Faith and formation in our Parish
“Jesus said, ‘I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life; no-one comes to the Father except through me’” (John 14:6).
As practicing Catholics, we are on a Journey of Faith. The ultimate end of that journey is to be with God in Heaven, as Saint (insert your name here!) Do you really believe it is possible?? Do you have a plan, or a roadmap to get you there? Have you given any thought to what you need on your Journey? Do you know the Way?
On the journey we need to always look to Jesus.
On the journey we need to follow the directions provided by those who know the Way.
On the journey we need nourishment for the soul.
On the journey we need support and companionship.
On the journey we need to help others in need along the way.
The Faith and Formation team have the responsibility to support the development of faith and discipleship in all adult parishioners through providing opportunities for spiritual and prayerful accompaniment, catechesis and formation experiences and dialogue. We will be offering regular opportunities for all of these, starting with our Practice of Prayer short course with Fr Francis on Thursday 9 November.
This timeslot of 4.00-5.00 pm on Thursdays will become the regular Catechetical/Spiritual development time, so keep it free each week!
Our next offering (after the Practice of Prayer) will be a ‘back to basics’ course on what we, as Catholics, believe. This will incorporate elements of the RCIA program and include our catechumenates for 2024. Please consider joining us if you may benefit from a ‘brush up’. Has it been a while?
Jacinta Elks, Team Leader
The Practice of Prayer – short course
OLR Faith Formation Ministry Short Course with Fr Francis.
Thursdays 4-5 pm Parish Centre, commencing November 9.
Do you struggle with prayer? Do you struggle to connect with God? Do you know how to pray? Would you like to form a deeper relationship with God through prayer?
Join us at the OLR Parish Centre on Thursday afternoons from 4.00-5.00pm, commencing on 9 November.
If there is sufficient interest, we will offer Zoom access to those who cannot be there in person.
Fr Francis will lead us in an in depth look at prayer, and its practice, through the perspective of Ronald Rolheiser’s beautiful book ‘Prayer: Our Deepest Longing’. The book is available for purchase here. Some copies will be available for those needing them.
Ageing Wisely – free event!
This free event is this Thursday, 9 November 9:30am -1:30pm in the OLR Church, sponsored by Holy Cross Funerals Numbers are needed for catering purposes.
Please rsvp with your name, contact number & email. It is not an event to be missed as the information on the day is usually costly to obtain and will be provided free of charge to Our Lady of the Rosary parishioners. There will be professional speakers from Thynne McCartney lawyers, Goals and Dreams Financial Planning, the Archdiocese of Brisbane, Centacare and Holy Cross Funerals.
Morning tea and lunch will also be provided.
Our Lady of the Rosary Church: Thursday, 9 November 9:30am – 1:30pm
For catering purposes, please RSVP names, contact number & email on or before Monday, 6 November by email to ca*******@bn*.au
Extraordinary Communion Ministers
Catholic Mission
Thank you for your generous partnership with life-changing mission programs, like supporting Sr Carolina and the Salesian Sisters and their work through the Maria Auxiliadora Clinic in Venilale, Timor-Leste.
Your gift is helping Sr Carolina continue to provide life-saving treatment and access to resources on health and well-being. Your gift also supports mission programs around the world that reach out and give life
to those in most need.
To learn more about the impact of your support, visit, where you can also sign-up for our regular newsletter. If you have not yet had the opportunity to give, please do so at Your action will make a real, lasting impact.
The Scripture Readings at Sunday Mass
The first document issued by the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, emphasised that “Sacred Scripture is of the greatest importance in the celebration of the liturgy”.
In response, the Lectionary (the book containing the extracts from the Bible read at public worship) was published soon after. Vatican II provided a much greater range of readings from scripture than had been the case previously.
The Gospel readings for Sunday Masses were decided upon first. They are consecutive passages taken from the gospel allocated to each year in a three-year cycle called A, B and C. The Gospel of Matthew is read in Year A, Mark in Year B and Luke in Year C. The Gospel of John does not have its own year but is read every year on some Sundays of Lent, on Holy Thursday and Good Friday and during Easter.
The first reading for each Sunday of the three-year cycle was then selected. It is almost always taken from the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and is chosen because it harmonises with the Gospel. In the Easter Season the first reading is from the Book of Acts which records the progress of the early Church, its witness and its growth.
The second reading comes from one of the New Testament letters (epistles), most often from Paul but also from Peter, John and James. It normally has no thematic relationship to either the first reading or the Gospel. The same epistle is read in a semi-continuous way over a number of Sundays.
by Elizabeth Harrington
All are invited to join our young adults for an hour of Adoration on Wednesday 8 November, 6.30pm at OLR. We’d love to see you there!
Centenary of the first Catholic Church in Maleny
The Maleny Sacred Heart Church community invites Parishioners to celebrate the Centenary of the first Catholic Church in Maleny in February 1924, built on land donated by Mr Pat Daley. A Centenary book is being compiled and will be available at the celebrations on Sunday 4 February 2024.
RSVPs and enquiries to Anna sa***************@ou*****.com
or Danielle 0419545711
New Ladies Group
30-45 year olds—Egan room (OLR Caloundra)
Do you know any amazing ladies aged 30-45 in search of meaningful connections and a shared faith? Our group is the perfect fit! We delve into the stuff that matters – friendship, family, and life’s incredible journey.
Our gatherings are on the second Friday of each month at 6:30pm.
Our next gathering is 10 November. For more information text Jill – 0402 742 920 or join our group here
In Transition
We welcome Bridie & Eli Sim & Evelyn McPake-Maher who will be baptised at OLR this weekend.
We pray that all the souls of our loved ones who have gone before us and the souls of our deceased priests, religious and parishioners.
Rest in Peace.
Safeguarding in our Parish
The Safeguarding Commitment for the Archdiocese of Brisbane and Caloundra Catholic Parish is: Zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and strives to safeguard all who interact with its ministries & services. Special priority is given to the safety & wellbeing of children & adults at risk. In an emergency, please call the Police 000 or information can be provided to STOPline anonymously.
Phone: 1300 304 550
Email: AO*@st******.au
Or Brisbane Safeguarding 07 3324 3752
Our Local Safeguarding Officer: 20*************@bn*.au“>Judy Moir 0421 873 060