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Parish News May 24, 2024

The Most Holy Trinity
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Due to the Maleny Show Day, the Parish Office will be closed this Friday 31st May. 


Opportunities to Serve in our Parish

Friends, below, you’ll find a list of most, if not all, ministry opportunities in our large and diverse parish. Celebrating an annual Parish Service Day offers not only the chance to say “thank you” to those who have served and those who continue to serve, but to promote a culture of service in our parish by calling forth new servants of Jesus.

Our parish is perhaps one of the most geographically diverse parishes in the Archdiocese of Brisbane. This reality magnifies the need to be proactive in promoting unity in a way which also respects our diversity. While each of our worshipping communities have different opportunities for service, what remains constant across all of them, is the Spirit-driven invitation to imitate Jesus by joyfully laying down our lives in service of others.

In promoting a culture of service in our parish, we create a healthy sense of expectation – that if physically able, each worshipping parishioner serves in at least one ministry every year. Together, let us call forth women and men, as well as boys and girls, to listen to what the Spirit is saying. Let us call them to respond by saying “yes” to God’s invitation – particularly those who have not or are not serving in any of the ministry opportunities below. This call to service is certainly not to simply get more people involved – it comes straight from the mouth of Jesus, who said that “It is in giving that we receive” (Lk 6:38), and “It is more blessed go give that to receive” (Acts 20:35).

I encourage you in humility as your Pastor, to respond to this invitation: to commit yourself to a ministry of service for the next 12 months. Due to this being the first annual Parish Service Day – and the fact that we have much work ahead of us to ensure that we have the systems and processes to facilitate the smooth processing of volunteers – I humbly ask that all current volunteers remain in their ministry for the following 12 months at least. This will allow us to concentrate on effectively onboarding new volunteers, making sure that they meet Archdiocesan compliance/ safeguarding requirements, receive appropriate training, and (most importantly), ensure they commence their ministry as quickly as possible.

Please respond to this invitation by eitherscanning the Linktree QR code and selecting the Volunteer Enquiry Form, or completing a paper Volunteer Enquiry Form which your community leader will give you, and dropping it into the collection basket at Mass.

As well as thanking you for your action, but perhaps even more importantly, I would like to invite you to pray about the area of ministry to which you are most suited. God has empowered you will a unique set of skills, gifts, and talents, which are given for the purpose of building up the Body of Christ. Thank you for your openness to listening to what the Spirit is saying.

Peace and blessings, Fr Josh



Parish Ministries



Volunteer Enquiry and Situation Vacant

Managing volunteer enquiries is a lot of work, and is often juggled between our roster coordinators, priests, and parish office staff. The drawback of this arrangement is that, sometimes enquiries get lost. To assist with volunteer enquiries, we are looking for someone to assist us in the office with data entry.

We have a new online enquiry form for all volunteers in the Parish. The link is available via our Linktree QR code under the ‘What’s On’ tab on our website . If you don’t have a computer, just call the Parish Office and we will complete the form for you. It is that simple. While the form caters for new and existing volunteers, we are encouraging new volunteers to use the form in the spirit our first annual Parish Service Day, thank you.




Monday Craft Group



Youth Mass

This Sunday the 26th May is Youth Mass at Unity Chapel from 5pm. Pizza is served afterwards. You are all welcome! 🙂



Currimundi Community

Please note that the Thursday Currimundi Mass will now be at 9.15am. This is the same time the Currimundi Sunday Mass is on.



Landsborough Community

Our Lady of the Way Church at Landsborough is celebrating 70 years since it was established in 1954. There will be a special morning tea to be held in the Ron Hickey Centre after the 7am Mass on Sunday 26 May. Morning tea is proudly sponsored by Holy Cross Funerals. You are all welcome to attend.



National Reconciliation Week

As part of the National Reconciliation Week, all are invited to the 2024 Sunshine Coast Reconciliation Walk, Wednesday 29th May 10.00am to 12 Noon, Dicky Beach Park Caloundra. The event will commence with the Gubbi Gubbi Dance Troupe and a smoking ceremony. Traditional custodian Lyndon Dabis will lead a short wheelchair accessible walk on country providing information and stories about the area. Stalls, food and drinks will be available.
See their website for more details at:



First Saturday Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Saturday 1st June @ 7.45am OLR Church Caloundra, you are all welcome



Men’s Rosary

On May 1st, we held our first Men’s Rosary Crusade at Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Caloundra. The event included an opening procession at the Church and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Over 30 Devotee Knights, not only from OLR Parish but also from other parishes such as Maroochydore and Nambour attended. On the 5th June, at 6:30pm at OLR Church, Father Gerard will lead the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Everyone is welcome to bring snacks and cookies as we share tea and coffee after worship. Additionally, we encourage everyone to join our WhatsApp group using the Linktree QR code, in case of any special events, news, or changes to scheduled activities.




Position Vacant

Holy Cross Funerals is looking for a casual employee Tuesday and Thursday to undertake the following duties
Administration, and
• Funeral Directing
Full Training will be given to the successful applicant.
Please send your resume to: mu******@ho***************.com or if you have
any questions please contact the Manager Peter Mullins on 07 3293 0555



Corpus Christi Procession in Brisbane



Salvation Army Fundraiser

The Salvation Army are holding a Missionary Fund Raising morning on Tuesday 11 June at 9:30am.  The tickets are $10, which covers morning tea and entry into the Concert with the Band.

For catering purposes, if you would like to attend, please contact Marg Lenz (0459 998 824) or the Salvation Army office with your number of attendees by June 7.



