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Lenten Mini Mission with Br Damien Feb 25, 2022

Br Damien Price - Square
Br Damien Price - Square

Lenten Mini Mission

In the three sessions of our Parish Mission time Br Damien Price will break open ‘The Encounter Cycle’. Based upon the work of Fr Henri Nouwen and the invitation of Pope Francis for us to  create a culture of encounter ‘The Encounter Cycle’ provides a simple but powerful roadmap for mission in our day to day lives and for this time. Jesus deeply encountered the people of his day. The first step in true encounter is to come as guest onto the sacred ground of relationships. The guest comes slowly, respectfully, humbly, open and ready to both receive and give. The guest ‘honours’ the other. The guest sees and senses the innate dignity of the other as a temple of God’s Holy Spirit. From this we choose to be deeply present. Our presence is a choice to be   totally there for the other. The way we look, the way we speak, touch and listen says beyond words, “You are lovable – you are the totally unconditionally loved son or daughter of God!”

The result of these choices to come as guest and be deeply present will be that our hearts will open in compassion (for the elderly, the refugee, the Indigenous family, those experiencing difficulties in relationships, the Earth itself). Without knowing it we become Christ’s hands, eyes, ears and heart for our world. This journey will lead us to experience a profound inner liberation. The sacred journey just described will, like Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, lead us to our ‘hill times’: our times of prayer and solitude, our times of reflection and Eucharist, our times of nurturing the heart and listening for the Spirit. Finally – from these ‘hill times’ we will be missioned just as Jesus was into the market places of our times, into the crowds and there to truly encounter. Like Jesus, we will now speak and have the presence of true heart authority (Mt 7: 29, Mk 1:22).

Br Damien will lead us in this year’s Parish Lenten Mini Mission.  Following the same format as last year’s mission, on  Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday (March 7-9) beginning at 9:30am at Our Lady of the Rosary Church will be the morning session and then at 4:30pm in the afternoon at Sacred Heart, Maleny.  Everyone is encouraged to make the Parish Mini Mission part of your Lenten journey this year.

We will be Live Streaming the 9.30am sessions at OLR on Mon, Tue and Wed.


Extra Mini Mission Sessions

For those who are unable to attend the morning sessions at OLR or afternoon sessions at Maleny, join us for Conversations with Br Damien in the OLR Parish Centre from 7-8pm on Monday and Tuesday nights – supper provided.


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