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Parish News Aug 4, 2023

Feast of the Transfiguration
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Stay for a cuppa after Mass on Sunday, or for wine & cheese at OLR on the Saturday night. OLR Sunday morning will be the carwash and sausage sizzle fundraiser from 8.00am-11.00am. Instead of the usual cuppa after Mass at Maleny, there will be a BEER and BEEF breakfast. Please bring your favourite beef dish and refreshments. Tea/coffee/slices will also be available. All welcome!



Come and get your car washed this weekend – Ignite Fundraiser!

Help us raise funds to send our youth group to the Ignite Conference, we are holding another carwash and BBQ on Sunday from 8.00-11.00am (through the 9:30am Mass). It is $20.00 a car, and Mass will be followed by a sausage sizzle, where you can purchase a sausage and bread for $2.00.

All money raised will go towards Ignite Conference registration. Cash or Tap & Go facilities are available. Thank you so much!
Please keep us in your prayers.


Prayer for Priests


Parish Priests












Gracious and loving God, we thank you for the gift of our priests.
Through them, we experience your presence in the sacraments.
Help our priests to be strong in their vocation.
Set their souls on fire with love for your people.
Grant them the wisdom, understanding, and strength they need to follow
in the footsteps of Jesus. Inspire them with the vision of your Kingdom.
Give them the words they need to spread the Gospel. Allow them to experience joy in their ministry. Help them to become instruments of your divine grace.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns as our Eternal Priest. Amen.




Funeral Sacristan needed

After many years of hard work and dedication by Dennis O’Brien as the OLR church funeral sacristan, he has decided to hang up the uniform and retire!

Dennis – Thank you for your ministry.

As of September we are looking for a replacement funeral sacristan. If you have the calling or able to say Yes to assist with the final farewell of our dearly beloved, please contact the Parish office.

Caloundra Catholic Homes Foundation Ltd

What an exciting and challenging year it has been.
There was much excitement for our residents as we moved them into two new houses in Aura. Lavally Lodge has served us well since 1989, however it is too far away from the services our residents are now able to access, under the National Disability Insurance Scheme. The move has been a great success with all residents now happy in their new home. The residents have outfitted their rooms with new furniture and we have provided new white
goods and kitchen appliances. We have three residents in Lynam House and currently two in Wells House. Lavally Lodge has been sold and we look forward to utilising the funds to continue to provide housing and support as per our constitution. On behalf of the Directors and members, a huge thank you to our present and past donors and volunteers for all you have and are continuing to do to allow the Homes Foundation to continue.




All are invited to join our young adults for an hour of Adoration on Wednesday 9 August, 6.30pm at the OLR church. We’d love to see you there!

white cross on brown wall

Adoration at Maleny Tuesday Mass (already happening) and Landsborough Friday Mass will now begin at 8.00am (Landsborough starting 18th August) and conclude at 8.55am with Benediction by the priest.



No Mass – reminder

Please note there will be no Mass at Unity, OLR, Currimundi & Little Mountain on Wednesday & Thursday this week with all the Priest will be in Brisbane at the Convocation.



Are you musically gifted?

person playing piano

Can you play the piano, organ, guitar or any other instrument that could lead and accompany music ministry at Mass? This is a fantastic opportunity to put the “Yes Prayer” into action. Please contact the parish office by email or call 5430 9390 and leave your contact details and a member of the Worship Ministry Leadership Team will be in touch. Thank you for your ministry.



Ladies Lunch

The next Ladies Lunch will be on Friday 18th August at 12noon at Dom’s at Kings (79 Edmund Street Kings Beach – entry in Ormonde Tce). All ladies are welcome.
If you would like to attend please contact Deborah 0410531901. It is very important for this lunch that I have
final numbers by Monday 14 August so I can inform the restaurant on Tuesday morning.


The OLR Conference 2023 St Vincent de Paul Society’s Winter Appeal

Our 5 local conferences have assisted over 3000 companions during the past 12 months.
On their behalf, SVDP sincerely thanks all those who have contributed to this worthy appeal.
The Caloundra OLR community raised in excess of over $2200

Thank you for your generosity.


Name Badges

If you have a name badge, it would be appreciated if you could wear it to Mass. If you don’t have a badge and would like one, please email the parish office with your name and phone number =. The badges are $5 each (the parish subsidises the rest). Please specify if you want a pin or magnet backing.



In transition

We welcome Jack Marshall who will be baptised at OLR this weekend.
We pray for the repose of the soul of Peter Smith who died last week, a graveside burial will be at Beerwah cemetery on Tuesday 8 August 11.00am. We pray that all the souls of our deceased priests, religious and parishioners Rest in Peace.



As a Parish family we would like to congratulate Joshua Evans & Jemma Connellan and Angus Johnson & Emma Pozzebon who will be married this weekend in Ilkley & Maleny respectfully.

Golden Wedding Anniversary Celebration

In this 150th year of the Cathedral of St Stephen, Archbishop Mark Coleridge invites couples together with family and friends, to the annual GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS, 11:30am Mass on Saturday, 30th September 2023 followed by refreshments on the Cathedral grounds.

Other couples married at the Cathedral or Chapel, are also invited to attend with family and friends to celebrate 150 years of weddings at the Cathedral.

If you have photos or stories to share of your wedding at the Cathedral, please contact David Todd. email: [email protected] telephone: 3324 3030 by 1st September 2023

To register to attend the Mass and for catering purposes please RSVP : Friday 22nd September 2023 [email protected] 3324 3030


Containers for Change

Are you saving your can/bottles? The Parish Containers for Change initiative is up and running. By using the Parish Scheme ID C11072500, your funds will be directed to the Church-run initiatives.

For more information on how you can be involved and lodge a return or add the Parish scheme ID in the containers for change mobile App, please refer to our website




Are you looking to belong and be part of your parish community?

Our Lady of the Rosary parish is an inclusive parish “where locals and travellers meet, where all feel welcome and where those of different cultures and ages experience inclusion”. Our parish seeks to be a place where people are loved like they have never been loved before.

So if you’re looking for a friend? …why not join OLR’s Women’s and Friendship Group.

If you enjoy playing cards or painting, why not join Maleny’s card group or OLR’s Art classes?

From Children’s liturgy, to Charismatic prayer group, Young Adults & Alpha, Benediction, Prayer, Bible study and St Vincent de Paul groups, OLR welcomes you! Check out our What’s On page on the parish website.

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.…(Matthew 7:7-8)





Our Lady of the Rosary Caloundra Year-of-yes


Today and every day I say Yes to you O Lord. In the same way that Mary said yes to your invitation, I say Yes to your Son’s presence in my life. May my yes, by the power of your Holy Spirit, allow you to use all the talents, skills and gifts you have given me for the purpose of building up Your Body in our community.

We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen




Holy Land Pilgrimage – save the date!

For more enquiries: Please ring Cristina on 0408 808 992 or complete this expression of interest form.














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