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Parish News Apr 26, 2024

Fifth Sunday of Easter
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Unity Weekday Mass

Wednesday morning weekday Mass at Unity Chapel will re-commence this week on Wednesday 1st May 7.50am.

Ladies Lunch

Thank you to all 36 ladies who attended our last Ladies Lunch at Dom’s at Kings. Thank you also to
Dom for a great lunch. It was lovely to meet so many ladies who hadn’t attended a lunch before. There was a true sense of fun and fellowship which was enhanced by a fine day and beautiful setting.

May Count

In the month of May, we will be doing the annual Archdiocesan Mass count on each of the four Sundays in May.



First Saturday Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Saturday 4th May @ 7.45am OLR Church. Caloundra, you are all welcome.




Sacred Heart Maleny will be holding a Beef & Beverage Brunch following 9:00 am Mass on Sunday 5th May. All parishioners are invited. If you would like to attend it is requested you provide a meat dish i.e. casserole or such to share and a beverage of your choosing. Tea, coffee and cake will be provided.



Monastic Craft Sale at OLR/Unity 

Sunday, the 5th of May, the Sisters of Mary Morning Star will be hosting a craft sale after the following Masses, OLR 6.30am & 9.30am, Unity 5pm, to raise funds for their community. They will be selling home-made jams, rosaries, Baptismal and decorative candles, CDs, pottery and leather goods. Please come and help support their community! The craft sales will accept cash and bank transfer.


Caloundra Mother’s Day Celebrations

Saturday, 11th May 5pm mass-wine, cuppa & food;
Sunday, 12th May 6:30am mass-croissants, pastries & cuppa;
9:30am- Devonshire tea.
Invite your Mums! Mothers or anyone who has mothered. All welcome!!



World Mission – May Rosary Prayers

In the month of May, Catholic Mission is once again excited to invite you all to honour Mother Mary through praying the “mission rosary” online.The World Mission Rosary aims to “embrace the world in prayer” and especially pray for those living in poverty. This special rosary has a colour-coded decade representing each continent where the Church continues our foundress Pauline Jaricot’s mission. It helps us to understand what it means to belong to a Global Church and how the Church can be a leader in the world through the work of Mission.
Monday – Friday. Time: 2pm Brisbane / Melbourne time /12 pm Perth time
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 893 8798 2280
Password: 876574

Men’s Rosary Crusade

The celebration of our inaugural rosary gathering will commence this Wednesday the 1st May.

On this special day, we will also have adoration to The Holy Eucharist!

This Holy Rosary will be carried out each first Wednesday evening at 6:30pm at the OLR Church. However, we encourage everyone to join our WhatsApp group using the QR code, in case of any special events, news, or in case scheduled activities change. We hope that your “yes” becomes an invitation to others to join us in this noble endeavour of prayer, unity, and devotion to Our Lady.

Wednesday Art Group

Jude’s Art Class is back on every Wednesday 10am-12noon in the Parish Centre (Egan Room). Call Jude for further details on 0421 777 508.



Upcoming Liturgical Workshops

The lector’s workshops are still continuing and aimed at deepening the skills and mindset of all existing lectors as well as those wishing to join. It is our vision for workshops to be a part of the rhythm of life of this parish, since no one workshop can cover every facet of proclaiming God’s Word. Your involvement will enrich you and your worshipping community! So come along! All sessions will be in the Church following Mass. Please register for your workshop via Linktree. Scheduled dates are:
OLR: 4 May, after 5.00pm Mass
OLR 5 May – a single session will be held at 8am in the OLR church for 6.30am & 9.30am lectors.



Know Your Faith

 Our Adult Faith Formation Team warmly invites all parishioners to ‘know your Faith’ a little more. Fr Francis is offering small group faith formation opportunities at OLR, Landsborough and Maleny on a monthly cycle:
•Wk 1 Landsborough Friday 9.30am (This Friday 3rd May)
•Wk 2 OLR Thursday 5pm
•Wk 3 Maleny Tuesday 9.30am
•Wk 4 OLR Thursday 5pm.
•No offering in the fifth week of a month
Please join us to learn more about the beauty and wonder of our faith!



Alpha Term 2 Course

Next Alpha starts on April 30th!
In our year of invitation, have you considered who you could invite to our next Alpha Course? Alpha Term 2 at OLR begins on Tuesday evening at 6pm in the Parish Centre. Register now at the Office or via the Parish Linktree. It is an 8 week course, dinner and great company included! Any questions, please email al*********@gm***.com



150th Anniversary of the Cathedral of St Stephen

As part of the celebrations for the 150th Anniversary of the Cathedral of St Stephen, on the weekend of 10/11 May 2024, the Queensland Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Umberto Clerici will perform Mass in C minor by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in the Cathedral. There are three different shows and tickets are available from the QSO website:



A Year of Invitation

My Lord and my God, you never cease to invite me to know, love and follow your Son, Jesus.

Give me the grace and courage to be a channel of your love so that my “yes” to you becomes an invitation to others.

  I offer up my entire self – heart, mind and will – to your purpose for me. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Safeguarding News

The Safeguarding Commitment for the Archdiocese of Brisbane and Caloundra Catholic Parish is: Zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and strives to safeguard all who interact with its ministries & services. Special priority is given to the safety & wellbeing of children & adults at risk. In an emergency, please call the Police on 000 or information can be provided to STOPline anonymously.

Phone: 1300 304 550 Email: AO*@st******.au

Our Local Safeguarding Officer
Judy Moir – ls***********@bn*.au mb.0421 873 060
Or Brisbane 07 3324 3752



On the Journey

low-angle photo of lightened candles

We welcome Alice Kirkwood, Evie Kirkwood-Moss, Zach Satterthwaite and Ella & Eden Verstappen who will be baptised at OLR this weekend.

We pray for Noela Olsen who died last week and her funeral will be held on Tuesday 30th April 11am at Gregson & Weight.

May the souls of our departed loved ones and deceased priests, religious and parishioners Rest in Peace.














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