The Sunshine Coast Homeless Need Our Help

Every night, thousands of Australians experience homelessness. But it doesn’t have to be that way. This year Fathers Francis and Josh are taking part in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout to raise money for the St Vincent de Paul Society to support Australians in need. For one night on the longest night of the year (20th June), they’ll be sleeping outside on Maroochydore
Beach as part of an eye-opening experience to raise awareness and bring home the realities of homelessness. To help break the devastating cycle of homelessness, they need your support
please. Will you help them to reach their target? Donating $100 can make a huge difference to people who need it most. Your support is very much appreciated!



SYNOD24: I Am Making All Things New

We are just over three months away from a significant event in the life of our archdiocese: Synod24. Synod24 will be a two-part synod in which the decrees from the Plenary Council are turned into binding actions for our archdiocese. Over the next few months, we will be publishing different resources so that everyone can know what is happening in this space, including:

  • A Parish video from the Archbishop announcing the Synod that includes Bishop Tim and Steph Unger answering some FAQs around the Synod
  • A resource for parishes and communities to have their own synodal conversations around the Plenary Council Decrees and to discern their own actions to be a more co-responsible church on mission
  • Translations of the Consultation Process resources
  • Reports on consultations for each area of focus (Decree)

FAQs: What is SYNOD24?

SYNOD24 is about discerning action plans that will help the Archdiocese implement the areas of focus (Decrees) that came out of the Plenary Council. A brief explanation of each area of focus (Decree) can be found here:

SYNOD24 will be held on two days in September and two days in October where approximately 150 people representing the diversity of the Archdiocese will discuss, debate and vote on the proposed practical and measurable actions plans. Synod Members must attend all four days. More information on SYNOD24 can be found here:

Plenary Council Decree 7 requires all dioceses and eparchies to have a synod by the end of 2025. SYNOD24 is our response to this requirement. You can download all Plenary Council Decrees here:

SYNOD24 honours the significant level of broad consultation, listening and discerning that has taken place over the course of the Plenary Council journey (since 2018) and is the next step of this process. Consultations over March, April and May have been focused on voices that had not been heard previously, voices of those on the margins, experts and experienced practitioners. This is to ensure the action plans are practical and measurable, that they reflect the needs of our Archdiocese, and that they truly reflect the responses submitted throughout the Plenary Council process. To remind yourself of the Plenary Council journey since 2018 head here:

For all other information regarding SYNOD24 head to

For all enquiries please email Steph Unger (Synod Executive Officer) at ao******@bn*.au



Altar Server Training

Building on the success of our Lectors workshops, The Worship Team will be putting on altar server training across the parish. All ages are welcome and encourage; we especially want you to get your kids involved. Altar serving is a great way of keeping kids actively involved and focused on the mass. We plan for this workshop to be concise in content; with run-throughs and questions, sessions will go for about an hour. Please email the parish office with your contact details and which sessions you are going to:


At this stage, some communities do not require altar servers and this is reflected below:

Session dates and times are:

25th May – Beerwah – 4pm

2nd June – Maleny – after mass

9th June – Unity Chapel – 3:30pm

16th June – OLR – 8am



Parish Car Park 

Please be aware that the main church carpark requires REVERSE parking. This is to ensure the safety of our children and Parishioners. Thank you.

May Count

In the month of May, we will be doing the annual Archdiocesan Mass count on each of the four Sundays in May. Please stay until the end of Mass for the count.



World Mission – May Rosary Prayers

In the month of May, Catholic Mission is once again excited to invite you all to honour Mother Mary through praying the “mission rosary” online. The World Mission Rosary aims to “embrace the world in prayer” and especially pray for those living in poverty. This special rosary has a colour-coded decade representing each continent where the Church continues our foundress Pauline Jaricot’s mission. It helps us to understand what it means to belong to a Global Church and how the Church can be a leader in the world through the work of Mission.
Monday – Friday. Time: 2pm Brisbane / Melbourne time /12 pm Perth time
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 893 8798 2280
Password: 876574

Wednesday Art Group

Jude’s Art Class is back on every Wednesday 10am-12noon in the Parish Centre (Egan Room). Call Jude for further details on 0421 777 508.



Know Your Faith

‘Know Your Faith’ sessions have started, and Fr Francis has taken them on the road! These are small group faith formation opportunities on a variety of interesting topics on a monthly cycle. Just a reminder where they are each week.
Landsborough First Friday 9.30am
Wk 2 OLR Thursday 5pm
Wk 3 Maleny Tuesday 9.30am
Wk 4 OLR Thursday 5pm
Put the dates in your diaries now and join us as we Journey in Faith together! There is no need to RSVP, just come along.



A Year of Invitation

My Lord and my God, you never cease to invite me to know, love and follow your Son, Jesus.

Give me the grace and courage to be a channel of your love so that my “yes” to you becomes an invitation to others.

  I offer up my entire self – heart, mind and will – to your purpose for me. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Safeguarding News

The Safeguarding Commitment for the Archdiocese of Brisbane and Caloundra Catholic Parish is: Zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and strives to safeguard all who interact with its ministries & services. Special priority is given to the safety & wellbeing of children & adults at risk. In an emergency, please call the Police on 000 or information can be provided to STOPline anonymously.

Phone: 1300 304 550 Email: AO*@st******.au

Our Local Safeguarding Officer
Judy Moir – ls***********@bn*.au mb.0421 873 060
Or Brisbane 07 3324 3752



On the Journey

low-angle photo of lightened candles

We welcome Ella Jensen, Tullulah & Zephyr Brock and Emmanuel Raman who will be baptised at OLR this weekend.
We pray for Marie Hall who died last week and her funeral will be 30th May, 11am at OLR.

May her soul and the souls of our deceased priests, religious and parishioners Rest in Peace.














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