2024 Lenten Mini Mission Session Outlines
During our 2024 Mini Mission, Jo Hayes will present three sessions over three days across Caloundra (mornings) and Maroochydore (evenings) parishes.
Monday 19 February: How to Hear from God
It is possible to hear from God on a daily basis. To have an intimate, personal relationship with Him that practically transforms our everyday life – leading to greater peace, joy, clarity, direction and freedom.
Tuesday 20 February: Living a life of radical holiness – sin and the Sacrament of Confession
‘Holiness’ is not just for ‘the great saints’. Holiness is possible for everyday folk, like you and I. What it looks like to pursue holiness, the consequence of sin, and the freedom that comes with regular Confession.
Wednesday 21 February:Harnessing the power of The Word of God – a session on Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina is the prayerful reading of Divine Scripture.
Learn the what/why/how of this ancient spiritual practice, and how knowing, believing and applying The Word will radically transform your life.
Our Caloundra Mini Mission will begin with 9.00am Mass each day, followed by a short cuppa at 9.30am and the one-hour session with Jo. The same content will be offered each day up at Stella Maris church, Maroochydore with a 4.30pm Mass followed by a 5-6pm session. You can find out more about Jo at www.johayes.com.au
Presentation on ‘Dementia Awareness’
by Leah Keating, Dementia Doula.
Have you ever wondered what dementia is? Do you know about modifiable risk factors for dementia?
Are you a carer for someone living with dementia? Would you like to learn more about communication
strategies or how to best support your loved one as their brain is changing with the disease?
Then come along to a free presentation on Monday 12th February 10am
in the OLR Church.
We will begin with morning tea at 9.30am—sponsored by Holy Cross Funerals.
If you would like to ask Leah anything anonymously about dementia, there is a box in the parish office.
You can leave your questions there and Leah will cover these at the end of the presentation.
Alternatively you can email Leah at le*************@gm***.com or ask questions on the day.
Please RSVP for catering purposes to Vicki in the parish office on—ca*******@bn*.au
ALPHA courses starting next week
We have three Alpha courses starting next week:
Tuesday 30 January: 5.00pm-7.00pm at Caloundra
Thursday 8 February: 12-2pm at the Southern Cross Village Community Centre in Little Mountain; and
Friday 2 February: 10.00am-12.00pm on at Landsborough.
Please consider this your personal invitation from me to do an Alpha course.
We have experienced so much fruit from nearly 150 parishioners who have already completed Alpha. They have experienced the power of the Holy Spirit, a new desire to give from the wellspring of their gifts and talents, and many people even discovering the desire to actively accompany other people in the faith. Alpha is fun, interesting and free! Will you step out in faith by saying “Yes” to this invitation, which really comes from Jesus? For more information, go to Linktree or simply call the parish office on 5430 9390 between 9.00am-1.00pm Monday-Friday.
Peace and blessings, Fr Josh
Unity College Chapel
Mass will recommence in the Unity College Chapel each Wednesday
morning, during School term, starting at 7.50am on the 7th February 2024.
Craft Group
Craft Group returns 5th February @ 9am in the Parish Centre at Caloundra.
Planned Giving Envelopes
Planned giving envelopes are ready for collection please collect your envelopes from the church.
The OLR 9.30am Mass is in need of more people to do the Livestreaming.
Please contact the Parish office if you are interested and we will train you up.
First Saturday Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Please join us on 3 February @ 7.45am OLR Church Caloundra
Maleny Centenary Invitation
The big day is only a week away!
The 100yr celebration at Sacred Heart Maleny.
Next Sunday 4 February from 9am-1pm Mass will be at 9am with Archbishop
Coleridge presiding. Celebrations afterwards include morning tea, the centenary
book launch, a history slideshow, time capsule and free lunch, which was
generously sponsored by Holy Cross Funerals. Parking will be limited,
car pooling is advised. Car parking attendants will be on duty.
What better way to help celebrate our unity as a parish.
Event enquiries: sa***************@ou*****.com
Centenary book available for $25, book enquiries contact:gu***********@gm***.com
The Heart on the Hill, Maleny’s centenary history book, will be available for purchase after the Centenary Mass on Sunday 4 February.
Payment will be either cash or card. $25.
Grief Support for interested parishioners
The Grief Support Team is introducing small group sessions for interested parishioners starting on Friday 2 February after 9.00am Mass (9.45-11.15am) in Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Centre.
Feel free to attend without any commitment or cost. It is hoped that you will gain further understanding of the difficult Grief journey and feel supported in the uniqueness of your own experience.
The following topics will be discussed over a period of 6 weekly sessions:
• The Nature of Grief
• Managing Difficult Emotions
• Nurturing the Wounded Self
• Remembering the One Who Died
• Making Needed Adjustments
• Who am I now?
Inquiries: Phone Kath Watson 0415572060
In Transition
We welcome Taylor Bancroft who will be baptised at OLR this weekend.
We pray for Paula Cropper who died last week. Her funeral will be on Tuesday 30th January, 10.30am at Sacred Heart
Church Maleny.
May his soul and the souls of our deceased priests, religious and parishioners Rest in Peace.
Safeguarding in our Parish
The Safeguarding Commitment for the Archdiocese of Brisbane and Caloundra Catholic Parish is: Zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and strives to safeguard all who interact with its ministries & services. Special priority is given to the safety & wellbeing of children & adults at risk. In an emergency, please call the Police 000 or information can be provided to STOPline anonymously.
Phone: 1300 304 550
Email: AO*@st******.au
Or Brisbane Safeguarding 07 3324 3752
Our Local Safeguarding Officer: 20*************@bn*.au“>Judy Moir 0421 873 060
A Year of Invitation prayer
My Lord and my God, you never cease to invite me
to know, love and follow your Son, Jesus.
Give me the grace and courage to be a channel of your love
so that my “yes” to you becomes an invitation to others.
I offer up my entire self – heart, mind and will – to your purpose for me.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.