

The Safeguarding Commitment for the Archdiocese of Brisbane and Caloundra Catholic Parish is: Zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and strives to safeguard all who interact with its ministries & services. Special priority is given to the safety & wellbeing of children & adults at risk. In an emergency, please call the Police 000 or information can be provided to STOPline anonymously.

Phone: 1300 304 550

Email: [email protected]


More Information


The OLR 2023 St Vincent de Paul Society’s Winter Appeal

OLR Vinnies winter appeal will be conducted in the Parish next weekend the 22-23 July 2023. Proceeds from the appeal will support the work of the Society in assisting members of our communities who are homeless and experiencing difficulties due to cost of living pressures. All funds raised locally will be used to support people in need in the local area.

Everyday members from our five Parish St Vincent de Paul Conference groups come into contact with people who are homeless or experiencing difficulties affording every day necessities. Increasingly this includes women aged 55 years and older, who do not have a stable place to call home. Thank you for your generosity.




Ignite Conference 2023

This year Kingdom Youth are sending another group, hopefully of 40 students and young adults, to Ignite Conference in Brisbane from 21-24 September. Ignite Conference is a gathering of thousands of young people from around Australia and New Zealand to celebrate faith through vibrant rallies, workshops, encounters, and Sacraments. We had an incredible time last year and look forward to providing this opportunity again for our young people. We saw a lot of fruit after Ignite Conference last year. Almost all who attended either still attend or now lead at youth group on Friday nights, running games/activities, or sharing their witness through testimony. This year, several of those who completed their Sacraments of Initiation program last year are already registered to attend, and we pray the experience continues to support their journey of faith. We couldn’t have made any of this possible without the generosity of our beautiful parish. Thank you so much to all those who assisted us in some way. There will be a few upcoming opportunities to assist us in our fundraising efforts, and we would very much appreciate your support not only here, but in whatever way you are able to give – we are so grateful for your prayers and time! Please continue to pray for us as we prepare for the conference this year, and we will definitely continue to pray for each of you.

God bless,

Felicity, Youth Co-ordinator


First Holy Communion has started!

As our children have commenced the sacramental program towards making their First Holy Communion, please keep them in your prayers. The children and their families will be joining the 9.30am OLR Mass each Sunday after they have a brief class/session at 9.00am.

If you have not yet registered and are wanting your children to be involved please go to our website registration. Complete the registration form, sign by both parents and hit submit. Please note the form cannot be completed on your mobile devices. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact the Parish office. Final registration will closes Monday 31 July, 2023.



Scam Alert – once again

Once again, scammers, purporting to be Fr Josh, have been phishing. This time, many people received a text message that looked legitimate, asking for help. The scammer, when replied to, asked for people to purchase gift cards (iTunes vouchers) for a sick family in hospital. Please note: your priests will never contact you through non-official channels to ask for assistance (eg. text messaging or emailing from private email addresses). The only email address you may receive communication will end in Your priests will never ask for financial assistance using digital media.



In transition

We welcome Felicity Harris, Tien Hill, River Underwood & Hudson Turnbull who will be baptised at OLR this weekend.

We pray for the repose of the souls of Joseph Camenzuli who died last week and his funeral will be held at G&W this Thursday 27 July at 11.00am.

We pray that all the souls of our deceased priests, religious and parishioners Rest in Peace



Bring a Plate


We invite families/friends to ‘Bring a Plate’ for the morning tea after the 9.30am OLR Mass for Weeks 2&4 only.
Please advise on a tag if gluten or Lactose free etc. and bring it to our kitchen area.

We cordially welcome and invite volunteers to assist with Morning Tea. If you wish to be rostered as part of this hospitality team, please contact the Parish Office.

Please note that part of our 5-year strategic plan is to have refreshments/gathering after every Mass in every worshipping community. The 9.30am OLR Mass refreshments are happening due to the initiative of several 9.30am parishioners





Containers for Change

Are you saving your can/bottles? The Parish Containers for Change initiative is up and running. By using the Parish Scheme ID C11072500, your funds will be directed to the Church-run initiatives.

For more information on how you can be involved and lodge a return or add the Parish scheme ID in the containers for change mobile App, please refer to our website



Name Badges

Our Parish’s aim is to be a vibrant and welcoming Parish. If you have a name badge, it would be appreciated if you could wear it to Mass. If you don’t have a badge and would like one, please email the parish office with your name and phone number to  The badges cost only $5 each (the parish subsidises the rest) Please specify if you want a pin or magnet backing.



Are you looking to belong and be part of your parish community?

Our Lady of the Rosary parish is an inclusive parish “where locals and travellers meet, where all feel welcome and where those of different cultures and ages experience inclusion”. Our parish seeks to be a place where people are loved like they have never been loved before.

So if you’re looking for a friend? …why not join OLR’s Women’s and Friendship Group.

If you enjoy playing cards or painting, why not join Maleny’s card group or OLR’s Art classes?

From Children’s liturgy, to Charismatic prayer group, Young Adults & Alpha, Benediction, Prayer, Bible study and St Vincent de Paul groups, OLR welcomes you! Check out our What’s On page on the parish website.

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.…(Matthew 7:7-8)




Holy Land Pilgrimage – save the date!

For more enquiries: Please ring Cristina on 0408 808 992 or complete this expression of interest form.














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